KNotifyWidgetBase KNotifyWidgetBase 0 0 487 531 unnamed 0 true false true false true false true false true false true false Events true true m_listview 7 7 10 0 m_controlsBox Quick Controls unnamed m_affectAllApps Apply to &all applications Spacer3_2 Horizontal Fixed 30 20 Spacer17 Horizontal Expanding 318 16 m_buttonDisable Turn O&ff All Allows you to change the behavior for all events at once m_buttonEnable Turn O&n All Allows you to change the behavior for all events at once m_comboEnable m_comboDisable m_actionsBox Actions unnamed m_stderr Print a message to standard &error output m_messageBox Show a &message in a pop-up window m_execute E&xecute a program: Layout25 unnamed m_playSound Play a &sound: m_playButton Test the Sound m_taskbar Mark &taskbar entry m_logToFile &Log to a file: Spacer3 Horizontal Fixed 30 20 m_executePath false 1 0 1 0 m_logfilePath false 1 0 1 0 m_soundPath false 1 0 0 0 m_passivePopup false &Use a passive window that does not interrupt other work Layout8 unnamed m_extension 4 0 0 0 Less Options false Spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 m_playerButton Player Settings m_messageBox toggled(bool) m_passivePopup setEnabled(bool) m_execute toggled(bool) m_executePath setEnabled(bool) m_playSound toggled(bool) m_soundPath setEnabled(bool) m_logToFile toggled(bool) m_logfilePath setEnabled(bool) m_listview m_playSound m_playButton m_soundPath m_logToFile m_logfilePath m_execute m_executePath m_messageBox m_passivePopup m_stderr m_affectAllApps m_buttonEnable m_comboEnable m_buttonDisable m_comboDisable m_extension m_playerButton kdialog.h klistview.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kcombobox.h