// // file : KGanttItem.C // date : 26 oct 2000 // changed : 11 jan 2001 // author : jh // #include "KGanttItem.h" QBrush KGanttItem::_selectBrush(QColor(255,0,0)); KGanttItem::KGanttItem(KGanttItem* parentItem, const QString& text, const QDateTime& start, const QDateTime& end) : QObject() //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { init(parentItem,text, start,end); } KGanttItem::KGanttItem(KGanttItem* parentItem, const QString& text, const QDateTime& start, long durationMin) : QObject() //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { init(parentItem, text, start, start.addSecs( durationMin * 60)); } void KGanttItem::init(KGanttItem* parentItem, const QString& text, const QDateTime& start, const QDateTime& end) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { _style = DrawAll - DrawHandle; _open = true; _selected = false; _editable = true; _mode = Normal; _brush = QBrush(QColor(140,140,255)); _pen = QPen(QColor(100,100,100)); _textPen = QPen(QColor(black)); _height = 24; _text = text; _start = start; _minDateTime = start; _end = end; _maxDateTime = end; _parentItem = parentItem; if(_parentItem) _parentItem->registerItem(this); } KGanttItem::~KGanttItem() ///////////////// { #ifdef _DEBUG_ printf("-> delete %s \n", getText().latin1() ); #endif if(_parentItem) _parentItem->unregisterItem(this); _subitems.setAutoDelete(true); _subitems.clear(); emit destroyed(this); #ifdef _DEBUG_ printf("<- delete %s \n", getText().latin1() ); #endif } KGanttRelation* KGanttItem::addRelation(KGanttItem* from, KGanttItem* to, const QString& text) { if(_subitems.containsRef(from) > 0 && _subitems.containsRef(to) >0) { KGanttRelation* rel = new KGanttRelation(from,to,text); _relations.append(rel); connect(rel, SIGNAL(destroyed(KGanttRelation*)), this, SLOT(removeRelation(KGanttRelation*))); emit changed(this, RelationAdded); return rel; } else return NULL; } void KGanttItem::removeRelation(KGanttRelation* rel) { if( _relations.removeRef(rel) ) emit changed(this, RelationRemoved); } void KGanttItem::endTransaction() /////////////////////////// { blockSignals(false); emit changed(this, Unknown); } void KGanttItem::registerItem(KGanttItem* item) { _subitems.append(item); connect(item, SIGNAL(changed(KGanttItem*, KGanttItem::Change)), this, SLOT(subItemChanged(KGanttItem*, KGanttItem::Change)) ); bool minChanged = false; bool maxChanged = false; // update min/man if(_subitems.count() == 1) { _minDateTime = item->getStart(); _maxDateTime = item->getEnd(); minChanged = true; maxChanged = true; } else { if(item->getEnd() > _maxDateTime) { _maxDateTime = item->getEnd(); maxChanged = true; } if(_minDateTime > item->getStart()) { _minDateTime = item->getStart(); minChanged = true; } } // else // increase start/end if necessary Change change = adjustStartEnd(); if(_mode == Rubberband) { if(minChanged && !(change & StartChanged)) change = (Change) (change + StartChanged); if(maxChanged && !(change & EndChanged)) change = (Change) (change + EndChanged); } if( isOpen() ) { if(!(change & TotalHeightChanged)) change = (Change) (change + TotalHeightChanged); } if(change != NoChange) emit changed(this,change); } void KGanttItem::unregisterItem(KGanttItem* item) { _subitems.removeRef(item); disconnect(item); Change change = adjustMinMax(); if( isOpen() ) { if(!(change & TotalHeightChanged)) change = (Change) (change + TotalHeightChanged); } if(change != NoChange) emit changed(this,change); } QDateTime KGanttItem::getStart() { if(_mode == Rubberband && _subitems.count()>0) return _minDateTime; else return _start; } QDateTime KGanttItem::getEnd() ///////////////// { if(_mode == Rubberband && _subitems.count()>0) return _maxDateTime; else return _end; } void KGanttItem::setStart(const QDateTime& start) { if(!_editable) return; // if there are no subitems, just set _start and _minDateTime if(_subitems.count()==0) { if(_start != start) { _start = start; _minDateTime = _start; emit changed(this,StartChanged); } } else { // if there are subitems, just change start if // mode is not 'rubberband' and start is less than _minDateTime if(_mode != Rubberband) { if(start < _minDateTime) _start = start; else _start = _minDateTime; emit changed(this,StartChanged); } } } void KGanttItem::setEnd(const QDateTime& end) { if(!_editable) return; // if there are no subitems, just set _end and _maxDateTime if(_subitems.count()==0) { if(_end != end) { _end = end; _maxDateTime = _end; emit changed(this,EndChanged); } } else { // if there are subitems, just change end if // mode is not 'rubberband' and end is greater than _maxDateTime if(_mode != Rubberband) { if(end > _maxDateTime) _end = end; else _end = _maxDateTime; emit changed(this,EndChanged); } } } KGanttItem::Change KGanttItem::adjustStartEnd() ////////////////////////// { // first update _min and _max of subitems Change c = adjustMinMax(); if(_start > _minDateTime) { _start = _minDateTime; if(!(c & StartChanged)) c = (Change) (c + StartChanged); } if(_end < _maxDateTime) { _end = _maxDateTime; if(!(c & EndChanged)) c = (Change) (c + EndChanged); } return c; } KGanttItem::Change KGanttItem::adjustMinMax() ////////////////////////// { // // calculate _min and _max by // traversing the subitems. if there are no subitems // _min = start and _max = end. // QDateTime min = _minDateTime; QDateTime max = _maxDateTime; Change c = NoChange; if(_subitems.count()==0) { _minDateTime = _start; _maxDateTime = _end; if(min != _minDateTime) c = MinChanged; if(max != _maxDateTime) c = (Change) (c + MaxChanged); } else { // get min/max date and time KGanttItem* item = _subitems.first(); _minDateTime = item->getStart(); _maxDateTime = item->getEnd(); item = _subitems.next(); for(; item != 0; item = _subitems.next() ) { if(_minDateTime > item->getStart()) { _minDateTime = item->getStart(); } if(item->getEnd() > _maxDateTime) { _maxDateTime = item->getEnd(); } } // for() if(min != _minDateTime) c = MinChanged; if(max != _maxDateTime) c = (Change) (c + MaxChanged); } return c; } void KGanttItem::subItemChanged(KGanttItem* /*item*/, Change change) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// { if(change & StyleChanged) emit changed(this, change); if( (change & Opened) || (change & Closed) || (change & TotalHeightChanged) || (change & HeightChanged) ) emit changed(this, TotalHeightChanged); if( (change & StartChanged) || (change & EndChanged) ) { Change c = adjustStartEnd(); if(_mode == Rubberband) { if(c & MinChanged && !(c & StartChanged)) c = (Change) (c + StartChanged); if(c & MaxChanged && !(c & EndChanged)) c = (Change) ( c +EndChanged); } if(c != NoChange) emit changed(this, c); } } void KGanttItem::setText(const QString& text) /////////////////////////////////////// { if(!_editable) return; if(text != _text) { _text = text; emit changed(this,TextChanged); } } void KGanttItem::open(bool f) ////////////////////// { if(f != _open) { _open = f; if(_open) emit changed(this, Opened); else emit changed(this, Closed); } } void KGanttItem::select(bool f) /////////////////////// { if(!_editable) return; if(f != _selected) { _selected = f; if(_selected) emit changed(this, Selected); else emit changed(this, Unselected); } } void KGanttItem::setMode(Mode flag) //////////////////////////// { if(!_editable) return; if(_mode != flag) { _mode = flag; emit changed(this,ModeChanged); } } void KGanttItem::setStyle(int flag, bool includeSubItems) /////////////////////////////////////////////// { if(!_editable) return; if(_style != flag) { _style = flag; if(includeSubItems) for(KGanttItem* item = _subitems.first(); item != 0; item = _subitems.next() ) item->setStyle(flag,true); emit changed(this,StyleChanged); } } void KGanttItem::setBrush(const QBrush& brush) /////////////////////////////////////// { _brush = brush; } void KGanttItem::setPen(const QPen& pen) /////////////////////////////// { _pen = pen; } void KGanttItem::setHeight(int h) ///////////////////////// { if(!_editable) return; if(_height != h) { _height = h; emit changed(this,HeightChanged); } } int KGanttItem::getTotalHeight() //////////////////////////////////////// { int h = _height; if( isOpen() ) { for(KGanttItem* item = _subitems.first(); item != 0; item = _subitems.next() ) { h += item->getTotalHeight(); } } return h; } int KGanttItem::getWidth() ////////////////// { // int width = _start.secsTo(_end)/60; int width = getStart().secsTo(getEnd())/60; // printf("width[%s] = %d \n", (const char*) getID(), width ); return width; } void KGanttItem::dump(QTextOStream& cout, const QString& pre) //////////////////////////////////////////////////// { cout << pre << "\n"; cout << pre << "| start : " << getStart().toString() << " (" <<_start.toString() << ")" << endl; cout << pre << "| end : " << getEnd().toString() << " (" <<_end.toString() << ")" << endl; if(_editable) cout << pre << "| - editable " << endl; else cout << pre << "| - not editable " << endl; if(_mode == Rubberband) cout << pre << "| mode = 'rubberband'" << endl; else cout << pre << "| mode = 'normal'" << endl; cout << pre << "| min date/time : " << _minDateTime.toString() << endl; cout << pre << "| max date/time : " << _maxDateTime.toString() << endl; for(KGanttItem* item = _subitems.first(); item != 0; item = _subitems.next() ) item->dump(cout, pre + "| "); for(KGanttRelation* rel = _relations.first(); rel != 0; rel = _relations.next() ) rel->dump(cout, pre + "| "); cout << pre << "\n"; } QString KGanttItem::ChangeAsString(Change c) ////////////////////////////////// { QString ret; if(c & StartChanged) ret += "StartChanged, "; if(c & EndChanged) ret += "EndChanged, "; if(c & HeightChanged) ret += "HeightChanged, "; if(c & TotalHeightChanged) ret += "TotalHeightChanged, "; if(c & StyleChanged) ret += "StyleChanged, "; if(c & TextChanged) ret += "TextChanged, "; if(c & ModeChanged) ret += "ModeChanged, "; if(c & MinChanged) ret += "MinChanged, "; if(c & MaxChanged) ret += "MaxChanged, "; if(c & Opened) ret += "Opened, "; if(c & Closed) ret += "Closed, "; if(c & Selected) ret += "Selected, "; if(c & Unselected) ret += "Unselected, "; if(c & Unknown) ret += "Unknown, "; return ret; } #include "KGanttItem.moc"