path: root/kgantt/kgantt/xQGanttBarViewPort.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kgantt/kgantt/xQGanttBarViewPort.cpp')
1 files changed, 1101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kgantt/kgantt/xQGanttBarViewPort.cpp b/kgantt/kgantt/xQGanttBarViewPort.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..feabc07e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kgantt/kgantt/xQGanttBarViewPort.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1101 @@
+// file : xQGanttBarViewPort.C
+// date : 26 oct 2000
+// changed : 09 jan 2001
+// author : jh
+#include "xQGanttBarViewPort.h"
+#include "xQGanttBarView.h"
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+#include "lupe.xpm"
+#include "open.xpm"
+#include "close.xpm"
+#include <ktoolbarbutton.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+xQGanttBarViewPort::xQGanttBarViewPort(KGanttItem* toplevelitem,
+ xQGanttBarView* parent,
+ const char * name, WFlags f)
+ : QFrame(parent,name,f)
+ _parent = parent;
+ closedIcon = QPixmap(open_xpm);
+ openedIcon = QPixmap(close_xpm);
+ _observedList = NULL;
+ _toolbar = NULL;
+ _gItemList = QPtrDict<xQTaskPosition>(449);
+ _gItemList.setAutoDelete(true);
+ _toplevelitem = toplevelitem;
+ _itemInfo = new QLabel(this);
+ _itemInfo->setBackgroundColor(QColor(235,235,255));
+ _itemInfo->setFrameStyle( Panel | Sunken );
+ _itemInfo->setMargin( 5 );
+ _itemInfo->setLineWidth(1);
+ _itemInfo->hide();
+ _itemTextEdit = new QLineEdit(this);
+ _itemTextEdit->hide();
+ _itemTextEdit->setFrame(false);
+ connect(_itemTextEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed ()),
+ this, SLOT(textEdited()));
+ _iconloader = new KIconLoader();
+ initMenu();
+ setBackgroundColor(QColor(white));
+ /*
+ QPixmap back("background.png");
+ setBackgroundPixmap ( back );
+ */
+ _grid = 1440;
+ _snapgrid = 360;
+ _drawGrid = true;
+ _drawHeader = false;
+ _marginX = 10 * 1440;
+ _marginY = 50;
+ _scaleX = 0.1;
+ _scaleY = 1;
+ _margin = 4; // margin item in pixel
+ _startPoint = new QPoint(); _endPoint = new QPoint();
+ _cursor_lupe = new QCursor( QPixmap(lupe) );
+ connect(_toplevelitem, SIGNAL(changed(KGanttItem*, KGanttItem::Change)),
+ this, SLOT(toplevelitemChanged(KGanttItem*, KGanttItem::Change)) );
+ recalc(); adjustSize();
+ setFocusPolicy(QWidget::StrongFocus);
+ _mode = Init;
+xQGanttBarViewPort::toolbar(QMainWindow* mw)
+ if(_toolbar || mw == 0) return _toolbar;
+ _toolbar = new KToolBar(mw,QMainWindow::DockTop);
+ mw->addToolBar(_toolbar);
+ // KIconLoader* iconloader = new KIconLoader("kgantt");
+ _toolbar->insertButton("ganttSelect.png", 0,
+ SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(setSelect()),
+ true, i18n("Select") );
+ KPopupMenu *selectMenu = new KPopupMenu(_toolbar);
+ /*
+ select all items
+ */
+ QPixmap pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("ganttSelecttask.png", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("ganttSelecttask.png not found !\n");
+ selectMenu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Select All"), this, SLOT(selectAll()) );
+ /*
+ unselect all items
+ */
+ pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("ganttUnselecttask", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("ganttUnselecttask.png not found !\n");
+ selectMenu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Unselect All"), this, SLOT(unselectAll()) );
+ KToolBarButton* b = _toolbar->getButton(0);
+ b->setDelayedPopup(selectMenu);
+ _toolbar->insertButton("viewmag.png", 1,
+ SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(setZoom()),
+ true, i18n("Zoom") );
+ KPopupMenu* zoomMenu = new KPopupMenu(_toolbar);
+ pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("viewmag.png", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("viewmag.png not found !\n");
+ zoomMenu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Zoom All"), this, SLOT(zoomAll()) );
+ zoomMenu->insertSeparator();
+ pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("viewmag+.png", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("viewmag+.png not found !\n");
+ zoomMenu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Zoom In +"), this, SLOT(zoomIn()) );
+ pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("viewmag-.png", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("viewmag-.png not found !\n");
+ zoomMenu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Zoom Out -"), this, SLOT(zoomOut()) );
+ b = _toolbar->getButton(1);
+ b->setDelayedPopup(zoomMenu);
+ _toolbar->insertButton("move.png", 2,
+ SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(setMove()),
+ true, i18n("Move") );
+ return _toolbar;
+ _menu = new KPopupMenu(this);
+ /*
+ select
+ */
+ _selectMenu = new KPopupMenu(_menu);
+ QPixmap pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("ganttSelect.png", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("ganttSelect.png not found !\n");
+ _selectMenu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Select Mode"), this, SLOT(setSelect()));
+ _selectMenu->insertSeparator();
+ pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("ganttSelecttask.png", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("ganttSelecttask.png not found !\n");
+ _selectMenu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Select All"), this, SLOT(selectAll()) );
+ pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("ganttUnselecttask", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("ganttUnselecttask.png not found !\n");
+ _selectMenu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Unselect All"), this, SLOT(unselectAll()) );
+ _menu->insertItem( i18n("Select"), _selectMenu);
+ /*
+ zoom
+ */
+ KPopupMenu* _zoomMenu = new KPopupMenu(_menu);
+ pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("viewmag.png", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("viewmag.png not found !\n");
+ _zoomMenu->insertItem(i18n("Zoom Mode"), this, SLOT(setZoom()) );
+ _zoomMenu->insertSeparator();
+ _zoomMenu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Zoom All"), this, SLOT(zoomAll()) );
+ _zoomMenu->insertSeparator();
+ pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("viewmag+.png", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("viewmag+.png not found !\n");
+ _zoomMenu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Zoom In +"), this, SLOT(zoomIn()) );
+ pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("viewmag-.png", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("viewmag-.png not found !\n");
+ _zoomMenu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Zoom Out -"), this, SLOT(zoomOut()) );
+ _menu->insertItem( "Zoom", _zoomMenu);
+ pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("move.png", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("move.png not found !\n");
+ _menu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Move Mode"), this, SLOT(setMove()) );
+ _menu->insertSeparator();
+ pix = _iconloader->loadIcon("configure.png", KIcon::Toolbar , 16 );
+ if(pix.isNull()) printf("configure.png not found !\n");
+ _menu->insertItem(pix, i18n("Configure Gantt..."), _parent, SLOT(showConfig()));
+xQGanttBarViewPort::toplevelitemChanged(KGanttItem* /*item*/, KGanttItem::Change /*c*/)
+ recalc();
+ adjustSize();
+ // printf("xQGanttBarViewPort::adjustSize()\n");
+ static int sw = 0;
+ static int sh = 0;
+ int w = screenX(_toplevelitem->getWidth() + _marginX);
+ int h = screenY(_toplevelitem->getTotalHeight() + _marginY);
+ if(sw != w || sh !=h) {
+ sw = w;
+ sh = h;
+ resize(w,h);
+ emit resized();
+ }
+xQGanttBarViewPort::update(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+ QPainter p(this);
+ // QTime time1 = QTime::currentTime();
+ if(_drawGrid)
+ drawGrid(&p, x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ // QTime time2 = QTime::currentTime();
+ // printf("%d msec for drawing grid.\n", time1.msecsTo( time2 ) );
+ // drawContents(&p, x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ drawItem(_toplevelitem, &p, QRect(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1) );
+ // time1 = QTime::currentTime();
+ // printf("%d msec for drawing contents.\n", time2.msecsTo( time1 ) );
+ if(_drawHeader)
+ drawHeader(&p, x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ // time2 = QTime::currentTime();<
+ // printf("%d msec for drawing header.\n", time1.msecsTo( time2 ) );
+xQGanttBarViewPort::drawGrid(QPainter* p, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+ y2 += 5; // avoid white lines at bottom of redrawn region
+ static int a, w, end, tmp;
+ static QBrush _sat( QColor(200,200,200));
+ static QBrush _sun( QColor(255,110,110));
+ static QBrush _hol( QColor(200,200,250));
+ static QPen penDay( QColor(235,235,235), 0, DotLine);
+ static QPen penMonth( QColor(0,150,0), 3, DashDotLine);
+ static QPen penHour( QColor(0,0,150), 0, DashDotLine);
+ QDate start( _toplevelitem->getStart().addSecs(worldX(x1)*60).date() );
+ end = (int) ((x2-x1)/(1440.*_scaleX))+1;
+ w = (int) (1440. * _scaleX + 0.5);
+ // draw holydays
+ QDate* ptrDate;
+ QDate cmp(start.addDays(-1));
+ for(ptrDate = _holidays.first(); ptrDate != 0; ptrDate = ) {
+ if(*ptrDate > cmp) {
+ tmp = _toplevelitem->getStart().secsTo(*ptrDate)/60;
+ a = screenX( tmp );
+ p->fillRect( a, y1, w, y2, _hol );
+ }
+ }
+ // draw grid
+ for(int i=0; i<=end; i++, start = start.addDays(1) ) {
+ int dayOfWeek = start.dayOfWeek();
+ tmp = _toplevelitem->getStart().secsTo(start)/60;
+ a = screenX( tmp );
+ // draw saturday
+ if(dayOfWeek == 6) {
+ p->fillRect( a, y1, w, y2, _sat );
+ if( == 1) {
+ p->setPen( penMonth );
+ p->drawLine( a, y1, a, y2);
+ }
+ // continue;
+ }
+ // sunday
+ if(dayOfWeek == 7) {
+ p->fillRect( a, y1, w, y2, _sun );
+ if( == 1) {
+ p->setPen( penMonth );
+ p->drawLine( a, y1, a, y2);
+ }
+ // continue;
+ }
+ if( == 1)
+ p->setPen( penMonth );
+ else {
+ if(dayOfWeek == 1 || dayOfWeek == 6 || dayOfWeek == 7)
+ continue;
+ p->setPen( penDay );
+ }
+ p->drawLine( a, y1, a, y2);
+ }
+ // printf("xQGanttBarViewPort::recalc()\n");
+ _gItemList.clear();
+ recalc(_toplevelitem, screenX(0), screenY(0), 0, 0 );
+ emit recalculated();
+xQGanttBarViewPort::recalc(KGanttItem* item, int xPos, int yPos,
+ int depth, int nr)
+ int tmpTotalHeight = item->getTotalHeight();
+ int tmpHeight = item->getHeight();
+ int dd = (int) (0.25 * (double) tmpHeight * _scaleY);
+ int _screenW = (int) ((double) item->getWidth() * _scaleX);
+ int _screenHS = (int) ((double) tmpTotalHeight * _scaleY);
+ int _screenH = (int) (tmpHeight * _scaleY);
+ int _textPosY = yPos + (int) (0.7 * (double) tmpHeight * _scaleY);
+ int _textPosX = xPos + dd + 18;
+ xQTaskPosition* tpos =
+ new xQTaskPosition(nr, xPos, yPos, _screenW, _screenH, _screenHS,
+ _textPosX, _textPosY, depth);
+ _gItemList.replace(item, tpos );
+ tpos->_screenHandleX = xPos + dd;
+ tpos->_screenHandleW = 2 * dd;
+ tpos->_screenHandleY = yPos + dd;
+ tpos->_screenHandleH = 2 * dd;
+ // recalc subitems
+ if(item->isOpen()) {
+ int h = tmpHeight;
+ for(KGanttItem* subitem = item->getSubItems().first();
+ subitem != 0;
+ subitem = item->getSubItems().next() ) {
+ recalc(subitem,
+ xPos + (int)(item->getStart().secsTo(subitem->getStart())/60 * _scaleX),
+ yPos + (int)( h * _scaleY ), depth + 1, ++nr );
+ h += subitem->getTotalHeight();
+ }
+ }
+xQGanttBarViewPort::drawItem(KGanttItem* item, QPainter* p,
+ const QRect& rect )
+ xQTaskPosition* tpos = _gItemList[item];
+ if(!tpos) return;
+ if(tpos->_screenX > (rect.x() + rect.width())) return;
+ if((tpos->_screenX + tpos->_screenW) < rect.x()) return;
+ if(tpos->_screenY > (rect.y() + rect.height()) ) return;
+ if((tpos->_screenY + tpos->_screenHS) < rect.y()) return;
+ p->setPen(item->getPen());
+ p->setBrush(item->getBrush());
+ int style = item->getStyle();
+ if(item->getWidth()==0) {
+ p->drawLine(tpos->_screenX, tpos->_screenY,
+ tpos->_screenX, tpos->_screenY + tpos->_screenH );
+ QPointArray a(4);
+ a.setPoint(0, tpos->_screenX, tpos->_screenY + _margin );
+ a.setPoint(1, tpos->_screenX - tpos->_screenH / 2 + _margin,
+ tpos->_screenY + tpos->_screenH / 2 );
+ a.setPoint(2, tpos->_screenX, tpos->_screenY + tpos->_screenH - _margin );
+ a.setPoint(3, tpos->_screenX + tpos->_screenH / 2 - _margin,
+ tpos->_screenY + tpos->_screenH / 2 );
+ p->drawPolygon(a);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(style & KGanttItem::DrawFilled ) {
+ p->fillRect(tpos->_screenX, tpos->_screenY + _margin,
+ tpos->_screenW, tpos->_screenHS - 2 * _margin,
+ item->getBrush() );
+ }
+ if(style & KGanttItem::DrawBorder ) {
+ p->setBrush(NoBrush);
+ p->drawRect(tpos->_screenX, tpos->_screenY + _margin,
+ tpos->_screenW, tpos->_screenHS - 2 * _margin );
+ }
+ if(item->isOpen()) {
+ // draw relations
+ for(KGanttRelation* rel = item->getRelations().first();
+ rel != 0;
+ rel = item->getRelations().next() ) {
+ drawRelation(p, rel);
+ }
+ // draw subitems
+ for(KGanttItem* subitem = item->getSubItems().first();
+ subitem != 0;
+ subitem = item->getSubItems().next() ) {
+ drawItem(subitem, p, rect );
+ }
+ }
+ p->setPen(item->getPen());
+ p->setBrush(item->getBrush());
+ if(style & KGanttItem::DrawHandle ||
+ ((style & KGanttItem::DrawHandleWSubitems) && item->getSubItems().count()>0) ) {
+ /*
+ p->setBrush(QColor("steelblue"));
+ p->drawRect(tpos->_screenHandleX, tpos->_screenHandleY,
+ tpos->_screenHandleW, tpos->_screenHandleH);
+ */
+ if(item->isOpen())
+ p->drawPixmap(tpos->_screenHandleX, tpos->_screenHandleY, openedIcon );
+ else
+ p->drawPixmap(tpos->_screenHandleX, tpos->_screenHandleY, closedIcon );
+ }
+ }
+ if(style & KGanttItem::DrawText ) {
+ p->setPen(item->getTextPen());
+ p->drawText(tpos->_textPosX, tpos->_textPosY, item->getText() );
+ }
+ if(item->isSelected()) {
+ p->setPen( QPen(QColor(red),1));
+ p->setBrush(NoBrush);
+ p->drawRect(tpos->_screenX - 2, tpos->_screenY,
+ tpos->_screenW + 4, tpos->_screenHS );
+ p->fillRect(tpos->_screenX, tpos->_screenY, 6, 6,
+ item->getSelectBrush() );
+ p->fillRect(tpos->_screenX + tpos->_screenW - 6,
+ tpos->_screenY, 6, 6,
+ item->getSelectBrush() );
+ p->fillRect(tpos->_screenX + tpos->_screenW - 6,
+ tpos->_screenY + tpos->_screenHS - 6, 6, 6,
+ item->getSelectBrush() );
+ p->fillRect(tpos->_screenX,
+ tpos->_screenY + tpos->_screenHS - 6, 6, 6,
+ item->getSelectBrush() );
+ }
+xQGanttBarViewPort::drawRelation(QPainter* p,
+ KGanttRelation* rel)
+ static int hw = 20;
+ static int margin = 2;
+ KGanttItem* from = rel->getFrom();
+ KGanttItem* to = rel->getTo();
+ xQTaskPosition* tpos_from = _gItemList[from];
+ xQTaskPosition* tpos_to = _gItemList[to];
+ p->setPen(rel->getPen());
+ QPointArray a(6);
+ int x,y;
+ int i=0;
+ // 1
+ x = tpos_from->_screenX + tpos_from->_screenW + margin;
+ y = tpos_from->_screenY + tpos_from->_screenH / 2;
+ a.setPoint(i++, x, y );
+ // 2
+ x = x + hw;
+ a.setPoint(i++, x, y);
+ // 3
+ y = (int)( (tpos_from->_screenY + tpos_from->_screenH/2) * 0.8 +
+ (tpos_to->_screenY + tpos_to->_screenH/2) * 0.2 );
+ a.setPoint(i++, x, y);
+ // 4
+ x = tpos_to->_screenX - hw;
+ y = (int)( (tpos_from->_screenY + tpos_from->_screenH/2) * 0.2 +
+ (tpos_to->_screenY + tpos_to->_screenH/2) * 0.8 );
+ a.setPoint(i++, x, y);
+ // 5
+ y = tpos_to->_screenY + tpos_to->_screenH / 2;
+ a.setPoint(i++, x, y);
+ // 6
+ x = tpos_to->_screenX - margin;
+ a.setPoint(i++, x, y);
+ p->drawPolyline(a);
+ p->drawChord( a.point(0).x()-3, a.point(0).y()-3, 6, 6, 0, 5760 );
+ QPointArray b(3);
+ b.setPoint(0, x,y);
+ b.setPoint(1, x -5, y - 5);
+ b.setPoint(2, x - 5, y + 5);
+ p->drawPolygon(b);
+xQGanttBarViewPort::drawHeader(QPainter* p, int /*x1*/, int /*y1*/, int /*x2*/, int /*y2*/)
+ bool drawDays = false;
+ int a,e,tmp;
+ QDate start( _toplevelitem->getStart().addSecs(-_marginX * 60 ).date() );
+ // subtract 1 month to draw first month
+ QDate t(start.year(), start.month()-1, );
+ QDateTime itemstart = _toplevelitem->getStart();
+ int end = (int) (width()/(1440*_scaleX));
+ if(end < 12) drawDays = true;
+ end += 30; // add 30 days to draw last month
+ p->setPen( QPen(QColor(black)) );
+ for(int i=0; i<=end; i++, t = t.addDays(1) ) {
+ tmp = itemstart.secsTo(t)/60;
+ a = screenX( tmp );
+ if(t.dayOfWeek() == 1) {
+ p->fillRect(a, 0, (int)( 1440*5*_scaleX ), 20, QBrush(QColor(240,240,240)));
+ p->drawRect(a, 0, (int)( 1440*5*_scaleX ), 20 );
+ if(!drawDays)
+ p->drawText(a+5, 15, QString::number( );
+ }
+ if(drawDays) {
+ p->drawText(a+5, 15, t.shortDayName(t.dayOfWeek()) + " " + QString::number( );
+ }
+ if( {
+ e = t.daysInMonth();
+ p->fillRect(a, 21, (int)( 1440*e*_scaleX ), 20, QBrush(QColor(240,240,240)));
+ p->drawRect(a, 21, (int)( 1440*e*_scaleX ), 20 );
+ if(a<0) a = 0;
+ p->drawText(a+5, 36, t.shortMonthName(t.month()) );
+ }
+ }
+xQGanttBarViewPort::setMode(int mode)
+ if(_mode == (Mode) mode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch(_mode) {
+ case Select:
+ setSelect();
+ break;
+ case Zoom:
+ setZoom();
+ break;
+ case Move:
+ setMove();
+ break;
+ default:
+ setCursor(arrowCursor);
+ setMouseTracking(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ emit modeChanged(_mode);
+ _mode = Select;
+ setCursor(arrowCursor);
+ setMouseTracking(true);
+ _mode = Zoom;
+ setCursor( *_cursor_lupe );
+ setMouseTracking(false);
+ _mode = Move;
+ setCursor( sizeAllCursor );
+ setMouseTracking(false);
+ zoom(1.2);
+ zoom(0.7);
+xQGanttBarViewPort::popup(int index)
+ switch(index) {
+ case Select:
+ case Zoom:
+ case Move:
+ setMode(index);
+ break;
+ case 10: // configure
+ // setConfigDialog();
+ // _config->show();
+ break;
+ }
+xQGanttBarViewPort::zoom(double sfactor, int sx, int sy)
+ printf("zoom %f, (%d,%d) \n", sfactor, sx, sy );
+ int wx = worldX(sx);
+ int wy = worldY(sy);
+ _scaleX *= sfactor;
+ printf("recalc ... \n");
+ recalc();
+ adjustSize();
+ _parent->center(screenX(wx), screenY(wy) );
+ QWidget::update();
+ printf("zoom ok.\n");
+xQGanttBarViewPort::zoom(double sfactor)
+ printf("zoom %f \n", sfactor );
+ int x = (int) (_parent->visibleWidth()/2 + 0.5);
+ int y = (int) (_parent->visibleHeight()/2 + 0.5);
+ printf("dx/2 = %d, dy/2 = %d \n", x,y);
+ zoom(sfactor, x + _parent->contentsX(), y + _parent->contentsY() );
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ printf("zoom all. scaleX = %f\n", _scaleX );
+ _scaleX = ((double) _parent->visibleWidth()*60)/
+ ((double) (_toplevelitem->getStart().secsTo(_toplevelitem->getEnd()) + _marginX*120));
+ recalc();
+ adjustSize();
+xQGanttBarViewPort::addHoliday(int y, int m, int d)
+ QDate* date = new QDate(y,m,d);
+ QDate* ptrDate;
+ int i=0;
+ for(ptrDate = _holidays.first();
+ ptrDate != 0;
+ ptrDate = ) {
+ if(*ptrDate > *date)
+ break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ _holidays.insert(i,date);
+xQGanttBarViewPort::check(KGanttItem** founditem, int x, int y)
+ QPtrDictIterator<xQTaskPosition> it(_gItemList);
+ static int ty, ty2, tx, tx2, hx, hx2, hy, hy2;
+ bool increased;
+ while(it.current()) {
+ ty = it.current()->_screenY;
+ ty2 = ty + it.current()->_screenH;
+ tx = it.current()->_screenX;
+ tx2 = tx + it.current()->_screenW;
+ hx = it.current()->_screenHandleX;
+ hx2 = hx + it.current()->_screenHandleW;
+ hy = it.current()->_screenHandleY;
+ hy2 = hy + it.current()->_screenHandleH;
+ increased = false;
+ if(tx2-tx<12) {
+ tx -= 12;
+ tx2 += 12;
+ increased = true;
+ }
+ if(x>tx && x < tx2) {
+ if(y > ty && y < ty2) {
+ *founditem = (KGanttItem*) it.currentKey();
+ if(!increased)
+ if(x > hx && x < hx2 &&
+ y > hy && y < hy2 )
+ return Handle;
+ if(x < (tx + 5))
+ return West;
+ if(x > (tx2 - 5))
+ return East;
+ return Center;
+ }
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ return Outside;
+ selectItem(_toplevelitem, false);
+ QWidget::update();
+ selectItem(_toplevelitem, true);
+ QWidget::update();
+xQGanttBarViewPort::selectItem(KGanttItem* item, bool f)
+ item->select(f);
+ for(KGanttItem* subitem = item->getSubItems().first();
+ subitem != 0;
+ subitem = item->getSubItems().next() ) {
+ selectItem(subitem, f);
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ printf("-> xQGanttBarViewPort::deleteSelectedItems()\n");
+ QPtrList<KGanttItem> list;
+ observeList(&list);
+ getSelectedItems(_toplevelitem,list);
+ for(KGanttItem* subitem = list.first();
+ subitem != 0;
+ subitem ) {
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ printf(" : %s \n", subitem->getText().latin1() );
+ connect(subitem, SIGNAL(destroyed(KGanttItem*)),
+ this, SLOT(itemDestroyed(KGanttItem*)));
+ }
+ list.remove(_toplevelitem);
+ while(list.count()>0) {
+ KGanttItem* item = list.getFirst();
+ delete item;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ printf("<- xQGanttBarViewPort::deleteSelectedItems()\n");
+xQGanttBarViewPort::observeList(QPtrList<KGanttItem> *list)
+ _observedList = list;
+xQGanttBarViewPort::itemDestroyed(KGanttItem* item)
+ _observedList->remove(item);
+xQGanttBarViewPort::getSelectedItems (KGanttItem* item,
+ QPtrList<KGanttItem>& list)
+ if(item->isSelected()) list.append(item);
+ for(KGanttItem* subitem = item->getSubItems().first();
+ subitem != 0;
+ subitem = item->getSubItems().next() ) {
+ getSelectedItems(subitem,list);
+ }
+ QPtrList<KGanttItem> list;
+ getSelectedItems(_toplevelitem,list);
+ for(KGanttItem* subitem = list.first();
+ subitem != 0;
+ subitem ) {
+#ifdef _DEBUG_
+ printf(" : %s \n", subitem->getText().latin1() );
+ new KGanttItem(subitem, subitem->getText() + "_subitem",
+ subitem->getStart(), subitem->getEnd());
+ }
+ if(_currentItem) {
+ _currentItem->setText(_itemTextEdit->text());
+ setFocus();
+ _itemTextEdit->hide();
+ }
+#include "xQGanttBarViewPort.moc"