/* -*- mode: C++ -*- This file is part of KMail. Copyright (c) 2003 Andreas Gungl KMail is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. KMail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #ifndef KMAIL_ANTISPAMWIZARD_H #define KMAIL_ANTISPAMWIZARD_H #include #include #include #include #include #include class KActionCollection; class KMFolder; class KMFolderTree; class QLabel; namespace KMail { class SimpleFolderTree; class FolderRequester; class ASWizInfoPage; class ASWizSpamRulesPage; class ASWizVirusRulesPage; class ASWizSummaryPage; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @short KMail anti-spam wizard. @author Andreas Gungl The wizard helps to create filter rules to let KMail operate with external anti-spam tools. The wizard tries to detect the tools, but the user can overide the preselections. Then the user can decide what funtionality shall be supported by the created filter rules. The wizard will append the created filter rules after the last existing rule to keep possible conflicts with existing filter configurations minimal. Anti-virus support was added by Fred Emmott The configuration for the tools to get checked and set up is read from a config file. The structure of the file is as following:

    [Spamtool #1]
    Executable=spamassassin -V
    PipeFilterName=SpamAssassin Check
    PipeCmdDetect=spamassassin -L
    ExecCmdSpam=sa-learn --spam --no-rebuild --single
    ExecCmdHam=sa-learn --ham --no-rebuild --single
The name of the config file is kmail.antispamrc and it's expected in the config dir of KDE. */ class AntiSpamWizard : public KWizard { Q_OBJECT public: /** The wizard can be used for setting up anti-spam tools and for setting up anti-virus tools. */ enum WizardMode { AntiSpam, AntiVirus }; /** Constructor that needs to initialize from the main folder tree of KMail. @param mode The mode the wizard should run in. @param parent The parent widget for the wizard. @param mainFolderTree The main folder tree from which the folders are copied to allow the selection of a spam folder in a tree within one of the wizard pages. */ AntiSpamWizard( WizardMode mode, QWidget * parent, KMFolderTree * mainFolderTree ); protected: /** Instances of this class store the settings for one tool as read from the config file. Visible name and What's this text can not get translated! */ class SpamToolConfig { public: SpamToolConfig() {} SpamToolConfig( QString toolId, int configVersion, int prio, QString name, QString exec, QString url, QString filter, QString detection, QString spam, QString ham, QString header, QString pattern, QString pattern2, QString serverPattern, bool detectionOnly, bool regExp, bool bayesFilter, bool tristateDetection, WizardMode type ); int getVersion() const { return mVersion; } int getPrio() const { return mPrio; } QString getId() const { return mId; } QString getVisibleName() const { return mVisibleName; } QString getExecutable() const { return mExecutable; } QString getWhatsThisText() const { return mWhatsThisText; } QString getFilterName() const { return mFilterName; } QString getDetectCmd() const { return mDetectCmd; } QString getSpamCmd() const { return mSpamCmd; } QString getHamCmd() const { return mHamCmd; } QString getDetectionHeader() const { return mDetectionHeader; } QString getDetectionPattern() const { return mDetectionPattern; } QString getDetectionPattern2() const { return mDetectionPattern2; } QString getServerPattern() const { return mServerPattern; } bool isServerBased() const; bool isDetectionOnly() const { return mDetectionOnly; } bool isUseRegExp() const { return mUseRegExp; } bool useBayesFilter() const { return mSupportsBayesFilter; } bool hasTristateDetection() const { return mSupportsUnsure; } WizardMode getType() const { return mType; } // convinience methods for types bool isSpamTool() const { return ( mType == AntiSpam ); } bool isVirusTool() const { return ( mType == AntiVirus ); } private: // used to identifiy configs for the same tool QString mId; // The version of the config data, used for merging and // detecting newer configs int mVersion; // the priority of the tool in the list presented to the user int mPrio; // the name as shown by the checkbox in the dialog page QString mVisibleName; // the command to check the existance of the tool QString mExecutable; // the What's This help text (e.g. url for the tool) QString mWhatsThisText; // name for the created filter in the filter list QString mFilterName; // pipe through cmd used to detect spam messages QString mDetectCmd; // pipe through cmd to let the tool learn a spam message QString mSpamCmd; // pipe through cmd to let the tool learn a ham message QString mHamCmd; // by which header are messages marked as spam QString mDetectionHeader; // what header pattern is used to mark spam messages QString mDetectionPattern; // what header pattern is used to mark unsure messages QString mDetectionPattern2; // what header pattern is used in the account to check for a certain server QString mServerPattern; // filter cannot search actively but relies on pattern by regExp or contain rule bool mDetectionOnly; // filter searches for the pattern by regExp or contain rule bool mUseRegExp; // can the tool learn spam and ham, has it a bayesian algorithm bool mSupportsBayesFilter; // differentiate between ham, spam and a third "unsure" state bool mSupportsUnsure; // Is the tool AntiSpam or AntiVirus WizardMode mType; }; /** Instances of this class control reading the configuration of the anti-spam tools from global and user config files as well as the merging of different config versions. */ class ConfigReader { public: ConfigReader( WizardMode mode, QValueList & configList ); ~ConfigReader( ); QValueList & getToolList() { return mToolList; } void readAndMergeConfig(); private: QValueList & mToolList; KConfig *mConfig; WizardMode mMode; SpamToolConfig readToolConfig( KConfigGroup & configGroup ); SpamToolConfig createDummyConfig(); void mergeToolConfig( SpamToolConfig config ); void sortToolList(); }; /** Evaluate the settings made and create the appropriate filter rules. */ void accept(); protected slots: /** Modify the status of the wizard to reflect the selection of spam tools. */ void checkProgramsSelections(); /** Modify the status of the wizard to reflect the selected functionality. */ void checkVirusRulesSelections(); /** Check if the spam tools are available via the PATH */ void checkToolAvailability(); /** Show a help topic */ void slotHelpClicked(); /** Create the summary text based on the current settings */ void slotBuildSummary(); private: /* Check for the availability of an executible along the PATH */ int checkForProgram( const QString &executable ); /* generic checks if any option in a page is checked */ bool anyVirusOptionChecked(); /* convenience method calling the appropriate filter manager method */ const QString uniqueNameFor( const QString & name ); /* convenience method to sort out new and existing filters */ void sortFilterOnExistance( const QString & intendedFilterName, QString & newFilters, QString & replaceFilters ); /* The pages in the wizard */ ASWizInfoPage * mInfoPage; ASWizSpamRulesPage * mSpamRulesPage; ASWizVirusRulesPage * mVirusRulesPage; ASWizSummaryPage * mSummaryPage; /* The configured tools and it's settings to be used in the wizard. */ QValueList mToolList; /* Are any spam tools selected? */ bool mSpamToolsUsed; /* Are any virus tools selected? */ bool mVirusToolsUsed; WizardMode mMode; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASWizPage : public QWidget { public: ASWizPage( QWidget *parent, const char *name, const QString *bannerName = 0); protected: QBoxLayout *mLayout; private: QPixmap *mPixmap; QLabel *mBannerLabel; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASWizInfoPage : public ASWizPage { Q_OBJECT public: ASWizInfoPage( AntiSpamWizard::WizardMode mode, QWidget *parent, const char *name ); void setScanProgressText( const QString &toolName ); void addAvailableTool( const QString &visibleName ); bool isProgramSelected( const QString &visibleName ); private slots: void processSelectionChange(); signals: void selectionChanged(); private: QLabel *mIntroText; QLabel *mScanProgressText; QLabel *mSelectionHint; KListBox *mToolsList; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASWizSpamRulesPage : public ASWizPage { Q_OBJECT public: ASWizSpamRulesPage( QWidget * parent, const char * name, KMFolderTree * mainFolderTree ); bool markAsReadSelected() const; bool moveSpamSelected() const; bool moveUnsureSelected() const; QString selectedSpamFolderName() const; QString selectedUnsureFolderName() const; void allowUnsureFolderSelection( bool enabled ); private slots: void processSelectionChange(); void processSelectionChange( KMFolder* ); signals: void selectionChanged(); private: QCheckBox * mMarkRules; QCheckBox * mMoveSpamRules; QCheckBox * mMoveUnsureRules; FolderRequester *mFolderReqForSpamFolder; FolderRequester *mFolderReqForUnsureFolder; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASWizVirusRulesPage : public ASWizPage { Q_OBJECT public: ASWizVirusRulesPage( QWidget * parent, const char * name, KMFolderTree * mainFolderTree ); bool pipeRulesSelected() const; bool moveRulesSelected() const; bool markReadRulesSelected() const; QString selectedFolderName() const; private slots: void processSelectionChange(); signals: void selectionChanged(); private: QCheckBox * mPipeRules; QCheckBox * mMoveRules; SimpleFolderTree *mFolderTree; QCheckBox * mMarkRules; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ASWizSummaryPage : public ASWizPage { Q_OBJECT public: ASWizSummaryPage( QWidget * parent, const char * name ); void setSummaryText( const QString & text ); private: QLabel * mSummaryText; }; } // namespace KMail #endif // KMAIL_ANTISPAMWIZARD_H