[!Global!] IconName=kmenu Comment=System Notifications [Trash: emptied] Name=Trash: emptied Comment=The trash has been emptied default_presentation=1 [Textcompletion: rotation] Name=Textcompletion: rotation Comment=The end of the list of matches has been reached default_presentation=1 [Textcompletion: no match] Name=Textcompletion: no match Comment=No matching completion was found default_presentation=1 [Textcompletion: partial match] Name=Textcompletion: partial match Comment=There is more than one possible match default_presentation=1 [cannotopenfile] Name=Cannot Open File Comment=The selected file cannot be opened for reading or writing default_presentation=0 [fatalerror] Name=Fatal Error Comment=There was a serious error causing the program to exit default_presentation=2 level=4 [notification] Name=Notification Comment=Something special happened in the program default_presentation=1 default_sound=KDE_Beep.ogg level=1 [warning] Name=Warning Comment=There was an error in the program which may cause problems default_presentation=2 level=2 [catastrophe] Name=Catastrophe Comment=A very serious error occurred, at least causing the program to exit default_presentation=2 level=8 [starttde] Name=Login Comment=TDE is starting up default_presentation=1 default_sound=KDE_Startup_1.ogg [exittde] Name=Logout Comment=TDE is exiting default_presentation=1 default_sound=KDE_Logout_3.ogg [cancellogout] Name=Logout canceled Comment=TDE logout was canceled default_presentation=16 default_sound= [printerror] Name=Print error Comment=A print error has occurred default_presentation=2 level=8 [messageInformation] Name=Information message Comment=An information message is being shown default_sound=KDE_Chimes_2.ogg default_presentation=65 nopresentation=18 [messageWarning] Name=Warning message Comment=A warning message is being shown default_sound=KDE_Error_1.ogg default_presentation=65 nopresentation=18 level=2 [messageCritical] Name=Critical message Comment=A critical message is being shown default_sound=KDE_Error_1.ogg default_presentation=65 nopresentation=18 level=4 [messageboxQuestion] Name=Question Comment=A question is being asked default_sound=KDE_Vox_Ahem.ogg default_presentation=65 nopresentation=18