path: root/kdelirc/kdelirc/profileserver.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kdelirc/kdelirc/profileserver.cpp')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kdelirc/kdelirc/profileserver.cpp b/kdelirc/kdelirc/profileserver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..484deac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kdelirc/kdelirc/profileserver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// C++ Implementation: $MODULE$
+// Description:
+// Author: Gav Wood <>, (C) 2003
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qxml.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include "profileserver.h"
+ProfileServer *ProfileServer::theInstance = 0;
+ theProfiles.setAutoDelete(true);
+ loadProfiles();
+void ProfileServer::loadProfiles()
+ QStringList theFiles = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data", "profiles/*.profile.xml");
+ for(QStringList::iterator i = theFiles.begin(); i != theFiles.end(); ++i)
+ { kdDebug() << "Found data file: " << *i << endl;
+ Profile *p = new Profile();
+ p->loadFromFile(*i);
+ theProfiles.insert(p->id(), p);
+ }
+ // set up defaults
+ theUnique = true;
+ theIfMulti = IM_DONTSEND;
+ theActions.setAutoDelete(true);
+const ProfileAction *Profile::searchClass(const QString &c) const
+ for(QDictIterator<ProfileAction> i(theActions); i.current(); ++i)
+ if(i.current()->getClass() == c) return i;
+ return 0;
+void Profile::loadFromFile(const QString &fileName)
+ charBuffer = "";
+ curPA = 0;
+ curPAA = 0;
+ QFile xmlFile(fileName);
+ QXmlInputSource source(&xmlFile);
+ QXmlSimpleReader reader;
+ reader.setContentHandler(this);
+ reader.parse(source);
+const ProfileAction *ProfileServer::getAction(const QString &appId, const QString &actionId) const
+ if(theProfiles[appId])
+ if(theProfiles[appId]->theActions[actionId])
+ return theProfiles[appId]->theActions[actionId];
+ return 0;
+const QString &ProfileServer::getServiceName(const QString &appId) const
+ if(theProfiles[appId])
+ return theProfiles[appId]->serviceName();
+ return QString::null;
+const ProfileAction *ProfileServer::getAction(const QString &appId, const QString &objId, const QString &prototype) const
+ return getAction(appId, objId + "::" + prototype);
+bool Profile::characters(const QString &data)
+ charBuffer += data;
+ return true;
+bool Profile::startElement(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &name, const QXmlAttributes &attributes)
+ if(name == "profile")
+ { theId = attributes.value("id");
+ theServiceName = attributes.value("servicename");
+ }
+ else if(name == "action")
+ { curPA = new ProfileAction;
+ curPA->setObjId(attributes.value("objid"));
+ curPA->setPrototype(attributes.value("prototype"));
+ curPA->setClass(attributes.value("class"));
+ curPA->setMultiplier(attributes.value("multiplier").isEmpty() ? 1.0 : attributes.value("multiplier").toFloat());
+ curPA->setRepeat(attributes.value("repeat") == "1");
+ curPA->setAutoStart(attributes.value("autostart") == "1");
+ }
+ else if(name == "instances")
+ { theUnique = attributes.value("unique") == "1";
+ theIfMulti = attributes.value("ifmulti") == "sendtotop" ? IM_SENDTOTOP : attributes.value("ifmulti") == "sendtobottom" ? IM_SENDTOBOTTOM : attributes.value("ifmulti") == "sendtoall" ? IM_SENDTOALL : IM_DONTSEND;
+ }
+ else if(name == "argument")
+ { curPA->theArguments.append(ProfileActionArgument());
+ curPAA = &(curPA->theArguments.last());
+ curPAA->setAction(curPA);
+ curPAA->setType(attributes.value("type"));
+ }
+ else if(name == "range" && curPAA)
+ curPAA->setRange(qMakePair(attributes.value("min").toInt(), attributes.value("max").toInt()));
+ charBuffer = "";
+ return true;
+bool Profile::endElement(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &name)
+ if(name == "name")
+ if(curPA)
+ curPA->setName(charBuffer);
+ else
+ theName = charBuffer;
+ else if(name == "author")
+ theAuthor = charBuffer;
+ else if(name == "comment" && curPA && !curPAA)
+ curPA->setComment(charBuffer);
+ else if(name == "default" && curPA && curPAA)
+ curPAA->setDefault(charBuffer);
+ else if(name == "comment" && curPA && curPAA)
+ curPAA->setComment(charBuffer);
+ else if(name == "action")
+ {
+ curPA->setProfile(this);
+ theActions.insert(curPA->objId() + "::" + curPA->prototype(), curPA);
+ curPA = 0;
+ }
+ else if(name == "argument")
+ curPAA = 0;
+ charBuffer = "";
+ return true;