KopeteAccountConfigBase Olivier Goffart KopeteAccountConfigBase 0 0 477 316 Manage Accounts unnamed 0 mButtonNew &New... Add new account mButtonEdit &Modify... Modify selected account Let you edit the account's properties. mButtonRemove &Remove Remove selected account Remove selected account Protocol true true Account true true mAccountList true mUseColor Use &custom color Use custom color for account Allows you to set a custom color for this account mColorButton Account custom color selector Allows you to set a custom color for this account. The icon of every contact of this account will be coloured with this color. Useful if you have several accounts of the same protocol spacer3_2 Horizontal Minimum 16 16 tqlayout27 unnamed mButtonUp 60 10 Increase the priority Uses these buttons to increase or decrease the priority. The priority is used to determine which contact to use when you click on a metacontact: Kopete will use the contact of the account with the greatest priority (if all contacts have the same online status.) spacer41 Horizontal Expanding 20 40 mButtonDown 60 10 Decrease the priority Uses these buttons to increase or decrease the priority. The priority is used to determine which contact to use when you click on a metacontact: Kopete will use the contact of the account with the greatest priority (if all contacts have the same online status.) spacer1 Vertical Expanding 70 50 spacer3 Vertical Fixed 70 20 mUseColor toggled(bool) mColorButton setEnabled(bool) mAccountList mButtonNew mButtonEdit mButtonRemove klistview.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h