path: root/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/string.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/string.cpp')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/string.cpp b/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/string.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33c8836c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/akregator/src/mk4storage/metakit/src/string.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+// string.cpp --
+// $Id$
+// This is part of Metakit, see
+/** @file
+ * yet another string implementation
+ */
+#include "header.h"
+/* these definitions could be used instead of header.h ...
+ #define q4_UNIV 1
+ #define d4_inline
+ #include "mk4str.h"
+ #define d4_reentrant
+ #define d4_assert(x)
+#if q4_UNIV // until end of source
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef _AIX
+#include <strings.h>
+#if !q4_INLINE
+#include "mk4str.inl"
+#if q4_MSVC || q4_WATC || q4_BORC || (q4_MWCW && __MWERKS__ < 0x3000)
+#define strcasecmp stricmp
+#elif q4_WINCE
+ // MS C/C++ has this handy stricmp: a case-insensitive version of strcmp
+ // This version only works with 7-bit ASCII characters 0x00 through 0x7F
+ static int stricmp(const char* p1, const char* p2)
+ {
+ int c1, c2;
+ do
+ {
+ c1 = tolower(*p1++);
+ c2 = tolower(*p2++);
+ } while (c1 != 0 && c1 == c2);
+ do
+ {
+ c1 = *p1++;
+ c2 = *p2++;
+ } while (c1 != 0 && (c1 == c2 || tolower(c1) == tolower(c2)));
+ c1 = tolower(c1);
+ c2 = tolower(c2);
+ return c1 - c2;
+ }
+#if q4_WINCE
+ const char* strrchr(const char* p, char ch)
+ {
+ const char* q = 0;
+ while (*p)
+ if (*p++ == ch)
+ q = p;
+ return q;
+ }
+// This string class implement functionality which is very similar to that
+// provided by the CString class of the Microsoft Framework Classes (MFC).
+// There are also several major differences:
+// 1) This class uses reference counting to avoid massive copying.
+// Consequently, function return as well as assignment is very fast.
+// 2) Strings of up to 255 bytes can contain any data, even null bytes.
+// Longer strings can not contain any null bytes past position 255.
+// 3) This class can produce a "const char*" without overhead, but it
+// can also cast to the byte-counted "const unsigned char*" used
+// everywhere in Macintosh applications (as StringPtr, Str255, etc).
+// 4) This source code is not derived from Microsoft's code in any way.
+// A good way to use this class, is to always use c4_String for function
+// return values and "const [unsigned] char*" for all parameters. Together,
+// these two choices will remove the need for nearly any messy casts.
+// Note: MFC 4.0 has now adopted refcounts, and is a good alternative to
+// this code (but a bit bulkier, it also has Unicode support).
+ // 2001-11-27, stop releasing nullvec, to allow MT use
+ d4_reentrant static unsigned char* nullVec = 0;
+static int fInc(unsigned char* p)
+ ++*p;
+ if (*p)
+ return 1;
+ --*p;
+ return 0;
+inline static void fDec(unsigned char* p)
+ --*p;
+ if (!*p && p != nullVec)
+ delete [] p;
+c4_String::c4_String (char ch, int n /* =1 */)
+ if (n < 0)
+ n = 0;
+ _value = new unsigned char [n + 3];
+ _value[0] = 1; // see Init() member
+ memset(_value + 2, ch, n);
+ _value[1] = (unsigned char) (n <= 255 ? n : 255);
+ _value[n+2] = 0;
+c4_String::c4_String (const char* p)
+ Init(p, p != 0 ? strlen(p) : 0);
+c4_String::c4_String (const c4_String& s)
+ if (fInc(s._value))
+ _value = s._value;
+ else
+ Init(s.Data(), s.GetLength());
+c4_String::~c4_String ()
+ fDec(_value);
+const c4_String& c4_String::operator= (const c4_String& s)
+ unsigned char* oldVal = _value;
+ if (fInc(s._value))
+ _value = s._value;
+ else
+ Init(s.Data(), s.GetLength());
+ fDec(oldVal);
+ return *this;
+c4_String operator+ (const c4_String& a, const c4_String& b)
+ const int aCnt = a.GetLength();
+ int sum = aCnt + b.GetLength();
+ c4_String result ('\0', sum); // set up correct size, then fix contents
+ memcpy(result._value + 2, a.Data(), aCnt);
+ memcpy(result._value + 2 + aCnt, b.Data(), sum - aCnt);
+ return result;
+void c4_String::Init(const void* p, int n)
+ if (p == NULL || n <= 0)
+ {
+ // Optimization to significantly speed-up init of empty strings:
+ // share a common entry, which avoids *LOTS* of tiny mem allocs.
+ //
+ // Especially "new [...] c4_String" will benefit a lot, as well as:
+ //
+ // c4_String s; // this would have caused a new allocation
+ // s = ... // then immediately drops the count back
+ //
+ // 2001/11/27: changed to never release this empty vector, for MT use
+ // the new logic is to completely ignore its ref count
+ if (!nullVec)
+ {
+ // obtain a valid new empty string buffer to keep around
+ unsigned char* nv = new unsigned char [3];
+ nv[0] = nv[1] = nv[2] = 0;
+ // only set static value after item is fully inited (avoid MT race)
+ nullVec = nv;
+ }
+ _value = nullVec; // use this buffer as our empty string
+ return; // done... that was quick, wasn't it?
+ }
+ _value = new unsigned char [n + 3];
+ _value[0] = 1; // many assumptions here: set the reference count to 1
+ if (n > 0)
+ memcpy(_value + 2, p, n);
+ _value[1] = (unsigned char) (n <= 255 ? n : 255);
+ _value[n+2] = 0;
+int c4_String::FullLength() const
+ int n = _value[1];
+ return n < 255 ? n : n + strlen((const char*) _value + 2 + 255);
+c4_String c4_String::Mid(int nFirst, int nCount) const
+ if (nFirst >= GetLength())
+ return c4_String ();
+ if (nFirst + nCount > GetLength())
+ nCount = GetLength() - nFirst;
+ if (nFirst == 0 && nCount == GetLength())
+ return *this;
+ return c4_String (Data() + nFirst, nCount);
+c4_String c4_String::Left(int nCount) const
+ if (nCount >= GetLength())
+ return *this;
+ return c4_String (Data(), nCount);
+c4_String c4_String::Right(int nCount) const
+ if (nCount >= GetLength())
+ return *this;
+ return c4_String (Data() + GetLength() - nCount, nCount);
+bool operator== (const c4_String& a, const c4_String& b)
+ return a._value == b._value || a.GetLength() == b.GetLength() &&
+ memcmp(a.Data(), b.Data(), a.GetLength()) == 0;
+int c4_String::Compare(const char* str) const
+ return Data() == str ? 0 : strcmp(Data(), str);
+int c4_String::CompareNoCase(const char* str) const
+ return Data() == str ? 0 : strcasecmp(Data(), str);
+int c4_String::Find(char ch) const
+ const char* p = strchr(Data(), ch);
+ return p != 0 ? p - Data() : -1;
+int c4_String::ReverseFind(char ch) const
+ const char* p = strrchr(Data(), ch);
+ return p != 0 ? p - Data() : -1;
+int c4_String::FindOneOf(const char* set) const
+ const char* p = strpbrk(Data(), set);
+ return p != 0 ? p - Data() : -1;
+int c4_String::Find(const char* sub) const
+ const char* p = strstr(Data(), sub);
+ return p != 0 ? p - Data() : -1;
+c4_String c4_String::SpanIncluding(const char* set) const
+ return Left(strspn(Data(), set));
+c4_String c4_String::SpanExcluding(const char* set) const
+ return Left(strcspn(Data(), set));
+#endif // q4_UNIV