TODO: ----- When the user drops something on the regular expression area that is of mime type text/plain, then ask the user whether he want it parsed as a regular expression or whether he wants it inserted as plain text (that is the text escaped) Later wishes: ------------- - Make the KMultiFormListBox widget support that a line can show several entries. Use this feature to show two CharSelectors on one line for selecting a single char in the CharacterWidget. - Cleanup in the use of repaint(). Several of the repaint() can be update() instead. - add a checker widget, which can show what the regexp matches from a user defined text. - add the posibility to travers the widget using the keyboard. - Highlight the dragaccepter on dragEnter Back references --------------- - when deleting a compound widget, which has a backreference, what should be done with the back reference? - cut/past should preserve back reference id, while cut/copy should create a new one. - create interface for extracting information about back references. - support back references in the regexp: "(abc|def)\1" Modules to go through to search for places to use KRegExpEditor --------------------------------------------------------------- KodeKnight kdeadmin kdebase kdeedu tdegames kdegraphics kdeinstaller kdelibs kdemultimedia kdenetwork kdenonbeta tdepim kdesdk kdetoys kfte kmusic koffice kpfa ksite quanta