#!/usr/bin/perl -w # tcm2kcal.pl -- converts a Turner Classic Movies (TCM) calendar # web page into a KDE calendar file. ############################################################################ # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Allen Winter # # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # ############################################################################ # # This script is used to help test konsolekalendar. # # Modify $konkal, $cal, and $TCM as necessary for your needs. # # Requirements: # lynx # konsolekalendar (from KDE). # Date-Calc perl module (from CPAN). # # Options: -d, delete entries from KDE calendar file # -c, change entries in KDE calendar by re-writing movie titles in all caps. # -m , where month is an integer 1 thru 12 # default is current month # -y , where year is an integer YYYY # default is current year # -f , where file is location of output KDE calendar # default is $HOME/.trinity/share/apps/korganizer/tcm.ics # -w where konsolekalendar is located use strict; use Env qw(HOME); use Getopt::Std; use Date::Calc qw(Today Month_to_Text Add_Delta_DHMS Add_Delta_Days Day_of_Week Day_of_Week_to_Text Month_to_Text); #location of konsolekalendar program my($konkal)="/usr/bin/konsolekalendar"; #location of new TCM KDE calendar my($cal)="$HOME/.trinity/share/apps/korganizer/tcm.ics"; #default program execution mode my($mode)="--add"; #current date information my($year,$month,$d) = Today(); #parse command line &parse(); my($mmonth)=Month_to_Text($month); #location of TCM monthly calendar web page my($TCM)="http://www.turnerclassicmovies.com/Schedule/Print/0,,$month-$year|0|,00.html"; print "Processing $TCM ...\n"; if( open(GET, "lynx -dump -nolist -connect_timeout=3 '$TCM'|") ) { } else { die "Failed to get the TCM calendar page.\n"; } if( $mode eq "--add" ) { if( ! -r $cal ) { if( system("$konkal --create --file $cal") ) { print "Failure Condition Encountered. Unable to Create KDE Calendar.\n"; exit 1; } } } my($tday,$mday); my($day)=1; my($lastampm)="AM"; my($line)=""; my($event)=""; my($num)=0; while($line=) { #prepare line chomp($line); $line=&rmleadwhite($line); #skip junk lines next if( ! $line ); next if( $line =~ m/^\[/ ); next if( $line =~ m/^All Times Eastern/ ); next if( $line =~ m/^$mmonth[[:space:]]*$year/ ); #start new day if line begins with a DD Sunday|Monday|...|Friday|Saturday ($tday,$mday) = split(" ",$line); if( $tday =~ m/^[0-9]*$/ ) { if( $tday >= 1 && $tday <= 31 ) { if( $mday =~ m/day$/ ) { &process() if( $event ); # print "New day starting: $tday $mday\n"; $day = $tday; $event = ""; next; } } } #start a new event if line begins with a HH:MM[[space]]AM|PM if( $line =~ m/^[0-9]*:[0-9][0-9][[:space:]]*[A,P]M/ ) { &process() if( $event ); $event = "$line"; } else { $event = $event . " " . $line; } } #process remaining event, if there is one. &process() if( $event ); close(GET); print "$num movies processed\n"; ##### END MAIN ##### sub rmleadwhite() { #remove leading white space my($x)=@_; ($x)=~s+^[[:space:]]*++; return($x); } sub parse() { #parse command line our($opt_h, $opt_d, $opt_c, $opt_m, $opt_y, $opt_f, $opt_w); getopts('hdcm:y:f:w:'); $mode="--delete" if( $opt_d ); $mode="--change" if( $opt_c ); $month=$opt_m if( $opt_m ); $year=$opt_y if( $opt_y ); $cal=$opt_f if( $opt_f ); $konkal=$opt_w if( $opt_w ); # if( $opt_h ) { # print "help here!\r\n"; # } // if } sub process() { #remove any evil double quotes from the event string $event =~ s/\"//g; ### Compute starting date my($date) = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d",$year,$month,$day); ### Compute starting time my($ttime,$ampm) = split(" ",$event); my($hour,$min) = split(":",$ttime); # adjust the hour by am or pm $hour += 12 if( $ampm =~ m/[Pp][Mm]/ && $hour < 12 ); $hour -= 12 if( $ampm =~ m/[Aa][Mm]/ && $hour == 12 ); my($time) = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$min); # advance day (for the enddate) if we have moved from pm to am if($lastampm =~ m/[Pp][Mm]/ && $ampm =~ m/[Aa][Mm]/ ) { ($year, $month, $day) = Add_Delta_Days($year,$month, $day, 1); } # format start date and time for "greping" later my($gdate) = sprintf("\"%s %02d %s %4d\"", Day_of_Week_to_Text(Day_of_Week($year,$month,$day)), $day, Month_to_Text($month), $year); my($ghour) = $hour; if( $ghour == 12 ) { $ampm = "pm"; } if( $ghour > 12 ) { $ghour -= 12; $ampm = "pm" } if( $ghour == 0 ) { $ghour = 12; $ampm = "am"; } my($gtime) = sprintf("\"%02d:%02d %s\"",$ghour,$min,lc($ampm)); ### Compute Movie End Datetime by adding Movie Duration to Start Datetime # derive duration my($duration) = $event; $duration =~ s/CC//g; $duration =~ s/LBX//g; $duration =~ s/DVS//g; my(@d) = reverse(split(" ",$duration)); $duration=$d[0]; $duration =~ s/m\.$//g; #print "DURATION COMPUTATION ERROR\n" if( $duration < 1 || $duration > 300); my($endyear,$endmonth,$endday,$endhh, $endmm, $endss) = Add_Delta_DHMS( $year,$month,$day,$hour,$min,0, 0, 0, $duration, 0); # format end datetime my($enddate) = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d",$endyear,$endmonth,$endday); my($endtime) = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$endhh,$endmm); my($genddate) = sprintf("\"%s %02d %s %4d\"", Day_of_Week_to_Text(Day_of_Week($endyear,$endmonth,$endday)), $endday, Month_to_Text($endmonth), $endyear); $ampm = "am"; if( $endhh == 12 ) { $ampm = "pm"; } if( $endhh > 12 ) { $endhh -= 12; $ampm = "pm"; } if( $endhh == 0 ) { $endhh = 12; $ampm = "am"; } my($gendtime) = sprintf("\"%02d:%02d %s\"",$endhh,$endmm,lc($ampm)); # Derive Movie Title my($tmp) = split("[)]",$event); my($tmp2,$title) = split("^[0-9]*:[0-9][0-9][[:space:]]*[A,P]M",$tmp); $title=&rmleadwhite($title); $title=$title . ")"; if( $title =~ m/\([[:space:]]\)/ ) { print "SKIPPING MOVIE WITHOUT A TITLE\n"; return; } my($gtitle) = "\"" . $title . "\""; # "Grep line". # Due to events across multiple days, search for ending date/time only. # my($UID)=&find_uid("$gdate,$gtime,$genddate,$gendtime,$gtitle"); my($UID)=&find_uid(",$genddate,$gendtime,$gtitle"); # New Title for Change Mode $title=uc($title) if( $mode eq "--change" ); # print "EVENT start datetime=$date, $time, title=$title, end datetime=$enddate, $endtime, duration=$duration\n"; $lastampm=$ampm; # Run konsolekalendar to insert/change/delete the event if( system("$konkal $mode $UID --file $cal --date $date --time $time --end-date $enddate --end-time $endtime --summary \"$title\" --description \"$event\"") ) { $mode =~ s/--//; print "Failure Condition Encountered. Unable to $mode Event.\n"; exit 1; } $num++; } sub find_uid() { my($line); my($grepline) = shift; my($UID)=""; if( $mode ne "--add" ) { if( open(VIEW, "$konkal --view --all --export-type csv --file $cal |") ) { while($line=) { if( index($line,$grepline) >= 0) { my(@u) = reverse(split(",",$line)); chomp($u[0]); $UID="--uid=$u[0]"; last; } } if( $UID eq "" ) { print "Failure Condition Encoutered. Unable to locate Event $grepline in calendar.\n"; exit 1; } } else { die "Failed to view cal $cal.\n"; } close(VIEW); } return($UID); } __END__