path: root/kregexpeditor/qregexpparser.l
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kregexpeditor/qregexpparser.l')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kregexpeditor/qregexpparser.l b/kregexpeditor/qregexpparser.l
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fb90cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kregexpeditor/qregexpparser.l
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Jesper K. Pedersen <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ **/
+%option noyywrap
+ #include <qstring.h>
+ #include "textrangeregexp.h"
+ #include "gen_qregexpparser.hh"
+#ifdef QT_ONLY
+ #include "compat.h"
+ void parseRange( char* txt, int* min, int* max );
+ RegExp* parseCharClass( char* match );
+Escape \\.
+BackRef \\[1-9][0-9]*
+CharClass \[^?\]?[^]]*\]
+Range \{[0-9]*(,[0-9]*)?\}
+HexChar \\x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}
+OctChar \\0[0-7]{1,4}
+SpecialEsc \\[afnrtv]
+"\\b" return TOK_PosWordChar;
+"\\B" return TOK_PosNonWordChar;
+"\\d" {
+ TextRangeRegExp* regexp = new TextRangeRegExp( false );
+ regexp->setDigit( true );
+ qregexplval.regexp = regexp;
+ return TOK_CharClass;
+ }
+"\\D" {
+ TextRangeRegExp* regexp = new TextRangeRegExp( false );
+ regexp->setNonDigit( true );
+ qregexplval.regexp = regexp;
+ return TOK_CharClass;
+ }
+"\\s" {
+ TextRangeRegExp* regexp = new TextRangeRegExp( false );
+ regexp->setSpace( true );
+ qregexplval.regexp = regexp;
+ return TOK_CharClass;
+ }
+"\\S" {
+ TextRangeRegExp* regexp = new TextRangeRegExp( false );
+ regexp->setNonSpace( true );
+ qregexplval.regexp = regexp;
+ return TOK_CharClass;
+ }
+"\\w" {
+ TextRangeRegExp* regexp = new TextRangeRegExp( false );
+ regexp->setWordChar( true );
+ qregexplval.regexp = regexp;
+ return TOK_CharClass;
+ }
+"\\W" {
+ TextRangeRegExp* regexp = new TextRangeRegExp( false );
+ regexp->setNonWordChar( true );
+ qregexplval.regexp = regexp;
+ return TOK_CharClass;
+ }
+{SpecialEsc} {
+ TextRangeRegExp* regexp = new TextRangeRegExp( false );
+ regexp->addCharacter( QString::fromLocal8Bit( yytext ) );
+ qregexplval.regexp = regexp;
+ return TOK_CharClass;
+ }
+{HexChar} {
+ TextRangeRegExp* regexp = new TextRangeRegExp( false );
+ regexp->addCharacter( QString::fromLocal8Bit(yytext) );
+ qregexplval.regexp = regexp;
+ return TOK_CharClass;
+ }
+{OctChar} {
+ TextRangeRegExp* regexp = new TextRangeRegExp( false );
+ regexp->addCharacter( QString::fromLocal8Bit(yytext) );
+ qregexplval.regexp = regexp;
+ return TOK_CharClass;
+ }
+"." return TOK_Dot;
+"$" return TOK_Dollar;
+"^" return TOK_Carat;
+"(?:" return TOK_MagicLeftParent;
+"(?=" return TOK_PosLookAhead;
+"(?!" return TOK_NegLookAhead;
+"(" return TOK_LeftParen;
+")" return TOK_RightParent;
+"|" return TOK_Bar;
+"*" { qregexplval.range.min = 0; qregexplval.range.max=-1; return TOK_Quantifier; }
+"?" { qregexplval.range.min = 0; qregexplval.range.max=1; return TOK_Quantifier; }
+"+" { qregexplval.range.min = 1; qregexplval.range.max=-1; return TOK_Quantifier; }
+{Range} { parseRange( yytext, &qregexplval.range.min, &qregexplval.range.max ); return TOK_Quantifier; }
+{CharClass} { qregexplval.regexp = parseCharClass(yytext); return TOK_CharClass; }
+{BackRef} { qregexplval.backRef = atoi( yytext+1 ); return TOK_BackRef; }
+{Escape} { = yytext[1]; return TOK_EscapeChar; }
+. { = yytext[0]; return TOK_Char; }
+void setParseData( QString qstr ) {
+ const char* cstr;
+ if ( qstr.isNull() )
+ cstr = "";
+ else
+ cstr = qstr.latin1();
+ yy_switch_to_buffer( yy_scan_string( cstr ) );
+ This function parses a range in a form similar to "{3,4}", "{,7}"
+ etc. and returns the value in the integers pointed to by min and max.
+void parseRange( char* txt, int* min, int* max )
+ /*
+ case txt min max
+ 1 {} 0 -1
+ 2 {,} 0 -1
+ 3 {5} 5 5
+ 4 {5,} 5 -1
+ 5 {,7} 0 7
+ 6 {5,7} 5 7
+ */
+ char c;
+ int i = 1;
+ int minimum=0, maximum=0;
+ int minFound=0, maxFound=0, commaFound = 0;
+ while ( (c = txt[i++]) != ',' && c != '}') {
+ minimum = minimum*10+ c-'0';
+ minFound=1;
+ }
+ if ( c == ',' )
+ commaFound = 1;
+ if ( c != '}' ) {
+ while ( (c = txt[i++]) != '}') {
+ maximum = maximum*10+ c-'0';
+ maxFound = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ *min = minimum;
+ if ( maxFound )
+ *max = maximum; /* case 5,6 */
+ else if ( !minFound )
+ *max = -1; /* case 1,2 */
+ else if ( commaFound )
+ *max = -1; /* case 4 */
+ else
+ *max = minimum; /* case 3 */
+ This function parses a character range like "[^ab1-4]".
+RegExp* parseCharClass( char* match )
+ TextRangeRegExp* res = new TextRangeRegExp( false );
+ QString txt = QString::fromLocal8Bit( match );
+ txt = txt.mid(1,txt.length()-2);
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ QChar ch =;
+ QString pendingChar;
+ QString thisChar;
+ bool charPending = false;
+ bool rangePending = false;
+ bool flushPending = false;
+ if ( ch == QChar('^') ) {
+ res->setNegate( true );
+ ch =;
+ }
+ do {
+ // If a character is pending, and the next char is '-' then we are
+ // possible looking at a range.
+ if ( ch == QChar('-') && charPending ) {
+ rangePending = true;
+ ch =;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If we have a pending character, but do not also have a pending
+ // range, then the pending character was not part of a range, and
+ // should therefore just be added as a single character.
+ if ( charPending && !rangePending ) {
+ res->addCharacter( pendingChar );
+ charPending = false;
+ }
+ if ( ch == QChar('\\') ) {
+ // Handle the cases where an escape character is specified.
+ ch =;
+ if ( ch == QChar('a') || ch == QChar('f') || ch == QChar('n') || ch == QChar('r') || ch == QChar('t') || ch == QChar('v') ) {
+ // These are just seen as normal characters.
+ thisChar = QString::fromLocal8Bit("\\") + ch;
+ }
+ else if ( ch == QChar('d') ) {
+ // The following characters represent character groups. If any of
+ // these are seen in a range, then the range is ignored, thus [a-\s]
+ // matches an 'a', a '-', and a space (\s means space).
+ res->setDigit( true );
+ flushPending = true;
+ }
+ else if ( ch == QChar('D') ) {
+ res->setNonDigit( true );
+ flushPending = true;
+ }
+ else if ( ch == QChar('s') ) {
+ res->setSpace( true );
+ flushPending = true;
+ }
+ else if ( ch == QChar('S') ) {
+ res->setNonSpace( true );
+ flushPending = true;
+ }
+ else if ( ch == QChar('w') ) {
+ res->setWordChar( true );
+ flushPending = true;
+ }
+ else if ( ch == QChar('W') ) {
+ res->setNonWordChar( true );
+ flushPending = true;
+ }
+ else if ( ch == QChar('x') || ch == QChar('X') ) {
+ // This is a hexidecimal character: \xHHHH
+ QString str;
+ for ( int j=0; j<4; j++) {
+ ch =;
+ if ( ch == 'a' || ch == 'A' || ch == 'b' || ch == 'B' || ch == 'c' || ch == 'C' || ch == 'd' || ch == 'D' ||
+ ch == 'e' || ch == 'E' || ch == 'f' || ch == 'F' ||
+ ch == '0' || ch == '1' || ch == '2' || ch == '3' || ch == '4' || ch == '5' || ch == '6' || ch == '7' ||
+ ch == '8' || ch == '9' )
+ str += ch;
+ else
+ i--;
+ }
+ thisChar = QString::fromLocal8Bit("\\x") + str;
+ }
+ else if ( ch == QChar('0') ) {
+ // This is an octal character
+ QString str;
+ for ( int j=0; j<4; j++) {
+ ch =;
+ if ( ch == '0' || ch == '1' || ch == '2' || ch == '3' || ch == '4' || ch == '5' || ch == '6' || ch == '7' )
+ str += ch;
+ else
+ i--;
+ }
+ thisChar = QString::fromLocal8Bit("\\x") + str ;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Anything else escaped just means the character itself.
+ thisChar = ch;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // A non escaped character.
+ thisChar = ch;
+ }
+ // The characters \s,\S,\w,\W,\d or \D, can not be part of a range,
+ // thus if they are meet in what looks like a range, then the
+ // characters of the range is justed seen as normal non range
+ // characters. thus [a-\s] matches an 'a', a '-', and a space (\s means
+ // space).
+ if ( flushPending ) {
+ if ( charPending )
+ res->addCharacter( pendingChar );
+ if ( rangePending )
+ res->addCharacter( QString::fromLocal8Bit("-") );
+ flushPending = false;
+ charPending = false;
+ rangePending = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( rangePending ) {
+ res->addRange( pendingChar, thisChar );
+ charPending = false;
+ rangePending = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ pendingChar = thisChar;
+ charPending = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ch =;
+ }
+ while ( ch != QChar(']') && i <= txt.length() );
+ if ( charPending )
+ res->addCharacter( pendingChar );
+ if ( rangePending )
+ res->addCharacter( QString::fromLocal8Bit("-") );
+ return res;