Kdict - The KDE Dictionary Client Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Christian Gebauer copyright (c) 1998 by Matthias Hoelzer maintained by Christian Gebauer Homepage: http://www.rhrk.uni-kl.de/~gebauerc/kdict/ See LICENSE for the license of this programm. ************************************************************************** Kdict is a graphical client for the DICT Protocol. It enables you to search through dictionary-like databases for a word or phrase, then displays suitable definitions. Kdict trys to ease basic as well as advanced queries. A separate list offers a convenient way to deal with the enormous number of matching words that a advanced query can return. The remainder of Kdict's user interface resembles a web browser: For instance, you can jump to the definition of a synonym by simply clicking on the highlighted word. The back/forward functionality is also implemented, enabling you to quickly go back to the result of previous queries. Kdict is able to process the content of the X clipboard, so it's easy to combine Kdict with your web browser or text editor. Kdict is now a real client, no additional software is needed. If your machine is behind a firewall, has no permanent internet connection or the server of dict.org is too slow for you, you can set up your own local server, all you need is available at http://www.dict.org. The advantages of a local server are optimal performance and the ability to install additional databases of your choice. The handbook contains a small tutorial for installation and links to databases. ************************************************************************** For installing Kdict you need: - KDE 3.x - POSIX Threads