#!/bin/sh # # Make a release from the current branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk/umbrello # # Run this script as follows: # . make-umbrello-release.sh [BRANCH_VERSION] # BRANCH_VERSION defaults to 3.5. # @todo Create release from trunk if BRANCH_VERSION not given. # Note: trunk uses the cmake based build process. # # The script creates a directory, /tmp/kdesdk, which is used # as the work area for building the release. # The release tarfile will be placed in the current working dir. # The release version is taken from the VERSION file. # branchver=3.5 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then branchver=$2 fi origdir=`pwd` version=`grep "^[1-9]" VERSION` udir=umbrello-$version svnroot=svn://anonsvn.kde.org:/home/kde/branches/KDE/$branchver cd /tmp svn co -N $svnroot/kdesdk cd kdesdk svn co $svnroot/kdesdk/umbrello $udir svn co $svnroot/kde-common/admin $udir/admin svn co -N $svnroot/kdesdk/doc $udir/doc svn co $svnroot/kdesdk/doc/umbrello $udir/doc/umbrello cp -p Makefile.cvs $udir/ cd $udir mv configure.in.in configure.in.in.orig echo '#MIN_CONFIG' > configure.in.in echo 'KDE_ENABLE_HIDDEN_VISIBILITY' >> configure.in.in echo 'CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $KDE_DEFAULT_CXXFLAGS"' >> configure.in.in echo '' >> configure.in.in cat configure.in.in.orig >> configure.in.in rm configure.in.in.orig perl -p -e 's@umbrello/VERSION@VERSION@g' -i `find umbrello -name Makefile.am` cd /tmp log=/tmp/kdesdk/svn2dist.log $origdir/../scripts/svn2dist kdesdk $udir -n umbrello --admin-dir kdesdk/$udir/admin \ --svn-root svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/stable --log=$log -o mv umbrello/po kdesdk/$udir/ rm -rf umbrello cd kdesdk/$udir make -f Makefile.cvs cd .. tarfile=${udir}.tar.bz2 tar cfvj $tarfile --exclude=.svn --exclude=autom4te.cache $udir mv $tarfile $origdir/ cd $origdir # rm -rf /tmp/kdesdk echo upload $tarfile to upload.sf.net echo wput $tarfile ftp://upload.sf.net/incoming/ echo update uml.sf.net including uploading ChangeLog echo advertise on freshmeat and kde-apps