path: root/arts/gui/kde/kvolumefader_impl.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'arts/gui/kde/kvolumefader_impl.cpp')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/arts/gui/kde/kvolumefader_impl.cpp b/arts/gui/kde/kvolumefader_impl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3d09a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arts/gui/kde/kvolumefader_impl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ Copyright ( C ) 2003 Arnold Krille <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+ version 2 of the License.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "kvolumefader_impl.h"
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qstyle.h>
+#include <qfont.h>
+#include <qfontmetrics.h>
+#include <kglobalsettings.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kinputdialog.h>
+KVolumeFader_impl::KVolumeFader_impl( QFrame* w )
+ : Arts::KFrame_impl( w ? w : new KVolumeFader_Widget( 0 ) )
+ , dB2VolCalc( -36, 6 )
+ , _dir( Arts::BottomToTop )
+ , dbmin_inupdate( false )
+ , dbmax_inupdate( false )
+ , direction_inupdate( false )
+ , ignoreUpdates( 0 )
+ //kdDebug()<<"KVolumeFader_impl::KVolumeFader_impl( QFrame* w="<<w<<" )"<<endl;
+ _vfwidget = static_cast<KVolumeFader_Widget*>( _qwidget );
+ _vfwidget->setImpl( this );
+KVolumeFader_impl::~KVolumeFader_impl() {
+float KVolumeFader_impl::dbmin() { return dB2VolCalc::dbmin; }
+void KVolumeFader_impl::dbmin( float n ) {
+ if ( n != dB2VolCalc::dbmin && !dbmin_inupdate ) {
+ dbmin_inupdate = true;
+ dB2VolCalc::dbmin = n;
+ dbmin_changed( dbmin() );
+ dbmin_inupdate = false;
+ }
+float KVolumeFader_impl::dbmax() { return dB2VolCalc::dbmax; }
+void KVolumeFader_impl::dbmax( float n ) {
+ if ( n != dB2VolCalc::dbmax && !dbmax_inupdate ) {
+ dbmax_inupdate = true;
+ dB2VolCalc::dbmax = n;
+ dbmax_changed( dbmax() );
+ dbmax_inupdate = false;
+ }
+Arts::Direction KVolumeFader_impl::direction() { return _dir; }
+void KVolumeFader_impl::direction( Arts::Direction n ) {
+ if ( n != _dir && !direction_inupdate ) {
+ direction_inupdate = true;
+ _dir = n;
+ _vfwidget->setDirection( _dir );
+// direction_changed( direction() );
+ direction_inupdate = false;
+ }
+float KVolumeFader_impl::volume() { return _volume; }
+void KVolumeFader_impl::volume( float n ) {
+ //kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << n << " ignore: " << ignoreUpdates << endl;
+ if ( ignoreUpdates > 0 ) {
+ --ignoreUpdates;
+ return;
+ }
+ _volume = n;
+ _vfwidget->setValue( amptondb( _volume ) );
+float KVolumeFader_impl::dbvolume() { return amptodb( _volume ); }
+void KVolumeFader_impl::dbvolume( float n ) {
+ //kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << n << endl;
+ normalizedvolume( dbtondb( n ) );
+void KVolumeFader_impl::normalizedvolume( float n ) {
+ if ( ( ndbtodb( n ) > dbmin() ) && ( ndbtodb( n ) < dbmax() ) ) {
+ float amp = ndbtoamp( n );
+ if ( amp != _volume ) {
+ ++ignoreUpdates;
+ //kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << ignoreUpdates << endl;
+ _volume = amp;
+ _vfwidget->setValue( n );
+ volume_changed( _volume );
+ }
+ }
+void KVolumeFader_impl::constructor( float dbmin, float dbmax, Arts::Direction dir ) {
+ this->dbmin( dbmin ); this->dbmax( dbmax ); direction( dir );
+KVolumeFader_Widget::KVolumeFader_Widget( QWidget* p, const char* n )
+ : QFrame( p,n )
+ , _impl( 0 )
+ , _inupdate( false )
+ , _value( -1 )
+ , _dir( Arts::BottomToTop )
+ , _menu( new KPopupMenu( this ) )
+ , _aExactValue( new KAction( i18n( "Set Exact Value..." ), KShortcut(), this, SLOT( exactValue() ), this ) )
+ //kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
+ setMinimumSize( 10,10 );
+ _aExactValue->plug( _menu );
+void KVolumeFader_Widget::setImpl( KVolumeFader_impl* n ) { _impl = n; update(); }
+KVolumeFader_Widget::~KVolumeFader_Widget() {
+ //kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
+void KVolumeFader_Widget::setDirection( Arts::Direction n ) { _dir = n; update(); }
+void KVolumeFader_Widget::setValue( float n ) {
+ //kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << n << endl;
+ if ( n != _value ) {
+ _value = n;
+ update();
+ }
+QColor KVolumeFader_Widget::interpolate( QColor low, QColor high, float percent ) {
+ if ( percent<=0 ) return low; else
+ if ( percent>=1 ) return high; else
+ return QColor(
+ int( + ( ) * percent ),
+ int( + ( ) * percent ),
+ int( + ( ) * percent ) );
+void KVolumeFader_Widget::drawContents( QPainter* p ){
+ if ( _dir==Arts::BottomToTop || _dir==Arts::BottomToTop ) {
+ float h;
+ if ( _dir==Arts::BottomToTop ) h = contentsRect().height() * ( 1 - _value );
+ else h = contentsRect().height() * _value;
+ for ( int i=int( h ); i<contentsRect().height(); i++ ) {
+ p->setPen( interpolate( colorGroup().light(), colorGroup().highlight(), float( i )/contentsRect().height() ) );
+ p->drawLine( contentsRect().left(), this->frameWidth() + i, contentsRect().right(), this->frameWidth() + i );
+ }
+ p->setPen( colorGroup().dark() );
+ p->drawLine( contentsRect().left(), this->frameWidth() + int( h ), contentsRect().right(), this->frameWidth() + int( h ) );
+ } else {
+ float w;
+ p->translate( this->width(),0 );
+ if ( _dir==Arts::LeftToRight ) w = - contentsRect().width() * ( 1 - _value );
+ else w = - contentsRect().width() * _value;
+ for ( int i=int( w ); i>=-contentsRect().width(); i-- ) {
+ p->setPen( interpolate( colorGroup().light(), colorGroup().highlight(), float( -i )/contentsRect().width() ) );
+ p->drawLine( this->frameWidth() + i, contentsRect().top(), this->frameWidth() + i, contentsRect().bottom() );
+ }
+ p->setPen( colorGroup().dark() );
+ p->drawLine( this->frameWidth() + int( w ), contentsRect().top(), this->frameWidth() + int( w ), contentsRect().bottom() );
+ }
+void KVolumeFader_Widget::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* ){
+ //kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
+void KVolumeFader_Widget::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* qme ){
+ bool setValue = false;
+ if ( KGlobalSettings::mouseSettings().handed == 0 && qme->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) setValue=true;
+ if ( KGlobalSettings::mouseSettings().handed == 1 && qme->button() == Qt::RightButton ) setValue=true;
+ if ( setValue )
+ {
+ switch ( _dir ) {
+ default:
+ case Arts::BottomToTop:
+ if ( _impl ) _impl->normalizedvolume( 1 - float( qme->y() ) / contentsRect().height() );
+ break;
+ case Arts::TopToBottom:
+ if ( _impl ) _impl->normalizedvolume( float( qme->y() ) / contentsRect().height() );
+ break;
+ case Arts::LeftToRight:
+ if ( _impl ) _impl->normalizedvolume( float( qme->x() ) / contentsRect().width() );
+ break;
+ case Arts::RightToLeft:
+ if ( _impl ) _impl->normalizedvolume( 1 - float( qme->x() ) / contentsRect().width() );
+ break;
+ }
+ } else _menu->exec( qme->globalPos() );
+void KVolumeFader_Widget::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* qme ){
+ switch ( _dir ) {
+ default:
+ case Arts::BottomToTop:
+ if ( _impl ) _impl->normalizedvolume( 1 - float( qme->y() ) / contentsRect().height() );
+ break;
+ case Arts::TopToBottom:
+ if ( _impl ) _impl->normalizedvolume( float( qme->y() ) / contentsRect().height() );
+ break;
+ case Arts::LeftToRight:
+ if ( _impl ) _impl->normalizedvolume( float( qme->x() ) / contentsRect().width() );
+ break;
+ case Arts::RightToLeft:
+ if ( _impl ) _impl->normalizedvolume( 1 - float( qme->x() ) / contentsRect().width() );
+ break;
+ }
+void KVolumeFader_Widget::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent* qwe ){
+ //kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
+ if ( qwe->delta() < 0 ) { if ( _impl ) _impl->normalizedvolume( _impl->dbtondb( _impl->dbvolume() - 1 ) ); }
+ if ( qwe->delta() > 0 ) { if ( _impl ) _impl->normalizedvolume( _impl->dbtondb( _impl->dbvolume() + 1 ) ); }
+void KVolumeFader_Widget::exactValue() {
+ //kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
+ bool ok=false;
+ double n = KInputDialog::getDouble( i18n( "Set Exact Volume Value" ), i18n( "Exact volume (dB):" ), _impl->dbvolume(), _impl->dbmin(), _impl->dbmax(), 1, &ok, this );
+ if ( ok ) _impl->dbvolume( n );
+#include "kvolumefader_impl.moc"
+// vim: sw=4 ts=4