$Id$ This directory contains the WorkMan library. libworkman is a multi-plaform CD-Player library for creating various CD-Player-UIs. 06.03.2003 Alex Kern I have reworked most part of libworkman, get rid of most of externals add cdda support for linux and, I hope not breaked it for SUN ;-) Interface was cleaned, that means for a potentialy application developers new rules: 1. please include only wm_cdrom.h it's all defines and functions, what you need. You have any exceptions. 2. for cdtext, include wm_cdtext.h 3. for cddb, include wm_cddb.h (think, it's not so powerfull and can be replaced with any new external library. 4. wm_cdinfo declares any externals now, I will change it in the future