#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # This script updates some configuration keys and adds a 'mailto:' to all # mailing list posting addresses # read the whole config file my $currentGroup = ""; my %configFile; while ( <> ) { chomp; # eat the trailing '\n' next if ( /^$/ ); # skip empty lines next if ( /^\#/ ); # skip comments if ( /^\[/ ) { # group begin $currentGroup = $_; next; } elsif ( $currentGroup eq "[General]" and /^systray-on-mail/ ) { my ($key,$value) = split /=/; print "# DELETE $currentGroup$key\n"; print "[General]\nSystemTrayEnabled=$value\n"; } elsif ( $currentGroup eq "[General]" and /^systray-on-new/ ) { my ($key,$value) = split /=/; print "# DELETE $currentGroup$key\n"; if ( $value eq "true" ) { print "[General]\nSystemTrayPolicy=ShowOnUnread\n"; } else { print "[General]\nSystemTrayPolicy=ShowAlways\n"; } } elsif ( /^MailingListPostingAddress/ ) { my ($key,$value) = split /=/; if ( not $value eq "" and not $value =~ /^mailto:/ ) { print "# DELETE $currentGroup$key\n"; print "$currentGroup\n$key=mailto:$value\n"; } } }