/* -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- This file is part of kdepim. Copyright (c) 2004 KDEPIM developers This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef EMAIL_H #define EMAIL_H #include #include #include /** @file */ /** \brief KPIM holds all kinds of functions specific to KDE PIM. The KPIM namespace hides away functions, enums, and other things that are KDE PIM specific and that we don't want to have polluting the global namespace. */ namespace KPIM { /** Result type for splitAddress, isValidEmailAddress. */ enum EmailParseResult { AddressOk, AddressEmpty, UnexpectedEnd, UnbalancedParens, MissingDomainPart, UnclosedAngleAddr, UnopenedAngleAddr, TooManyAts, UnexpectedComma, TooFewAts, MissingLocalPart, UnbalancedQuote, NoAddressSpec, DisallowedChar, InvalidDisplayName }; // Helper functions /** Split a comma separated list of email addresses. */ KDE_EXPORT QStringList splitEmailAddrList(const QString& aStr); /** Splits the given address into display name, email address and comment. Returns AddressOk if no error was encountered. Otherwise an appropriate error code is returned. In case of an error the values of displayName, addrSpec and comment are undefined. @param address a single email address, example: Joe User (comment1) (comment2) @param displayName only out: the display-name of the email address, i.e. "Joe User" in the example; in case of an error the return value is undefined @param addrSpec only out: the addr-spec, i.e. "joe.user@example.org" in the example; in case of an error the return value is undefined @param comment only out: the space-separated comments, i.e. "comment1 comment2" in the example; in case of an error the return value is undefined @return AddressOk if no error was encountered. Otherwise an appropriate error code is returned. */ KDE_EXPORT EmailParseResult splitAddress( const QCString & address, QCString & displayName, QCString & addrSpec, QCString & comment ); /** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function. Splits the given address into display name, email address and comment. Returns AddressOk if no error was encountered. Otherwise an appropriate error code is returned. In case of an error the values of displayName, addrSpec and comment are undefined. @param address a single email address, example: Joe User (comment1) (comment2) @param displayName only out: the display-name of the email address, i.e. "Joe User" in the example; in case of an error the return value is undefined @param addrSpec only out: the addr-spec, i.e. "joe.user@example.org" in the example; in case of an error the return value is undefined @param comment only out: the space-separated comments, i.e. "comment1 comment2" in the example; in case of an error the return value is undefined @return AddressOk if no error was encountered. Otherwise an appropriate error code is returned. */ KDE_EXPORT EmailParseResult splitAddress( const QString & address, QString & displayName, QString & addrSpec, QString & comment ); /** Validates an email address in the form of "Joe User" . Returns AddressOk if no error was encountered. Otherwise an appropriate error code is returned. @param aStr a single email address, example: Joe User (comment1) @return AddressOk if no error was encountered. Otherwise an appropriate error code is returned. */ KDE_EXPORT EmailParseResult isValidEmailAddress( const QString& aStr ); /** Translate the enum errorcodes from emailParseResult into i18n'd strings that can be used for msg boxes. @param errorCode the errorCode from isValidEmailEmailAddress(). @return An i18n ready string for use in msgboxes. */ KDE_EXPORT QString emailParseResultToString( EmailParseResult errorCode ); /** Validates an email address in the form of joe@example.org. Returns true if no error was encountered. This method should be used when the input field should not allow a "full" email address with comments and other special cases that normally are valid in an email address. @param aStr a single email address, example: joe.user@example.org @return true if no error was encountered. */ KDE_EXPORT bool isValidSimpleEmailAddress( const QString& aStr ); /** Returns a i18n string to be used in msgboxes this allows for error messages to be the same across the board. @return An i18n ready string for use in msgboxes. */ KDE_EXPORT QString simpleEmailAddressErrorMsg(); /** Returns the pure email address (addr-spec in RFC2822) of the given address (mailbox in RFC2822). @param address an email address, e.g. "Joe User " @return the addr-spec of @a address, i.e. joe.user@example.org in the example */ KDE_EXPORT QCString getEmailAddress( const QCString & address ); /** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function. Returns the pure email address (addr-spec in RFC2822) of the given address (mailbox in RFC2822). @param address an email address, e.g. "Joe User " @return the addr-spec of @a address, i.e. joe.user@example.org in the example */ KDE_EXPORT QString getEmailAddress( const QString & address ); /** Returns the pure email address (addr-spec in RFC2822) of the first email address of a list of addresses. @param addresses an email address, e.g. "Joe User " @return the addr-spec of @a addresses, i.e. joe.user@example.org in the example */ KDE_EXPORT QCString getFirstEmailAddress( const QCString & addresses ); /** This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially like the above function. Returns the pure email address (addr-spec in RFC2822) of the first email address of a list of addresses. @param addresses an email address, e.g. "Joe User " @return the addr-spec of @a addresses, i.e. joe.user@example.org in the example */ KDE_EXPORT QString getFirstEmailAddress( const QString & addresses ); /** Return email address and name from string. Examples: * "Stefan Taferner " returns "taferner@example.org" * and "Stefan Taferner". "joe@example.com" returns "joe@example.com" * and "". Note that this only returns the first address. * Also note that the return value is TRUE if both the name and the * mail are not empty: this does NOT tell you if mail contains a * valid email address or just some rubbish. */ KDE_EXPORT bool getNameAndMail(const QString& aStr, QString& name, QString& mail); /** * Compare two email addresses. If matchName is false, it just checks * the email address, and returns true if this matches. If matchName * is true, both the name and the email must be the same. */ KDE_EXPORT bool compareEmail( const QString& email1, const QString& email2, bool matchName ); /** Returns a normalized address built from the given parts. The normalized address is of one the following forms: - displayName (comment) <addrSpec> - displayName <addrSpec> - comment <addrSpec> - addrSpec @param displayName the display name of the address @param addrSpec the actual email address (addr-spec in RFC 2822) @param comment a comment @return a normalized address built from the given parts */ KDE_EXPORT QString normalizedAddress( const QString & displayName, const QString & addrSpec, const QString & comment ); /** Decodes the punycode domain part of the given addr-spec if it's an IDN. @param addrSpec a pure 7-bit email address (addr-spec in RFC2822) @return the email address with Unicode domain */ KDE_EXPORT QString decodeIDN( const QString & addrSpec ); /** Encodes the domain part of the given addr-spec in punycode if it's an IDN. @param addrSpec a pure email address with Unicode domain @return the email address with domain in punycode */ KDE_EXPORT QString encodeIDN( const QString & addrSpec ); /** Normalizes all email addresses in the given list and decodes all IDNs. @param addresses a list of email addresses with punycoded IDNs @return the email addresses in normalized form with Unicode IDNs */ KDE_EXPORT QString normalizeAddressesAndDecodeIDNs( const QString & addresses ); /** Normalizes all email addresses in the given list and encodes all IDNs in punycode. */ KDE_EXPORT QString normalizeAddressesAndEncodeIDNs( const QString & str ); /** Add quote characters around the given string if it contains a * character that makes that necessary, in an email name, such as ",". */ KDE_EXPORT QString quoteNameIfNecessary( const QString& str ); } // namespace #endif /* EMAIL_H */