/* This file is part of ktalkd * * Copyright (C) 1997 David Faure (faure@kde.org) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * (BSD License, from kdelibs/doc/common/bsd-license.html) * */ /* * Routines for reading configuration from KDE configuration * for ktalkd. */ /* Unix includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* KDE & Qt includes */ #include #include #include #include /* Ktalkd includes */ #include "readconf.h" #include "defs.h" #include #include "proto.h" /** Converts a string s into a boolean. Handles 0/1, on/off, true/false. * (case insensitive) */ int booleanresult(const char * s) { if (strlen(s)==1) { return atoi(s); } else if ((!strncasecmp(s,"on",2))||(!strncasecmp(s,"true",4))) {return 1;} else if ((!strncasecmp(s,"off",3))||(!strncasecmp(s,"false",5))){return 0;} else { syslog(LOG_ERR,"Wrong boolean value %s in ktalkdrc",s); return 0; } } /* User configuration file, ktalkdrc in localconfigdir(). */ KConfig * ktalkdcfg = 0; /* User config file for talk announces, ktalkannouncerc in localconfigdir(). */ KConfig * ktkanncfg = 0; /* Initiate user-config-file reading. */ int init_user_config(const char * l_name) { struct passwd * pw = getpwnam(l_name); if (!pw) return 0; else { struct stat buf; TQString cfgFileName, tkannFileName; /* Set $HOME, because KInstance uses it */ setenv("HOME",pw->pw_dir,1 /* overwrite */); unsetenv("KDEHOME"); unsetenv("XAUTHORITY"); ktalk_debug("%s",pw->pw_dir); KInstance tmpInstance("tmpInstance"); cfgFileName = locateLocal("config", "ktalkdrc", &tmpInstance ); tkannFileName = locateLocal("config", "ktalkannouncerc", &tmpInstance); endpwent(); ktalk_debug("%s","endpwent"); //WABA: New KConfig should be able to handle this gracefully: if (stat(TQFile::encodeName(tkannFileName),&buf)!=-1) { // check if it exists, 'cause otherwise it would be created empty with // root as owner ! ktkanncfg = new KConfig(tkannFileName); ktkanncfg -> setGroup("ktalkannounce"); ktkanncfg -> setDollarExpansion(true); } else ktkanncfg = 0L; if (stat(TQFile::encodeName(cfgFileName),&buf)!=-1) { // check if it exists, 'cause otherwise it would be created empty with // root as owner ! ktalkdcfg = new KConfig(cfgFileName); ktalkdcfg -> setGroup("ktalkd"); ktalkdcfg -> setDollarExpansion(true); ktalk_debug("User config file ok"); } else { ktalkdcfg = 0L; ktalk_debug("No user config file %s !",cfgFileName.ascii()); } ktalk_debug("%s","done"); return ((ktkanncfg != 0L) || (ktalkdcfg != 0L)); /* Return true if at least one file exists */ } } /* * Read one entry in user-config-file */ int read_user_config(const char * key, char * result, int max) { KConfig * cfg; if (!strncmp(key,"Sound",5)) // Any key starting with Sound is in ktalkannouncerc // talkprg is there too, but we don't care about it here cfg = ktkanncfg; else cfg = ktalkdcfg; if (!cfg) return 0; // file doesn't exist TQString Qresult; if ((Qresult = cfg -> readEntry(key, "unset")) != "unset") { qstrncpy( result, Qresult.ascii(), max); if (Options.debug_mode) syslog(LOG_DEBUG,"User option %s : %s", key, result); return 1; } else { ktalk_debug("User option %s NOT found", key); return 0; } } int read_bool_user_config(const char * key, int * result) { char msgtmpl[S_CFGLINE]; int ret = read_user_config(key, msgtmpl, S_CFGLINE); // ret=1 if found if (ret!=0) *result = booleanresult(msgtmpl); return ret; } // Close user-config-file and destroys objects used. void end_user_config() { if (ktalkdcfg) delete ktalkdcfg; if (ktkanncfg) delete ktkanncfg; ktalkdcfg = 0L; ktkanncfg = 0L; } // System configuration file int process_config_file(void) { // Where is ktalkdlg installed ? TQString ktalkdlg_dir = locate("exe", "ktalkdlg"); ktalkdlg_dir.truncate( ktalkdlg_dir.findRev('/') ); // Has to be done, for any $KDEBINDIR in ktalkdrc. setenv("KDEBINDIR", TQFile::encodeName(ktalkdlg_dir), 0/*don't overwrite*/); KConfig * syscfg = new KConfig( "ktalkdrc" ); syscfg -> setGroup("ktalkd"); syscfg -> setDollarExpansion(true); TQString result; #define found(k) (!(result = syscfg -> readEntry(k)).isEmpty()) // TQString cfgStr = cfgStr0.stripWhiteSpace(); if (found("AnswMach")) { Options.answmach=booleanresult(result.ascii()); ktalk_debug("AnswMach : %d",Options.answmach);} if (found("XAnnounce")) { Options.XAnnounce=booleanresult(result.ascii()); ktalk_debug("XAnnounce : %d",Options.XAnnounce); } if (found("Time")) { Options.time_before_answmach=result.toInt(); ktalk_debug("Time : %d",Options.time_before_answmach); } if (found("Sound")) { Options.sound=booleanresult(result.ascii()); ktalk_debug("Sound : %d",Options.sound); } if (found("SoundFile")) { qstrncpy(Options.soundfile,TQFile::encodeName(result),S_CFGLINE); ktalk_debug("SoundFile = %s",Options.soundfile); } if (found("SoundPlayer")) { qstrncpy(Options.soundplayer,TQFile::encodeName(result),S_CFGLINE); ktalk_debug("SoundPlayer = %s",Options.soundplayer); } if (found("SoundPlayerOpt")) { qstrncpy(Options.soundplayeropt,TQFile::encodeName(result),S_CFGLINE); ktalk_debug("SoundPlayerOpt = %s",Options.soundplayeropt); } if (found("MailProg")) { qstrncpy(Options.mailprog,TQFile::encodeName(result),S_CFGLINE); ktalk_debug("Mail prog = %s",Options.mailprog); } /* text based announcement */ if (found("Announce1")) { qstrncpy(Options.announce1,result.local8Bit(),S_CFGLINE); } if (found("Announce2")) { qstrncpy(Options.announce2,result.local8Bit(),S_CFGLINE); } if (found("Announce3")) { qstrncpy(Options.announce3,result.local8Bit(),S_CFGLINE); } if (found("NEUUser")) { qstrncpy(Options.NEU_user,result.local8Bit(),S_CFGLINE); ktalk_debug("NEUUser = %s", Options.NEU_user); } if (found("NEUBehaviour")) { Options.NEU_behaviour=result.toInt(); ktalk_debug("NEUBehaviour : %d",Options.NEU_behaviour); } if (found("NEUForwardMethod")) { qstrncpy(Options.NEU_forwardmethod,result.ascii(),5); ktalk_debug("NEUForwardMethod = %s", Options.NEU_forwardmethod); } if (found("ExtPrg")) { qstrncpy(Options.extprg,TQFile::encodeName(result),S_CFGLINE); ktalk_debug("Ext prg = %s",Options.extprg); } else { /* has to work even without config file at all */ KStandardDirs stddirs; qstrncpy(Options.extprg, TQFile::encodeName(stddirs.findResource("exe","ktalkdlg")), S_CFGLINE-1); } delete syscfg; ktalk_debug("End of global configuration"); return 1; }