# # common.pro - Common definitions for KDElibs/win32 .pro files # (c) 2003-2005, Jaroslaw Staniek, js@iidea.pl # # to avoid a need for using Q_WS_WIN in C source code DEFINES += _WINDOWS WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # custom definitions, options on which KDElibs do not depend exists( custom_defs.pro ) { include( custom_defs.pro ) } # common version info for all libs: !contains( CONFIG, trinitylib ) { VER_MAJ = $(KDE_VER_MAJ) VER_MIN = $(KDE_VER_MIN) VER_PAT = $(KDE_VER_PAT) } CONFIG += qt thread warn_on isEmpty( KW_CONFIG ) { KW_CONFIG += debug #KW_CONFIG += release #KW_CONFIG += windows KW_CONFIG += console } # release switch has priority over debug contains(KW_CONFIG,release) { CONFIG -= debug CONFIG += release } contains(KW_CONFIG,debug) { CONFIG += debug CONFIG -= release } contains(KW_CONFIG,windows) { CONFIG += windows CONFIG -= console } contains(KW_CONFIG,console) { CONFIG -= windows CONFIG += console } # global binary destination directory isEmpty( KDEBINDESTDIR ) { KDEBINDESTDIR = $(KDEDIR) } # global library destination directory KDELIBDESTDIR = $$KDEBINDESTDIR\bin #shared with all binaries ###KDELIBDESTDIR = $$KDEBINDESTDIR\lib # dlls suffixes for given target isEmpty( KDEBUG ) { contains(CONFIG,debug) { KDEBUG=_d KDELIBDEBUG=_d KDELIBDEBUGLIB=_d.lib } !contains(CONFIG,debug) { KDEBUG=_ contains(CONFIG,trinitylib) { KDELIBDEBUG= } !contains(CONFIG,trinitylib) { KDELIBDEBUG=_ } KDELIBDEBUGLIB=.lib } } KDELIB_SUFFIX=$$KDEBUG$(KDE_VER).lib contains( TEMPLATE, app ) { # default dest dir for "app" # contains(CONFIG,debug) { DESTDIR = $$KDEBINDESTDIR\bin # } # !contains(CONFIG,debug) { # DESTDIR = $$KDEBINDESTDIR\release-bin # } !contains(CONFIG,nokdecore) { LIBS += $$KDELIBDESTDIR/kdecore$$KDELIB_SUFFIX } !contains(CONFIG,nokdeui) { LIBS += $$KDELIBDESTDIR/kdeui$$KDELIB_SUFFIX } !contains(CONFIG,nokdefx) { LIBS += $$KDELIBDESTDIR/kdefx$$KDELIB_SUFFIX } } # default template is "lib" isEmpty( TEMPLATE ) { TEMPLATE = lib } contains( TEMPLATE, lib ) { CONFIG += dll # indicate that we building a library QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -DKDE_MAKE_LIB=1 # lib/trinity dest dir (for modules) contains( CONFIG, trinitylib ) { DESTDIR = $$KDEBINDESTDIR/lib/trinity TARGET_EXT = .dll #- no ver. in filename } !contains( CONFIG, trinitylib ) { DESTDIR = $$KDELIBDESTDIR } contains( CONFIG, kstyle ) { DESTDIR = $$KDEBINDESTDIR/lib/trinity/plugins/styles CONFIG += plugin } # !contains(CONFIG,debug) { # DESTDIR = $$KDEBINDESTDIR\release-lib # } VERSION = $(KDE_VER_MAJ).$(KDE_VER_MIN).$(KDE_VER_PAT) # VER_MAJ = $(KDE_VER_MAJ) # VER_MIN = $(KDE_VER_MIN) # VER_PAT = $(KDE_VER_PAT) } # win32 dependent lib !contains( DEFINES, MAKE_KDEWIN32_LIB ) { LIBS += $$KDELIBDESTDIR/kdewin32$$KDELIB_SUFFIX } # libltdl: !contains( DEFINES, MAKE_LTDL_LIB ) { !contains( DEFINES, MAKE_KDEWIN32_LIB ) { LIBS += $$KDELIBDESTDIR/ltdl$$KDELIB_SUFFIX DEFINES += LIBLTDL_DLL_IMPORT } } !contains( DEFINES, QT_DLL) { DEFINES += QT_DLL } # global definitions win32-borland { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /I $(KDELIBS)/win/kdelibs_global_win.h QMAKE_CFLAGS += /I $(KDELIBS)/win/kdelibs_global_win.h } win32-msvc* { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /FI$(KDELIBS)/win/kdelibs_global_win.h QMAKE_CFLAGS += /FI$(KDELIBS)/win/kdelibs_global_win.h # Language Extensions QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /Ze } # enable Run-Time Type Information (needed by dynamic_cast) QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$QMAKE_CFLAGS_RTTI_ON # /GR for msvc # enables synchronous exception QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$QMAKE_CFLAGS_EXCEPTIONS_ON # /GX for msvc # catch Release-Build Errors in Debug Build #DISABLED for msvc.net #contains( CONFIG, debug ) { # contains( KW_CONFIG, debug ) { # QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /GZ # } #} # create an output file whether or not LINK finds an undefined symbol # (warning 4006 will be raised instead of error): QMAKE_LFLAGS += /FORCE:MULTIPLE # Specify that filename is a C++ source file, even if it doesn’t have # a .cpp or .cxx extension, thus .cc files are compiled properly with msvc QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /TP INCLUDEPATH += moc $(KDELIBS)/win $(KDELIBS) contains(KW_CONFIG,release) { OBJECTS_DIR = obj_rel } !contains(KW_CONFIG,release) { OBJECTS_DIR = obj } MOC_DIR = moc # enable this to temporary add debug info! # CONFIG += debug # CONFIG -= release !contains(CONFIG,debug) { QMAKE_LFLAGS += /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRTD /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCR71D /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCP71D } contains(CONFIG,debug) { QMAKE_LFLAGS += /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCRT /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCR71 /NODEFAULTLIB:MSVCP71 /NODEFAULTLIB:libc }