AppearanceConfig_Emoticons AppearanceConfig_Emoticons 0 0 541 395 unnamed chkUseEmoticons &Use emoticons true If this is checked, the text representation of emoticons in messages will be replaced by an image chkRequireSpaces &Require separators (spaces) around emoticons true If this is checked, only emoticons that are separated from the text by spaces will be shown as images. textLabel1 NoFocus Select emoticon theme: icon_theme_list lblPreview Preview: icon_theme_preview 7 0 0 0 32767 64 true layout2 unnamed btnGetThemes &Get New Themes... Download emoticon theme from the Internet btnEditThemes &Edit Theme... Edit the selected emoticons theme btnEditThemes &Edit Theme... Edit the selected emoticons theme btnInstallTheme &Install Theme File... btnRemoveTheme 1 0 0 0 Remove Theme spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 31 20 chkUseEmoticons toggled(bool) chkRequireSpaces setEnabled(bool) chkUseEmoticons toggled(bool) lblPreview setEnabled(bool) chkUseEmoticons toggled(bool) icon_theme_list setEnabled(bool) chkUseEmoticons toggled(bool) lblPreview setEnabled(bool) chkUseEmoticons toggled(bool) textLabel1 setEnabled(bool) chkUseEmoticons toggled(bool) btnGetThemes setEnabled(bool) chkUseEmoticons toggled(bool) btnInstallTheme setEnabled(bool) chkUseEmoticons toggled(bool) btnRemoveTheme setEnabled(bool) klistbox.h ktextedit.h