KOEditorAlarms_base KOEditorAlarms_base 0 0 500 300 Alarms unnamed 0 mTimeGroup Time Offset unnamed layout3 unnamed mAlarmOffset 4 0 0 0 minute(s) hour(s) day(s) mOffsetUnit before the start after the start before the end after the end mBeforeAfter layout8 unnamed mHowOftenLabel false 4 5 0 0 &How often: mRepeatCount mRepeatCount false time(s) 500 1 mIntervalLabel false &Interval: mRepeatInterval mRepeats 4 0 0 0 &Repeat: mRepeatInterval false every minute(s) 999 1 mTypeGroup Type unnamed mAlarmType 4 5 0 0 NoFrame 0 true unnamed 0 mTypeDisplayRadio &Reminder Dialog true mTypeSoundRadio A&udio mTypeAppRadio Program mTypeEmailRadio false Email spacer2 Vertical Expanding 21 41 line1 VLine Sunken Vertical mTypeStack WStackPage 0 unnamed 0 mDisplayTextLabel Reminder Dialog &text: mDisplayText mDisplayText WStackPage 1 unnamed 0 mSoundFileLabel Audio &file: mSoundFile mSoundFile audio/x-wav audio/x-mp3 application/ogg spacer3 Vertical Expanding 20 61 WStackPage 2 unnamed 0 mApplicationLabel &Program file: mApplication mApplication *.*|All files mAppArgumentsLabel Program ar&guments: mAppArguments mAppArguments spacer3_2 Vertical Expanding 20 16 WStackPage 3 unnamed 0 mEmailTextLabel Email &message text: mEmailText mEmailText mEmailAddress mEmailToLabel Email &address(es): unnamed layout7 unnamed mRemoveButton &Remove... mAddButton &Add mDuplicateButton D&uplicate spacer1 Vertical Expanding 20 60 Type false true Time Offset false true Repeat false true mAlarmList true AllColumns mAlarmType clicked(int) mTypeStack raiseWidget(int) mRepeats toggled(bool) mIntervalLabel setEnabled(bool) mRepeats toggled(bool) mRepeatInterval setEnabled(bool) mRepeats toggled(bool) mHowOftenLabel setEnabled(bool) mRepeats toggled(bool) mRepeatCount setEnabled(bool) addresseelineedit.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h libkdepim/addresseelineedit.h