TagGuesserConfigDlgWidget Frerich Raabe <raabe@kde.org> Form1 0 0 600 480 unnamed File Name Scheme false false lvSchemes StyledPanel Sunken true Currently used file name schemes Here you can see the currently configured file name schemes which the "Suggest" button in the tag editor uses to extract tag information from a file name. Each string may contain one of the following placeholders:<ul> <li>%t: Title</li> <li>%a: Artist</li> <li>%A: Album</li> <li>%T: Track</li> <li>%c: Comment</li> </ul> For example, the file name scheme "[%T] %a - %t" would match "[01] Deep Purple - Smoke on the water" but not "(Deep Purple) Smoke on the water". For that second name, you would use the scheme "(%a) %t".<p/> Note that the order in which the schemes appear in the list is relevant, since the tag guesser will go through the list from the top to the bottom, and use the first matching scheme. bAdd &Add Add a new scheme Press this button to add a new file name scheme to the end of the list. bMoveUp Move scheme up Press this button to move the currently selected scheme one step upwards. bMoveDown Move scheme down Press this button to move the currently selected scheme one step downwards. bModify &Modify Modify scheme Press this button to modify the currently selected scheme. bRemove &Remove Remove scheme Press this button to remove the currently selected scheme from the list. spacer1 Vertical Expanding 20 130 kdialog.h kpushbutton.h tdelistview.h