path: root/mpeglib/lib/util/render/dither/ditherer_mmx16.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'mpeglib/lib/util/render/dither/ditherer_mmx16.cpp')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mpeglib/lib/util/render/dither/ditherer_mmx16.cpp b/mpeglib/lib/util/render/dither/ditherer_mmx16.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..757f0676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mpeglib/lib/util/render/dither/ditherer_mmx16.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#include "ditherMMX.h"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+#ifndef INTEL
+// nothing
+void ditherBlock(unsigned char *lum, unsigned char *cr, unsigned char *cb,
+ unsigned char *out,
+ int cols, int rows, int screen_width) {
+ printf("call to ditherBlock. this should never happen\n");
+ printf("check mmx detection routine.\n");
+ exit(0);
+static long long MMX16_0 = 0L;
+static unsigned long MMX16_10w[] = {0x00100010, 0x00100010};
+static unsigned long MMX16_80w[] = {0x00800080, 0x00800080};
+static unsigned long MMX16_00FFw[] = {0x00ff00ff, 0x00ff00ff};
+static unsigned short MMX16_Ublucoeff[] = {0x81, 0x81, 0x81, 0x81};
+static unsigned short MMX16_Vredcoeff[] = {0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66};
+static unsigned short MMX16_Ugrncoeff[] = {0xffe8, 0xffe8, 0xffe8, 0xffe8};
+static unsigned short MMX16_Vgrncoeff[] = {0xffcd, 0xffcd, 0xffcd, 0xffcd};
+static unsigned short MMX16_Ycoeff[] = {0x4a, 0x4a, 0x4a, 0x4a};
+static unsigned short MMX16_redmask[] = {0xf800, 0xf800, 0xf800, 0xf800};
+static unsigned short MMX16_grnmask[] = {0x7e0, 0x7e0, 0x7e0, 0x7e0};
+void dummy_dithermmx16() {
+ cout << "MMX16_0"<<MMX16_0<<endl;
+ cout << "MMX16_10w:"<<MMX16_10w<<endl;
+ cout << "MMX16_80w:"<<MMX16_80w<<endl;
+ cout << "MMX16_Ublucoeff:"<<MMX16_Ublucoeff<<endl;
+ cout << "MMX16_Vredcoeff:"<<MMX16_Vredcoeff<<endl;
+ cout << "MMX16_Ugrncoeff:"<<MMX16_Ugrncoeff<<endl;
+ cout << "MMX16_Vgrncoeff:"<<MMX16_Vgrncoeff<<endl;
+ cout << "MMX16_Ycoeff:"<<MMX16_Ycoeff<<endl;
+ cout << "MMX16_redmask:"<<MMX16_redmask<<endl;
+ cout << "MMX16_grnmask:"<<MMX16_grnmask<<endl;
+ cout << "MMX16_00FFw:"<<MMX16_00FFw<<endl;
+void ditherBlock(unsigned char *lum,
+ unsigned char *cr,
+ unsigned char *cb,
+ unsigned char *out,
+ int rows,
+ int cols,
+ int mod) {
+ unsigned short *row1;
+ unsigned short *row2;
+ row1 = (unsigned short* )out; // 16 bit target
+ unsigned char* end = lum +cols*rows; // Pointer to the end
+ int x=cols;
+ row2=row1+mod+cols; // start of second row
+ mod=2*cols+4*mod; // increment for row1 in byte
+ // buffer for asm function
+ int buf[6];
+ buf[0]=(int)(lum+cols); // lum2 pointer
+ buf[1]=(int)end;
+ buf[2]=x;
+ buf[3]=mod;
+ buf[4]=0; //tmp0;
+ buf[5]=cols;
+ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ ".align 32\n"
+ "1:\n"
+ "movd (%1), %%mm0\n" // 4 Cb 0 0 0 0 u3 u2 u1 u0
+ "pxor %%mm7, %%mm7\n"
+ "movd (%0), %%mm1\n" // 4 Cr 0 0 0 0 v3 v2 v1 v0
+ "punpcklbw %%mm7, %%mm0\n" // 4 W cb 0 u3 0 u2 0 u1 0 u0
+ "punpcklbw %%mm7, %%mm1\n" // 4 W cr 0 v3 0 v2 0 v1 0 v0
+ "psubw MMX16_80w, %%mm0\n"
+ "psubw MMX16_80w, %%mm1\n"
+ "movq %%mm0, %%mm2\n" // Cb 0 u3 0 u2 0 u1 0 u0
+ "movq %%mm1, %%mm3\n" // Cr
+ "pmullw MMX16_Ugrncoeff, %%mm2\n" // Cb2green 0 R3 0 R2 0 R1 0 R0
+ "movq (%2), %%mm6\n" // L1 l7 L6 L5 L4 L3 L2 L1 L0
+ "pmullw MMX16_Ublucoeff, %%mm0\n" // Cb2blue
+ "pand MMX16_00FFw, %%mm6\n" // L1 00 L6 00 L4 00 L2 00 L0
+ "pmullw MMX16_Vgrncoeff, %%mm3\n" // Cr2green
+ "movq (%2), %%mm7\n" // L2
+ "pmullw MMX16_Vredcoeff, %%mm1\n" // Cr2red
+ // "psubw MMX16_10w, %%mm6\n"
+ "psrlw $8, %%mm7\n" // L2 00 L7 00 L5 00 L3 00 L1
+ "pmullw MMX16_Ycoeff, %%mm6\n" // lum1
+ // "psubw MMX16_10w, %%mm7\n" // L2
+ "paddw %%mm3, %%mm2\n" // Cb2green + Cr2green == green
+ "pmullw MMX16_Ycoeff, %%mm7\n" // lum2
+ "movq %%mm6, %%mm4\n" // lum1
+ "paddw %%mm0, %%mm6\n" // lum1 +blue 00 B6 00 B4 00 B2 00 B0
+ "movq %%mm4, %%mm5\n" // lum1
+ "paddw %%mm1, %%mm4\n" // lum1 +red 00 R6 00 R4 00 R2 00 R0
+ "paddw %%mm2, %%mm5\n" // lum1 +green 00 G6 00 G4 00 G2 00 G0
+ "psraw $6, %%mm4\n" // R1 0 .. 64
+ "movq %%mm7, %%mm3\n" // lum2 00 L7 00 L5 00 L3 00 L1
+ "psraw $6, %%mm5\n" // G1 - .. +
+ "paddw %%mm0, %%mm7\n" // Lum2 +blue 00 B7 00 B5 00 B3 00 B1
+ "psraw $6, %%mm6\n" // B1 0 .. 64
+ "packuswb %%mm4, %%mm4\n" // R1 R1
+ "packuswb %%mm5, %%mm5\n" // G1 G1
+ "packuswb %%mm6, %%mm6\n" // B1 B1
+ "punpcklbw %%mm4, %%mm4\n"
+ "punpcklbw %%mm5, %%mm5\n"
+ "pand MMX16_redmask, %%mm4\n"
+ "psllw $3, %%mm5\n" // GREEN 1
+ "punpcklbw %%mm6, %%mm6\n"
+ "pand MMX16_grnmask, %%mm5\n"
+ "pand MMX16_redmask, %%mm6\n"
+ "por %%mm5, %%mm4\n" //
+ "psrlw $11, %%mm6\n" // BLUE 1
+ "movq %%mm3, %%mm5\n" // lum2
+ "paddw %%mm1, %%mm3\n" // lum2 +red 00 R7 00 R5 00 R3 00 R1
+ "paddw %%mm2, %%mm5\n" // lum2 +green 00 G7 00 G5 00 G3 00 G1
+ "psraw $6, %%mm3\n" // R2
+ "por %%mm6, %%mm4\n" // MM4
+ "psraw $6, %%mm5\n" // G2
+ "movl %2,16%5\n" // store register in tmp0
+ "movl %5,%2\n" // lum2->register
+ "movq (%2),%%mm6\n" // 0 0 0 0 L3 L2 L1 L0 (load lum2)
+ //"movq (%2, %5), %%mm6\n" // L3 load lum2
+ "psraw $6, %%mm7\n"
+ "packuswb %%mm3, %%mm3\n"
+ "packuswb %%mm5, %%mm5\n"
+ "packuswb %%mm7, %%mm7\n"
+ "pand MMX16_00FFw, %%mm6\n" // L3
+ "punpcklbw %%mm3, %%mm3\n"
+ // "psubw MMX16_10w, %%mm6\n" // L3
+ "punpcklbw %%mm5, %%mm5\n"
+ "pmullw MMX16_Ycoeff, %%mm6\n" // lum3
+ "punpcklbw %%mm7, %%mm7\n"
+ "psllw $3, %%mm5\n" // GREEN 2
+ "pand MMX16_redmask, %%mm7\n"
+ "pand MMX16_redmask, %%mm3\n"
+ "psrlw $11, %%mm7\n" // BLUE 2
+ "pand MMX16_grnmask, %%mm5\n"
+ "por %%mm7, %%mm3\n"
+ "movq (%2), %%mm7\n" // L4 load lum2
+ "movl 16%5,%2\n" // tmp0->register
+ "por %%mm5, %%mm3\n" //
+ "psrlw $8, %%mm7\n" // L4
+ "movq %%mm4, %%mm5\n"
+ // "psubw MMX16_10w, %%mm7\n" // L4
+ "punpcklwd %%mm3, %%mm4\n"
+ "pmullw MMX16_Ycoeff, %%mm7\n" // lum4
+ "punpckhwd %%mm3, %%mm5\n"
+ "movq %%mm4, (%3)\n" // write row1
+ "movq %%mm5, 8(%3)\n" // write row1
+ "movq %%mm6, %%mm4\n" // Lum3
+ "paddw %%mm0, %%mm6\n" // Lum3 +blue
+ "movq %%mm4, %%mm5\n" // Lum3
+ "paddw %%mm1, %%mm4\n" // Lum3 +red
+ "paddw %%mm2, %%mm5\n" // Lum3 +green
+ "psraw $6, %%mm4\n"
+ "movq %%mm7, %%mm3\n" // Lum4
+ "psraw $6, %%mm5\n"
+ "paddw %%mm0, %%mm7\n" // Lum4 +blue
+ "psraw $6, %%mm6\n" // Lum3 +blue
+ "movq %%mm3, %%mm0\n" // Lum4
+ "packuswb %%mm4, %%mm4\n"
+ "paddw %%mm1, %%mm3\n" // Lum4 +red
+ "packuswb %%mm5, %%mm5\n"
+ "paddw %%mm2, %%mm0\n" // Lum4 +green
+ "packuswb %%mm6, %%mm6\n"
+ "punpcklbw %%mm4, %%mm4\n"
+ "punpcklbw %%mm5, %%mm5\n"
+ "punpcklbw %%mm6, %%mm6\n"
+ "psllw $3, %%mm5\n" // GREEN 3
+ "pand MMX16_redmask, %%mm4\n"
+ "psraw $6, %%mm3\n" // psr 6
+ "psraw $6, %%mm0\n"
+ "pand MMX16_redmask, %%mm6\n" // BLUE
+ "pand MMX16_grnmask, %%mm5\n"
+ "psrlw $11, %%mm6\n" // BLUE 3
+ "por %%mm5, %%mm4\n"
+ "psraw $6, %%mm7\n"
+ "por %%mm6, %%mm4\n"
+ "packuswb %%mm3, %%mm3\n"
+ "packuswb %%mm0, %%mm0\n"
+ "packuswb %%mm7, %%mm7\n"
+ "punpcklbw %%mm3, %%mm3\n"
+ "punpcklbw %%mm0, %%mm0\n"
+ "punpcklbw %%mm7, %%mm7\n"
+ "pand MMX16_redmask, %%mm3\n"
+ "pand MMX16_redmask, %%mm7\n" // BLUE
+ "psllw $3, %%mm0\n" // GREEN 4
+ "psrlw $11, %%mm7\n"
+ "pand MMX16_grnmask, %%mm0\n"
+ "por %%mm7, %%mm3\n"
+ "por %%mm0, %%mm3\n"
+ "movq %%mm4, %%mm5\n"
+ "punpcklwd %%mm3, %%mm4\n"
+ "punpckhwd %%mm3, %%mm5\n"
+ "movq %%mm4, (%4)\n"
+ "movq %%mm5, 8(%4)\n"
+ "subl $8, 8%5\n" // x-=8
+ "addl $8, %5\n" // lum2+8
+ "addl $8, %2\n"
+ "addl $4, %0\n"
+ "addl $4, %1\n"
+ "cmpl $0, 8%5\n"
+ "leal 16(%3), %3\n"
+ "leal 16(%4), %4\n" // row2+16
+ "jne 1b\n"
+ "addl 20%5, %2\n" // lum += cols
+ "movl %2,16%5\n" // store register in tmp0
+ "movl 20%5,%2\n" // cols->register
+ "addl %2, %5\n" // lum2 += cols
+ "addl 12%5, %3\n" // row1+= mod
+ "addl 12%5, %4\n" // row2+= mod
+ "movl %2, 8%5\n" // x=cols
+ "movl 16%5,%2\n" // store tmp0 in register
+ "cmpl 4%5, %2\n"
+ "jl 1b\n"
+ :
+ :"r" (cr), "r"(cb),"r"(lum),
+ "r"(row1),"r"(row2),"m"(buf[0])
+ );
+ __asm__ (
+ "emms\n"
+ );
+ }