<acronym>PAP</acronym> and <acronym>CHAP</acronym> Starting with version 0.9.1, &kppp; has supported directly the most commonly used form of PAP authentication. <acronym>PAP</acronym> with &kppp; There are two different ways to use PAP. Client side authentication This variant is used by many commercial ISP's. It basically means that you (or rather, your computer) must authenticate yourself to the ISP's PPP server. The PPP server does not need to authenticate itself to your computer. This is no security issue, as you should know which computer you just tried to dial to. If your ISP gives you a username and password, and tells you to use PAP authentication, this is the variant you should choose. Two way authentication As above, but in this case your computer requires the ISP PPP server to authenticate itself. In order to establish a connection, you must chose the authentication method Script based, not PAP, and you will have to manually edit /etc/ppp/pap-secrets. While &kppp; doesn't provide built in support for this variant, it is nevertheless easy to establish a connection. Preparing &kppp; for <acronym>PAP</acronym> Make sure that the file /etc/ppp/options (and ˜/.ppprc if it exists) do not contain one of the following arguments: It is very unlikely that any of these options are already there, but just to be sure, please check. Start &kppp; Click Setup Choose the account you want to use PAP with and click Edit Choose the Dial tab Select PAP in the Authentication drop down box. If you do not want to retype the password each time you dial in, select Store password. This will save the password to a file, so make sure that nobody else has access to your account. That's it. Close the dialogs, type in the username and password your ISP supplied, and click Connect. An alternative method of using <acronym>PAP</acronym> and <acronym>CHAP</acronym> with &kppp; This section is based on an email from Keith Brown kbrown@pdq.net and explains how to make &kppp; work with a generic PAP or CHAP account. If your ISP just gave you a user id and a password for an account, you probably can skip this section, and the instructions in the previous one will be all you need. PAP seems a lot more complicated at first glance than it really is. The server (the machine you are connecting to) basically tells the client (your machine) to authenticate using PAP. The client (pppd) looks in a specific file for an entry that contains a matching server name, and a client name for this connection, and then sends the password it finds there. That's about it! Now here's how to make that happen. I am assuming a pppd version of 2.2.x or better and a standard installation of configuration files under /etc/ppp. For the purposes of illustration, imagine that you have an internet account with glob.net with the username userbaz and the password foobar First, you need to add all this to a file called /etc/ppp/pap-secrets. The format of an entry for our purposes is: USERNAME SERVERNAME PASSWORD So you would add the following line to /etc/ppp/pap-secrets and then save it : userbaz glob foobar You can use any name for the server you wish, so long as you use the same name in the pppd arguments, as you'll see shortly. Here it's been shortened to glob, but this name is only used to locate the correct password. Next you need to set up the connection in &kppp;. The basics are the same as any other connection, so we won't go into details here, except to say that you probably want to make sure that /etc/ppp/options is empty, and you don't want to create a login script either. In the &kppp; settings dialog, at the bottom of the Dial tab, is a pppd arguments button. This brings up an editing dialog. Here you can enter values that will be sent to pppd as command line arguments, and in the case of multiple value arguments, you need to enter each value as a separate entry in the listbox, in the correct order. You can put in any other arguments you want first. Then add the arguments that pppd uses to handle PAP authentication. In this example, we are going to add user, userbaz, remotename and glob in that order. The tells the pppd what user name to look for in the pap-secrets file and then to send to the server. The remotename is used by pppd to match the entry in the pap-secrets file, so again, it can be anything you want so long as it is consistent with the entry in the pap-secrets file. That's all there is to it, and you should now be able to set up your own connection to a server with PAP authentication. CHAP is not much different. You can see the &Linux; Network Administrators Guide for a chap-secrets file format, and the pppd arguments used, and the rest should be simple.