: : Belgian (in french) holiday file. Copy to ~/.holiday : : Author: Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam : Adapted from Dutch holiday by Danny Backx and Jean Cayron : small "Jour de l'an" weekend on 1.1. small "Épiphanie" on 6.1 small "Chandeleur" on 2.2 small "Mardi-gras" on easter minus 47 days small "Mercredi des cendres" on easter minus 46 days small "Dimanche des rameaux" on easter minus 7 days small "Jeudi saint" on easter minus 3 days small "Vendredi saint" on easter minus 2 days small "Pâques" weekend on easter small "Lundi de Pâques" weekend on easter plus 1 day small "Fête du travail" weekend on 1.5 small "Ascencion" weekend on easter plus 39 days small "Fête des mères" on every second sunday in may small "Pentecôte" weekend on easter plus 49 days small "Lundi de Pentecôte" weekend on easter plus 50 days small "Fête des pères" on every third sunday in june small "Fête de la Communauté flamande" on 11.7 small "Fête nationale - Férié" weekend on 21.7 small "Assomption" weekend on 15.8 small "Fête de la Communauté française de Belgique" on 27.9 small "Fêtes de Wallonie" on every third sunday in september small "Toussaint" weekend on 1.11 small "Jour des morts" on 2.11 small "Armistice" weekend on 11.11 smaal "Fête de la Communauté germanophone de Belgique" on 15.11 small "Saint Nicolas" on 06.12 small "Noël" weekend on 25.12. small "Saint-Sylvestre" on 31.12