/* This file is part of libtdepim. Copyright (c) 2003 Don Sanders Copyright (c) 2005 George Staikos This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "maillistdrag.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KPIM; MailSummary::MailSummary( TQ_UINT32 serialNumber, TQString messageId, TQString subject, TQString from, TQString to, time_t date ) : mSerialNumber( serialNumber ), mMessageId( messageId ), mSubject( subject ), mFrom( from ), mTo( to ), mDate( date ) {} TQ_UINT32 MailSummary::serialNumber() const { return mSerialNumber; } TQString MailSummary::messageId() { return mMessageId; } TQString MailSummary::subject() { return mSubject; } TQString MailSummary::from() { return mFrom; } TQString MailSummary::to() { return mTo; } time_t MailSummary::date() { return mDate; } void MailSummary::set( TQ_UINT32 serialNumber, TQString messageId, TQString subject, TQString from, TQString to, time_t date ) { mSerialNumber = serialNumber; mMessageId = messageId; mSubject = subject; mFrom = from; mTo = to; mDate = date; } MailListDrag::MailListDrag( MailList mailList, TQWidget * parent, MailTextSource *src ) : TQStoredDrag( MailListDrag::format(), parent ), _src(src) { setMailList( mailList ); } MailListDrag::~MailListDrag() { delete _src; _src = 0; } const char* MailListDrag::format() { return "x-kmail-drag/message-list"; } bool MailListDrag::canDecode( TQMimeSource *e ) { return e->provides( MailListDrag::format() ); } // Have to define before use TQDataStream& operator<< ( TQDataStream &s, MailSummary &d ) { s << d.serialNumber(); s << d.messageId(); s << d.subject(); s << d.from(); s << d.to(); s << d.date(); return s; } TQDataStream& operator>> ( TQDataStream &s, MailSummary &d ) { TQ_UINT32 serialNumber; TQString messageId, subject, from, to; time_t date; s >> serialNumber; s >> messageId; s >> subject; s >> from; s >> to; s >> date; d.set( serialNumber, messageId, subject, from, to, date ); return s; } TQDataStream& operator<< ( TQDataStream &s, MailList &mailList ) { MailList::iterator it; for (it = mailList.begin(); it != mailList.end(); ++it) { MailSummary mailDrag = *it; s << mailDrag; } return s; } TQDataStream& operator>> ( TQDataStream &s, MailList &mailList ) { mailList.clear(); MailSummary mailDrag; while (!s.atEnd()) { s >> mailDrag; mailList.append( mailDrag ); } return s; } bool MailListDrag::decode( TQDropEvent* e, MailList& mailList ) { TQByteArray payload = e->tqencodedData( MailListDrag::format() ); TQDataStream buffer( payload, IO_ReadOnly ); if ( payload.size() ) { e->accept(); buffer >> mailList; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool MailListDrag::decode( TQByteArray& payload, MailList& mailList ) { TQDataStream stream( payload, IO_ReadOnly ); if ( payload.size() ) { stream >> mailList; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool MailListDrag::decode( TQDropEvent* e, TQByteArray &a ) { MailList mailList; if (decode( e, mailList )) { MailList::iterator it; TQBuffer buffer( a ); buffer.open( IO_WriteOnly ); TQDataStream stream( &buffer ); for (it = mailList.begin(); it != mailList.end(); ++it) { MailSummary mailDrag = *it; stream << mailDrag.serialNumber(); } buffer.close(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void MailListDrag::setMailList( MailList mailList ) { TQByteArray array; TQBuffer buffer( array ); buffer.open( IO_WriteOnly); TQDataStream stream( array, IO_WriteOnly ); stream << mailList; buffer.close(); setEncodedData( array ); } const char *MailListDrag::format(int i) const { if (_src) { if (i == 0) { return "message/rfc822"; } else { return TQStoredDrag::format(i - 1); } } return TQStoredDrag::format(i); } bool MailListDrag::provides(const char *mimeType) const { if (_src && TQCString(mimeType) == "message/rfc822") { return true; } return TQStoredDrag::provides(mimeType); } TQByteArray MailListDrag::tqencodedData(const char *mimeType) const { if (TQCString(mimeType) != "message/rfc822") { return TQStoredDrag::tqencodedData(mimeType); } TQByteArray rc; if (_src) { MailList ml; TQByteArray enc = TQStoredDrag::tqencodedData(format()); decode(enc, ml); KProgressDialog *dlg = new KProgressDialog(0, 0, TQString(), i18n("Retrieving and storing messages..."), true); dlg->setAllowCancel(true); dlg->progressBar()->setTotalSteps(ml.count()); int i = 0; dlg->progressBar()->setValue(i); dlg->show(); TQTextStream *ts = new TQTextStream(rc, IO_WriteOnly); for (MailList::ConstIterator it = ml.begin(); it != ml.end(); ++it) { MailSummary mailDrag = *it; *ts << _src->text(mailDrag.serialNumber()); if (dlg->wasCancelled()) { break; } dlg->progressBar()->setValue(++i); kapp->eventLoop()->processEvents(TQEventLoop::ExcludeSocketNotifiers); } delete dlg; delete ts; } return rc; }