path: root/juk/playermanager.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'juk/playermanager.cpp')
1 files changed, 689 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/juk/playermanager.cpp b/juk/playermanager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b60c7af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/juk/playermanager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+ begin : Sat Feb 14 2004
+ copyright : (C) 2004 by Scott Wheeler
+ email :
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * Note to those who work here. The preprocessor variables HAVE_ARTS and HAVE_GSTREAMER
+ * are ::ALWAYS DEFINED::. You can't use #ifdef to see if they're present, you should just
+ * use #if.
+ *
+ * However, HAVE_AKODE is #define'd if present, and undefined if not present.
+ * - mpyne
+ */
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <qslider.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "artsplayer.h"
+#include "akodeplayer.h"
+#include "gstreamerplayer.h"
+#include "playermanager.h"
+#include "playlistinterface.h"
+#include "slideraction.h"
+#include "statuslabel.h"
+#include "actioncollection.h"
+#include "collectionlist.h"
+#include "coverinfo.h"
+#include "tag.h"
+#include "config.h"
+using namespace ActionCollection;
+enum PlayerManagerStatus { StatusStopped = -1, StatusPaused = 1, StatusPlaying = 2 };
+// helper functions
+enum SoundSystem { ArtsBackend = 0, GStreamerBackend = 1, AkodeBackend = 2 };
+static Player *createPlayer(int system = ArtsBackend)
+ Player *p = 0;
+ switch(system) {
+#ifdef HAVE_AKODE
+ case AkodeBackend:
+ p = new aKodePlayer;
+ break;
+ case ArtsBackend:
+ p = new ArtsPlayer;
+ break;
+ case GStreamerBackend:
+ p = new GStreamerPlayer;
+ break;
+ default:
+ p = new ArtsPlayer;
+ p = new GStreamerPlayer;
+ p = new aKodePlayer;
+ break;
+ }
+ return p;
+// protected members
+PlayerManager::PlayerManager() :
+ Player(),
+ m_sliderAction(0),
+ m_playlistInterface(0),
+ m_statusLabel(0),
+ m_player(0),
+ m_timer(0),
+ m_noSeek(false),
+ m_muted(false),
+ m_setup(false)
+// This class is the first thing constructed during program startup, and
+// therefore has no access to the widgets needed by the setup() method.
+// Since the setup() method will be called indirectly by the player() method
+// later, just disable it here. -- mpyne
+// setup();
+ delete m_player;
+// public members
+PlayerManager *PlayerManager::instance() // static
+ static PlayerManager manager;
+ return &manager;
+bool PlayerManager::playing() const
+ if(!player())
+ return false;
+ return player()->playing();
+bool PlayerManager::paused() const
+ if(!player())
+ return false;
+ return player()->paused();
+float PlayerManager::volume() const
+ if(!player())
+ return 0;
+ return player()->volume();
+int PlayerManager::status() const
+ if(!player())
+ return StatusStopped;
+ if(player()->paused())
+ return StatusPaused;
+ if(player()->playing())
+ return StatusPlaying;
+ return 0;
+int PlayerManager::totalTime() const
+ if(!player())
+ return 0;
+ return player()->totalTime();
+int PlayerManager::currentTime() const
+ if(!player())
+ return 0;
+ return player()->currentTime();
+int PlayerManager::position() const
+ if(!player())
+ return 0;
+ return player()->position();
+QStringList PlayerManager::trackProperties()
+ return FileHandle::properties();
+QString PlayerManager::trackProperty(const QString &property) const
+ if(!playing() && !paused())
+ return QString::null;
+ return;
+QPixmap PlayerManager::trackCover(const QString &size) const
+ if(!playing() && !paused())
+ return QPixmap();
+ if(size.lower() == "small")
+ return m_file.coverInfo()->pixmap(CoverInfo::Thumbnail);
+ if(size.lower() == "large")
+ return m_file.coverInfo()->pixmap(CoverInfo::FullSize);
+ return QPixmap();
+FileHandle PlayerManager::playingFile() const
+ return m_file;
+QString PlayerManager::playingString() const
+ if(!playing())
+ return QString::null;
+ QString str = m_file.tag()->artist() + " - " + m_file.tag()->title();
+ if(m_file.tag()->artist().isEmpty())
+ str = m_file.tag()->title();
+ return str;
+void PlayerManager::setPlaylistInterface(PlaylistInterface *interface)
+ m_playlistInterface = interface;
+void PlayerManager::setStatusLabel(StatusLabel *label)
+ m_statusLabel = label;
+KSelectAction *PlayerManager::playerSelectAction(QObject *parent) // static
+ KSelectAction *action = 0;
+ action = new KSelectAction(i18n("&Output To"), 0, parent, "outputSelect");
+ QStringList l;
+ l << i18n("aRts");
+ l << i18n("GStreamer");
+#ifdef HAVE_AKODE
+ l << i18n("aKode");
+ if(l.isEmpty()) {
+ kdError(65432) << "Your JuK seems to have no output backend possibilities.\n";
+ l << i18n("aKode"); // Looks like akode is the default backend.
+ }
+ action->setItems(l);
+ return action;
+// public slots
+void PlayerManager::play(const FileHandle &file)
+ if(!player() || !m_playlistInterface)
+ return;
+ if(file.isNull()) {
+ if(player()->paused())
+ player()->play();
+ else if(player()->playing()) {
+ if(m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider())
+ m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider()->setValue(0);
+ player()->seekPosition(0);
+ }
+ else {
+ m_playlistInterface->playNext();
+ m_file = m_playlistInterface->currentFile();
+ if(!m_file.isNull())
+ player()->play(m_file);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_file = file;
+ player()->play(file);
+ }
+ // Make sure that the player() actually starts before doing anything.
+ if(!player()->playing()) {
+ kdWarning(65432) << "Unable to play " << file.absFilePath() << endl;
+ stop();
+ return;
+ }
+ action("pause")->setEnabled(true);
+ action("stop")->setEnabled(true);
+ action("forward")->setEnabled(true);
+ if(action<KToggleAction>("albumRandomPlay")->isChecked())
+ action("forwardAlbum")->setEnabled(true);
+ action("back")->setEnabled(true);
+ if(m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider())
+ m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider()->setEnabled(true);
+ m_timer->start(m_pollInterval);
+ emit signalPlay();
+void PlayerManager::play(const QString &file)
+ CollectionListItem *item = CollectionList::instance()->lookup(file);
+ if(item) {
+ Playlist::setPlaying(item);
+ play(item->file());
+ }
+void PlayerManager::play()
+ play(FileHandle::null());
+void PlayerManager::pause()
+ if(!player())
+ return;
+ if(player()->paused()) {
+ play();
+ return;
+ }
+ m_timer->stop();
+ action("pause")->setEnabled(false);
+ player()->pause();
+ emit signalPause();
+void PlayerManager::stop()
+ if(!player() || !m_playlistInterface)
+ return;
+ m_timer->stop();
+ action("pause")->setEnabled(false);
+ action("stop")->setEnabled(false);
+ action("back")->setEnabled(false);
+ action("forward")->setEnabled(false);
+ action("forwardAlbum")->setEnabled(false);
+ if(m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider()) {
+ m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider()->setValue(0);
+ m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider()->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ player()->stop();
+ m_playlistInterface->stop();
+ m_file = FileHandle::null();
+ emit signalStop();
+void PlayerManager::setVolume(float volume)
+ if(!player())
+ return;
+ player()->setVolume(volume);
+void PlayerManager::seek(int seekTime)
+ if(!player())
+ return;
+ player()->seek(seekTime);
+void PlayerManager::seekPosition(int position)
+ if(!player())
+ return;
+ if(!player()->playing() || m_noSeek)
+ return;
+ slotUpdateTime(position);
+ player()->seekPosition(position);
+ if(m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider())
+ m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider()->setValue(position);
+void PlayerManager::seekForward()
+ seekPosition(kMin(SliderAction::maxPosition, position() + 10));
+void PlayerManager::seekBack()
+ seekPosition(kMax(SliderAction::minPosition, position() - 10));
+void PlayerManager::playPause()
+ playing() ? action("pause")->activate() : action("play")->activate();
+void PlayerManager::forward()
+ m_playlistInterface->playNext();
+ FileHandle file = m_playlistInterface->currentFile();
+ if(!file.isNull())
+ play(file);
+ else
+ stop();
+void PlayerManager::back()
+ m_playlistInterface->playPrevious();
+ FileHandle file = m_playlistInterface->currentFile();
+ if(!file.isNull())
+ play(file);
+ else
+ stop();
+void PlayerManager::volumeUp()
+ if(!player() || !m_sliderAction || !m_sliderAction->volumeSlider())
+ return;
+ int volume = m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->volume() +
+ m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->maxValue() / 25; // 4% up
+ slotSetVolume(volume);
+ m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->setVolume(volume);
+void PlayerManager::volumeDown()
+ if(!player() || !m_sliderAction || !m_sliderAction->volumeSlider())
+ return;
+ int volume = m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->value() -
+ m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->maxValue() / 25; // 4% down
+ slotSetVolume(volume);
+ m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->setVolume(volume);
+void PlayerManager::mute()
+ if(!player() || !m_sliderAction || !m_sliderAction->volumeSlider())
+ return;
+ slotSetVolume(m_muted ? m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->value() : 0);
+ m_muted = !m_muted;
+// private slots
+void PlayerManager::slotPollPlay()
+ if(!player() || !m_playlistInterface)
+ return;
+ m_noSeek = true;
+ if(!player()->playing()) {
+ m_timer->stop();
+ m_playlistInterface->playNext();
+ FileHandle nextFile = m_playlistInterface->currentFile();
+ if(!nextFile.isNull())
+ play(nextFile);
+ else
+ stop();
+ }
+ else if(!m_sliderAction->dragging()) {
+ if(m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider())
+ m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider()->setValue(player()->position());
+ if(m_statusLabel) {
+ m_statusLabel->setItemTotalTime(player()->totalTime());
+ m_statusLabel->setItemCurrentTime(player()->currentTime());
+ }
+ }
+ // This call is done because when the user adds the slider to the toolbar
+ // while playback is occuring the volume slider generally defaults to 0,
+ // and doesn't get updated to the correct volume. It might be better to
+ // have the SliderAction class fill in the correct volume, but I'm trying
+ // to avoid having it depend on PlayerManager since it may not be
+ // constructed in time during startup. -mpyne
+ if(!m_sliderAction->volumeDragging() && m_sliderAction->volumeSlider())
+ {
+ int maxV = m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->maxValue();
+ float v = sqrt(sqrt(volume())); // Cancel out exponential scaling
+ m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->blockSignals(true);
+ m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->setVolume((int)((v) * maxV));
+ m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ // Ok, this is weird stuff, but it works pretty well. Ordinarily we don't
+ // need to check up on our playing time very often, but in the span of the
+ // last interval, we want to check a lot -- to figure out that we've hit the
+ // end of the song as soon as possible.
+ if(player()->playing() &&
+ player()->totalTime() > 0 &&
+ float(player()->totalTime() - player()->currentTime()) < m_pollInterval * 2)
+ {
+ m_timer->changeInterval(50);
+ }
+ m_noSeek = false;
+void PlayerManager::slotSetOutput(const QString &system)
+ stop();
+ setOutput(system);
+ setup();
+void PlayerManager::setOutput(const QString &system)
+ delete m_player;
+ if(system == i18n("aRts"))
+ m_player = createPlayer(ArtsBackend);
+ else if(system == i18n("GStreamer"))
+ m_player = createPlayer(GStreamerBackend);
+ else if(system == i18n("aKode"))
+ m_player = createPlayer(AkodeBackend);
+void PlayerManager::slotSetVolume(int volume)
+ float scaledVolume;
+ if(m_sliderAction->volumeSlider())
+ scaledVolume = float(volume) / m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->maxValue();
+ else {
+ scaledVolume = float(volume) / 100.0; // Hopefully this is accurate
+ scaledVolume = kMin(1.0f, scaledVolume);
+ }
+ // Perform exponential scaling to counteract the fact that humans perceive
+ // volume changes logarithmically.
+ scaledVolume *= scaledVolume;
+ scaledVolume *= scaledVolume;
+ setVolume(scaledVolume); // scaledVolume ^ 4
+void PlayerManager::slotUpdateTime(int position)
+ if(!m_statusLabel)
+ return;
+ float positionFraction = float(position) / SliderAction::maxPosition;
+ float totalTime = float(player()->totalTime());
+ int seekTime = int(positionFraction * totalTime + 0.5); // "+0.5" for rounding
+ m_statusLabel->setItemCurrentTime(seekTime);
+// private members
+Player *PlayerManager::player() const
+ if(!m_player)
+ instance()->setup();
+ return m_player;
+void PlayerManager::setup()
+ // All of the actions required by this class should be listed here.
+ if(!action("pause") ||
+ !action("stop") ||
+ !action("back") ||
+ !action("forwardAlbum") ||
+ !action("forward") ||
+ !action("trackPositionAction"))
+ {
+ kdWarning(65432) << k_funcinfo << "Could not find all of the required actions." << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(m_setup)
+ return;
+ m_setup = true;
+ // initialize action states
+ action("pause")->setEnabled(false);
+ action("stop")->setEnabled(false);
+ action("back")->setEnabled(false);
+ action("forward")->setEnabled(false);
+ action("forwardAlbum")->setEnabled(false);
+ // setup sliders
+ m_sliderAction = action<SliderAction>("trackPositionAction");
+ connect(m_sliderAction, SIGNAL(signalPositionChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(seekPosition(int)));
+ connect(m_sliderAction->trackPositionSlider(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotUpdateTime(int)));
+ connect(m_sliderAction, SIGNAL(signalVolumeChanged(int)),
+ this, SLOT(slotSetVolume(int)));
+ // Call this method manually to avoid warnings.
+ KAction *outputAction = actions()->action("outputSelect");
+ if(outputAction) {
+ setOutput(static_cast<KSelectAction *>(outputAction)->currentText());
+ connect(outputAction, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotSetOutput(const QString &)));
+ }
+ else
+ m_player = createPlayer();
+ float volume;
+ if(m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()) {
+ volume =
+ float(m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->volume()) /
+ float(m_sliderAction->volumeSlider()->maxValue());
+ }
+ else
+ volume = 1; // Assume user wants full volume
+ m_player->setVolume(volume);
+ m_timer = new QTimer(this, "play timer");
+ connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotPollPlay()));
+QString PlayerManager::randomPlayMode() const
+ if(action<KToggleAction>("randomPlay")->isChecked())
+ return "Random";
+ if(action<KToggleAction>("albumRandomPlay")->isChecked())
+ return "AlbumRandom";
+ return "NoRandom";
+void PlayerManager::setRandomPlayMode(const QString &randomMode)
+ if(randomMode.lower() == "random")
+ action<KToggleAction>("randomPlay")->setChecked(true);
+ if(randomMode.lower() == "albumrandom")
+ action<KToggleAction>("albumRandomPlay")->setChecked(true);
+ if(randomMode.lower() == "norandom")
+ action<KToggleAction>("disableRandomPlay")->setChecked(true);
+#include "playermanager.moc"
+// vim: set et ts=4 sw=4: