EditActionBase EditActionBase 0 0 754 715 Edit Action true unnamed tabWidget3 tab Function unnamed buttonGroup3 NoFrame unnamed 0 tqlayout40 unnamed theDCOPApplications false 5 0 0 0 textLabel4_3 false O&bject: theDCOPObjects buttonGroup5 NoFrame unnamed 0 theNotJustStart 3 0 0 0 &Perform function: true theFunctions 3 0 0 0 theJustStart Just start application textLabel4_2 false Fu&nction: theDCOPFunctions textLabel5 &Application: theApplications theApplications 5 0 0 0 theDCOPFunctions false theUseProfile &Use application: true textLabel5_2 false App&lication: theDCOPApplications theUseDCOP Use &DCOP: theDCOPObjects false tqlayout36 unnamed theValue true 7 5 0 0 page 0 unnamed 0 theValueLineEdit true spacer35 Vertical Expanding 20 91 page 1 unnamed 0 theValueCheckBox true spacer36 Vertical Expanding 20 101 page 2 unnamed 0 theValueIntNumInput spacer37 Vertical Expanding 21 101 page 3 unnamed 0 theValueDoubleNumInput spacer38 Vertical Expanding 20 101 page 4 unnamed 0 theValueEditListBox 3 3 0 0 spacer33 Vertical Expanding 21 111 theArguments 3 0 0 0 106 0 spacer34 Vertical Expanding 20 101 textLabel8 A&pplication/DCOP options: theArguments spacer14 Horizontal Expanding 481 20 tqlayout17 unnamed theChangeMode Change &mode to: theModes false 7 0 0 0 spacer15 Vertical Expanding 21 30 tab Options unnamed textLabel3 <b>DCOP/Application Action Options</b> line2 HLine Sunken Horizontal theRepeat &Action repeats if button is held down theAutoStart &Start program/service if not already running spacer20 Horizontal Expanding 491 20 textLabel1_2 <b>Mode Change Options</b> line2_2 HLine Sunken Horizontal theDoBefore false E&xecute all other actions before mode change (in original mode) true theDoAfter false Exec&ute all actions after mode change (in new mode) spacer22 Horizontal Expanding 670 20 theIMTop true 1 Multiple Instances theIMLine true HLine Sunken Horizontal theIMLabel false This application may have multiple instances. In the case of having multiple instances at once when this action should be executed, choose a course of action: WordBreak|AlignVCenter theIMGroup false NoFrame 0 unnamed 0 theDontSend false &Ignore the action true theSendToTop false Send the action to the instance hi&ghest in window stacking order theSendToBottom false Send the action to the instance &lowest in window stacking order theSendToAll false Send the action to all i&nstances spacer3 Vertical Expanding 20 150 Layout1 unnamed 0 6 buttonHelp &Help F1 true Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 buttonOk &OK true true buttonCancel &Cancel true buttonOk clicked() EditActionBase accept() buttonCancel clicked() EditActionBase reject() theUseProfile toggled(bool) theApplications setEnabled(bool) theUseProfile toggled(bool) theFunctions setEnabled(bool) theUseDCOP toggled(bool) theDCOPApplications setEnabled(bool) theUseDCOP toggled(bool) theDCOPObjects setEnabled(bool) theUseDCOP toggled(bool) theDCOPFunctions setEnabled(bool) theChangeMode toggled(bool) theModes setEnabled(bool) theApplications activated(const QString&) EditActionBase updateFunctions() theDCOPApplications activated(const QString&) EditActionBase updateDCOPObjects() theDCOPObjects activated(const QString&) EditActionBase updateDCOPFunctions() theFunctions activated(const QString&) EditActionBase updateArguments() theDCOPFunctions activated(const QString&) EditActionBase updateArguments() theUseProfile toggled(bool) theArguments setEnabled(bool) theUseDCOP toggled(bool) theArguments setEnabled(bool) theArguments activated(int) EditActionBase updateArgument(int) theUseProfile clicked() EditActionBase updateArguments() theUseDCOP clicked() EditActionBase updateArguments() theUseProfile toggled(bool) theAutoStart setEnabled(bool) theUseDCOP toggled(bool) theAutoStart setEnabled(bool) theUseProfile toggled(bool) theRepeat setEnabled(bool) theUseDCOP toggled(bool) theRepeat setEnabled(bool) theChangeMode toggled(bool) theDoAfter setEnabled(bool) theChangeMode toggled(bool) theDoBefore setEnabled(bool) theValueDoubleNumInput valueChanged(double) EditActionBase slotParameterChanged() theValueLineEdit textChanged(const QString&) EditActionBase slotParameterChanged() theValueCheckBox toggled(bool) EditActionBase slotParameterChanged() theValueIntNumInput valueChanged(int) EditActionBase slotParameterChanged() theValueEditListBox changed() EditActionBase slotParameterChanged() theNotJustStart toggled(bool) theFunctions setEnabled(bool) theJustStart toggled(bool) theAutoStart setChecked(bool) theNotJustStart toggled(bool) theRepeat setChecked(bool) theNotJustStart toggled(bool) theAutoStart setEnabled(bool) theNotJustStart toggled(bool) theRepeat setEnabled(bool) theNotJustStart toggled(bool) theArguments setEnabled(bool) theNotJustStart toggled(bool) theValue setEnabled(bool) theUseProfile toggled(bool) theNotJustStart setEnabled(bool) theUseProfile toggled(bool) theJustStart setEnabled(bool) theUseProfile toggled(bool) theNotJustStart setChecked(bool) theDCOPApplications activated(const QString&) EditActionBase updateOptions() theApplications activated(const QString&) EditActionBase updateOptions() theUseProfile toggled(bool) EditActionBase updateOptions() theUseDCOP toggled(bool) EditActionBase updateOptions() theChangeMode toggled(bool) EditActionBase updateOptions() theJustStart toggled(bool) EditActionBase updateOptions() theNotJustStart toggled(bool) EditActionBase updateOptions() theUseProfile toggled(bool) textLabel5 setEnabled(bool) theUseDCOP toggled(bool) textLabel5_2 setEnabled(bool) theUseDCOP toggled(bool) textLabel4_3 setEnabled(bool) theUseDCOP toggled(bool) textLabel4_2 setEnabled(bool) theChangeMode toggled(bool) textLabel8 setDisabled(bool) tabWidget3 theUseProfile theApplications theFunctions theDCOPApplications theDCOPObjects theDCOPFunctions theModes theRepeat theAutoStart buttonHelp buttonOk buttonCancel updateFunctions() updateApplications() updateDCOPApplications() updateDCOPObjects() updateDCOPFunctions() updateArguments() updateArgument(int) slotParameterChanged() updateOptions() klineedit.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h keditlistbox.h klineedit.h