[Global] PluginName=KDEPimWidgets Includes=kinstance.h Init=new KInstance("kdepimwidgets"); [KPIM::AddresseeLineEdit] ToolTip=Addressee Line Edit (KDE-PIM) WhatsThis=A line edit which lets you select addressees from the addressbook IncludeFile=libkdepim/addresseelineedit.h Group=Input (KDE-PIM) [KPIM::ClickLineEdit] ToolTip=Click Line Edit (KDE-PIM) WhatsThis=A line edit that shows grayed-out default text when no text is set. IncludeFile=libkdepim/clicklineedit.h Group=Input (KDE-PIM) [KDateEdit] ToolTip=Date Edit Combobox (KDE-PIM) WhatsThis=A widget to enter a date. It can also be selected from a date picker calendar. IncludeFile=libkdepim/kdateedit.h Group=Input (KDE-PIM) [KTimeEdit] ToolTip=Time Edit Combobox (KDE-PIM) WhatsThis=A widget to enter a time. It can also be selected from a drop-down list. IncludeFile=libkdepim/ktimeedit.h ConstructorArgs=(parent, TQTime::currentTime(), name) Group=Input (KDE-PIM)