PersonalInviteWidget Form1 0 0 519 328 unnamed 0 Fixed mainTextLabel 7 1 0 0 NoFocus <h2>Personal Invitation</h2> Give the information below to the person that you want to invite (<a href="whatsthis:Desktop Sharing uses the VNC protocol. You can use any VNC client to connect. In KDE the client is called 'Remote Desktop Connection'. Enter the host information into the client and it will connect..">how to connect</a>). Note that everybody who gets the password can connect, so be careful. spacer9 Vertical Expanding 20 34 pixmapLabel 0 0 0 0 108 318 108 318 WinPanel Sunken true spacer10 Vertical Expanding 20 30 hostLabel 3 1 0 0 NoFocus kActiveLabel6 3 1 0 0 <b>Password:</b> kActiveLabel7 3 1 0 0 <b>Expiration time:</b> passwordLabel 3 1 0 0 NoFocus 12345 expirationLabel 3 1 0 0 NoFocus 17:12 kActiveLabel5 3 1 0 0 <b>Host:</b> hostHelpLabel 3 1 0 0 (<a href="whatsthis:This field contains the address of your computer and the display number, separated by a colon. The address is just a hint - you can use any address that can reach your computer. Desktop Sharing tries to guess your address from your network configuration, but does not always succeed in doing so. If your computer is behind a firewall it may have a different address or be unreachable for other computers.">Help</a>)