Color Management in KDE Colors are in important part of KDE and are an important tool to make a good looking desktop. Colors can also be a burden, especially for people with visual impairments. The goal of color management is to take full advantage of colors while reducing the disadvantages of color use to a minimum. Color Schemes ============= Color Management is based around the concept of color schemes. A color scheme defines colors for different elements in the UI. The most important factor for the readability of a UI is the contrast between foreground and background colors. Colors in a color scheme are therefor grouped in pairs which define the foreground and background color for a UI element. When composing a color scheme care should be taken to use sufficiently contrasting colors for fore- and background in the same group. When using colors in applications, care should be taken never to mix foreground colors from one group with background colors from another group: they do not necasserily have any contrast at all which can lead to a completely unreadable UI. Color schemes are supported by Qt (see TQColorGroup) and can be configured on a KDE wide basis from the Control Panel. The settings are stored in the global KDE configuration file under the "General" setting. The KApplication class takes care that the configured settings are passed on to Qt. Application developers can just use the values provided by TQColorGroup. There are three major color categories: General ======= The colors in this group are used when no particular other group is relevant. TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::Background, background() KDE config key: background Control Center: i18n("Window Background") Description...: General background color Example use...: Background of dialogs TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::Foreground, foreground() KDE config key: foreground Control Center: i18n("Window Text") Description...: General foreground color Example use...: Text in dialogs Text Areas ========== The colors in this group are used where the user can type text. it is also used for lists from which the user can choose. TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::Base, base() KDE config key: windowBackground Control Center: i18n("Standard background") Description...: Background color for text areas. Example use...: Background in a word-processor. TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::Text, text() KDE config key: windowForeground Control Center: i18n("Standard text") Description...: Text color for text areas. Example use...: Text in a word-processor. TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::Highlight, highlight() KDE config key: selectBackground Control Center: i18n("Select background") Description...: Background color for selected text. Example use...: In a selection list. TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::HighlightedText, highlightedText() KDE config key: selectForeground Control Center: i18n("Select text") Description...: Text color for selected text. Example use...: In a selection list. "Base" and "Text" should have high contrast as well as "Highlight" and "HighlightedText". In addition, "Highlight"/"HighlightedText" and "Base"/"Text" are supposed to be sufficiently different to get a clear indication of what is selected and what is not. Buttons ======= The colors used in this category are used for buttons in the broad sense, including e.g.scrollbars, menubars and popup-menus. TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::Button, button() KDE config key: buttonBackground Control Center: i18n("Button background") Description...: Background color for buttons. Example use...: Background color of the OK button in a messagebox. TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::ButtonText, buttonText() KDE config key: buttonForeground Control Center: i18n("Button text") Description...: Color for text on buttons. Example use...: Color of the OK text on a button in a messagebox. In addition to the above colors a number of derived colors are defined.They are all darker of lighter version of "Background". TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::Shadow, shadow() Description...: Used for shadow effects.(Very dark) TQColorGroup...: ColorRold::BrightText, brightText() Description...: Used for text on pushed pushbuttons TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::Light, light() Description...: Lighter than "Button" TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::Midlight, midlight() Description...: Between "Button" and "Light" TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::Dark, dark() Description...: Darker than "Button" TQColorGroup...: ColorRole::Mid, mid() Description...: Between "Button" and "Dark" Well Behaved Aplications ======================== Applications should never hardcode colors but always default to the colors from the users color scheme. This ensures consistency among applications on the desktop. It also ensures that all applications are equally readable. An application may offer the user an option to change the color of certain aspects of the application. It should be noted that an application specific color setting can cause unexpected results when the user changes its color scheme. The application specific color may look ugly in combination with other color schemes or the resulting UI may even become unreadable. Therefor applications specific colors should be used with care.