gSoap Patches ============= This directory contains patches for gSoap required to make the GroupWise resource work with the real existing GroupWise server. They are already included in the gSoap or gSoap generated files in CVS, so if you don't create the stubs yourself or want to upgrade the gSoap version you don't have to care about these patches. Patch descriptions ------------------ broken_namespace.diff: The GroupWise server doesn't correctly declare the default namespace. This patch disables the namespace checking for the GroupWise namespace ns1. utf8_entities.diff: gSoap encodes utf8 characters as XML entities, but the server doesn't seem to be able to decode them. This patch makes gSoap send unencoded utf8 characters. type_typo.diff Some intermediate versions of GroupWise have a typo in the protocol. This patch works around it. socklen.diff: Adriaan de Groot : The attached patch is needed for me to get kresources/groupwise/soap/stdsoap2.cpp to build -- it's the pretty usual socklen_t type mixups (that are only serious on 64-bitters).