CalPrintMonthConfig_Base Configuration page for the print day mode. Reinhold Kainhofer <> CalPrintMonth_Base 0 0 463 161 unnamed 0 spacer2 Vertical Expanding 21 20 mDateRangeGroup Date && Time Range unnamed mFromDateLabel &Start month: mFromMonth When you want to print more months at once, you can define a month range. This option defines the first month to be printed. Use the option <i>End month</i> to define the last month in this range. mFromMonth When you want to print more months at once, you can define a month range. This option defines the first month to be printed. Use the on <i>End month</i> to define the last month in this range. mFromYear 3000 2007 When you want to print more months at once, you can define a month range. This option defines the first month to be printed. Use the on <i>End month</i> to define the last month in this range. mToDateLabel &End month: mToMonth When you want to print more months at once, you can define a month range. This option defines the last month to be printed. Use the option <i>Start month</i> to define the first month in this range. mToMonth When you want to print more months at once, you can define a month range. This option defines the last month to be printed. Use the option <i>Start month</i> to define the first month in this range. mToYear 3000 2007 When you want to print more months at once, you can define a month range. This option defines the last month to be printed. Use the option <i>Start month</i> to define the first month in this range. spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 17 21 mIncludeTodos false Include to-&dos that are due on the printed day(s) Check this option if you want to have to-dos on the print, placed by their due date. mWeekNumbers Print week &numbers Enable this to print week numbers at the left of each row. mRecurDaily Print daily re&curring to-dos and events With this option it is possible to leave out the daily recurring to-dos and events in the print. They take a lot of space and make the month view needlessly complicated. mRecurWeekly Print weekl&y recurring to-dos and events Similar to "Print daily recurring to-dos and events". Weekly to-dos and events will be omitted when making a print of the selected month. mWeekNumbers mRecurDaily mRecurWeekly mIncludeTodos kdateedit.h kcombobox.h knuminput.h kcombobox.h knuminput.h