/* ** Copyright (C) 2006 Bertjan Broeksema */ /* ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* ** Bug reports and questions can be sent to kde-pim@kde.org */ #include "idmapperxml.h" #include "options.h" IDMapperXml::IDMapperXml( const QString &file ) : fFile(file) , fCurrentMapping( 0l ) { } IDMapperXml::~IDMapperXml() { FUNCTIONSETUP; } bool IDMapperXml::open() { FUNCTIONSETUP; root = doc.createElement( CSL1("mappings") ); QDomNode node = doc.createProcessingInstruction(CSL1("xml") ,CSL1("version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"")); doc.appendChild( node ); doc.appendChild( root ); if( !fFile.exists() ) { DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": Creating " << fFile.name() << endl; if( fFile.open( IO_ReadWrite ) ) { QTextStream out( &fFile ); doc.save( out, 4 ); fFile.close(); return true; } else { DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": Could not create " << fFile.name() << endl; return false; } } else { DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": Parsing file " << fFile.name() << endl; QXmlSimpleReader reader; reader.setContentHandler( this ); // Make sure that the file is closed after parsing. bool result = reader.parse( fFile ); fFile.close(); return result; } } void IDMapperXml::save() { FUNCTIONSETUP; DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": Saving " << fMappings.count() << " mappings..." << endl; DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": "; QValueList::const_iterator it; for ( it = fMappings.begin(); it != fMappings.end(); ++it ) { DEBUGKPILOT << "."; IDMapping mapping = (*it); DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": " << mapping.conduit(); QDomElement mappingElement = doc.createElement( CSL1("mapping") ); mappingElement.setAttribute( CSL1("conduit"), mapping.conduit() ); if( !mapping.uid().isNull() ) { QDomElement uidElement = doc.createElement( CSL1("uid") ); uidElement.setAttribute( CSL1("value"), mapping.uid() ); mappingElement.appendChild( uidElement ); } if( mapping.pid() != 0 ) { QDomElement uidElement = doc.createElement( CSL1("pid") ); uidElement.setAttribute( CSL1("value"), mapping.pid() ); mappingElement.appendChild( uidElement ); } if( !mapping.lastSyncTime().isNull() ) { QDomElement uidElement = doc.createElement( CSL1("pid") ); uidElement.setAttribute( CSL1("value"), QString::number( mapping.pid() ) ); mappingElement.appendChild( uidElement ); } root.appendChild( mappingElement ); } if( fFile.open( IO_ReadWrite ) ) { QTextStream out( &fFile ); doc.save( out, 4 ); fFile.close(); DEBUGKPILOT << endl << fname << ": finished saving." << endl; } } void IDMapperXml::addMapping( const IDMapping &mapping ) { FUNCTIONSETUP; DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": " << mapping.conduit() << endl; fMappings.append( mapping ); DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": " << fMappings.first().conduit() << endl; } QValueList& IDMapperXml::mappings() { return fMappings; } bool IDMapperXml::startElement( const QString &namespaceURI , const QString &localName, const QString &qName , const QXmlAttributes &attribs ) { FUNCTIONSETUP; Q_UNUSED(namespaceURI); Q_UNUSED(localName); if( qName == CSL1("mapping") ) { QString conduit( attribs.value( CSL1("conduit") ) ); fCurrentMapping = new IDMapping( conduit ); } else if( qName == CSL1("uid") ) { fCurrentMapping->setUid( attribs.value( CSL1("value") ) ); } else if( qName == CSL1("pid") ) { fCurrentMapping->setPid( attribs.value( CSL1("value") ).toULong() ); } else if( qName == CSL1("lastsync") ) { // NOTE: this isn't very robuust! // Parses only dates in the form: dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss QString date = attribs.value( CSL1("value") ); int day = date.left(2).toInt(); int month = date.mid(3,2).toInt(); int year = date.mid(6, 4).toInt(); int hour = date.mid(11,2).toInt(); int minute = date.mid(14,2).toInt(); int second = date.mid(17,2).toInt(); QDate tmpDate = QDate( year, month, day ); QTime tmpTime = QTime( hour, minute, second ); fCurrentMapping->setLastSyncTime( QDateTime( tmpDate, tmpTime ) ); } return true; } bool IDMapperXml::endElement( const QString &namespaceURI , const QString &localName, const QString &qName ) { FUNCTIONSETUP; Q_UNUSED(namespaceURI); Q_UNUSED(localName); Q_UNUSED(qName); if( qName == CSL1("mapping") ) { addMapping( *fCurrentMapping ); delete fCurrentMapping; fCurrentMapping = 0l; } return true; }