#!/usr/bin/perl # (copied from kdesdk/cervisia/misc.cpp) # These regular expression parts aren't useful to check the validity of the # CVSROOT specification. They are just used to extract the different parts of it. $usernamerx = "([a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_-]*)?"; $passwordrx = "(:[^@]+)?"; $hostrx = "([^:/]+)"; $portrx = "(:(\\d*))?"; $pathrx = "(/.*)"; # concat above regexps into a single expression $regexp = join('', ":pserver:(", $usernamerx, $passwordrx, "@)?", $hostrx, $portrx, $pathrx); $loginuser = getlogin || getpwuid($<); while(<>) { ($key) = ($_ =~ /([^=]*)=(.*)$/); ($value) = ($_ =~ /^[^=]*=(.*)$/); if( $key eq "Repos" ) { @repos = split(',', $value); foreach $repo ( @repos ) { # pserver CVSROOT specification? if( $repo =~ m/($regexp)/ ) { # extract username, hostname, port and path from CVSROOT $username = $3; $hostname = $5; $port = $7; $path = $8; # replace empty port number $port =~ s/^$/2401/; # replace empty username $username =~ s/^$/$loginuser/; # create normalized CVSROOT specification $repo = join('', ":pserver:", $username, "@", $hostname, ":", $port, $path); } } # remove duplicates from array %seen = (); @repos = grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } @repos; $value = join(',', @repos); print "# DELETE " . $key . "\n"; print $key . "=" . $value . "\n"; next; } print $_; }