TEMPLATE = app INCLUDEPATH += . DEFINES += QT_ONLY TARGET = kregexpeditor win32-msvc:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /GX /GR QMAKE_CLEAN+=vc60.pdb kdexecutor.dsp # If this is a compile for House Of Fusion, then add the following line DEFINES+=HOUSEOFFUSION # Input HEADERS += altnregexp.h \ altnwidget.h \ auxbuttons.h \ ccp.h \ characterswidget.h \ charselector.h \ compoundregexp.h \ compoundwidget.h \ concregexp.h \ concwidget.h \ dcbutton.h \ dotregexp.h \ drag.h \ dragaccepter.h \ editorwindow.h \ emacsregexpconverter.h \ errormap.h \ gen_qregexpparser.h \ indexWindow.h \ infopage.h \ tdemultiformlistbox-multivisible.h \ tdemultiformlistbox-shower.h \ tdemultiformlistbox-windowed.h \ tdemultiformlistbox.h \ tdemultiformlistboxentry.h \ tdemultiformlistboxfactory.h \ kregexpeditorgui.h \ kregexpeditorprivate.h \ kwidgetstreamer.h \ limitedcharlineedit.h \ lookaheadregexp.h \ lookaheadwidget.h \ multicontainerwidget.h \ myfontmetrics.h \ pair.h \ positionregexp.h \ qtregexpconverter.h \ qtregexphighlighter.h \ regexp.h \ regexpbuttons.h \ regexpconverter.h \ regexphighlighter.h \ regexpwidget.h \ repeatregexp.h \ repeatwidget.h \ scrollededitorwindow.h \ selectablelineedit.h \ singlecontainerwidget.h \ textrangeregexp.h \ textregexp.h \ textwidget.h \ triple.h \ userdefinedregexps.h \ verifier.h \ verifybuttons.h \ widgetfactory.h \ widgetwindow.h \ windowlistboxitem.h \ zerowidgets.h\ compat.h \ images.h #LEXSOURCES += qregexpparser.l #YACCSOURCES += qregexpparser.y YACC=bison SOURCES += altnregexp.cpp \ altnwidget.cpp \ auxbuttons.cpp \ ccp.cpp \ characterswidget.cpp \ charselector.cpp \ compoundregexp.cpp \ compoundwidget.cpp \ concregexp.cpp \ concwidget.cpp \ dcbutton.cpp \ dotregexp.cpp \ drag.cpp \ dragaccepter.cpp \ editorwindow.cpp \ emacsregexpconverter.cpp \ errormap.cpp \ gen_qregexplexer.cpp \ indexWindow.cpp \ infopage.cpp \ tdemultiformlistbox-multivisible.cpp \ tdemultiformlistbox-windowed.cpp \ tdemultiformlistbox.cpp \ tdemultiformlistboxentry.cpp \ tdemultiformlistboxfactory.cpp \ kregexpeditorgui.cpp \ kregexpeditorprivate.cpp \ kwidgetstreamer.cpp \ limitedcharlineedit.cpp \ lookaheadregexp.cpp \ lookaheadwidget.cpp \ main.cpp \ multicontainerwidget.cpp \ myfontmetrics.cpp \ positionregexp.cpp \ qtregexpconverter.cpp \ qtregexphighlighter.cpp \ regexp.cpp \ regexpbuttons.cpp \ regexpconverter.cpp \ regexphighlighter.cpp \ regexpwidget.cpp \ repeatregexp.cpp \ repeatwidget.cpp \ scrollededitorwindow.cpp \ selectablelineedit.cpp \ singlecontainerwidget.cpp \ textrangeregexp.cpp \ textregexp.cpp \ textwidget.cpp \ userdefinedregexps.cpp \ verifier.cpp \ verifybuttons.cpp \ widgetfactory.cpp \ widgetwindow.cpp \ windowlistboxitem.cpp \ zerowidgets.cpp \ gen_qregexpparser.cpp \ compat.cpp