path: root/languages/cpp/app_templates/kpartplugin/plugin_app.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/cpp/app_templates/kpartplugin/plugin_app.cpp')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/languages/cpp/app_templates/kpartplugin/plugin_app.cpp b/languages/cpp/app_templates/kpartplugin/plugin_app.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9ee55a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/cpp/app_templates/kpartplugin/plugin_app.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#include "plugin_%{APPNAMELC}.h"
+#include <khtml_part.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kinstance.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+Plugin%{APPNAME}::Plugin%{APPNAME}( QObject* parent, const char* name )
+ : Plugin( parent, name )
+ // Instantiate all of your actions here. These will appear in
+ // Konqueror's menu and toolbars.
+ (void) new KAction( i18n("&Plugin Action"), "%{APPNAMELC}", 0,
+ this, SLOT(slotAction()),
+ actionCollection(), "plugin_action" );
+void Plugin%{APPNAME}::slotAction()
+ // This plugin assumes KHTMLPart. If your plugin can handle more
+ // than this or a different Part than this, simply delete or
+ // change the following block.
+ if ( !parent()->inherits("KHTMLPart") )
+ {
+ QString title( i18n( "Cannot Translate Source" ) );
+ QString text( i18n( "You cannot translate anything except web pages "
+ "with this plugin." ) );
+ KMessageBox::sorry( 0, text, title );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get a handle on our parent so we may get the necessary data for
+ // processing
+ KHTMLPart *part = dynamic_cast<KHTMLPart *>(parent());
+ // This plugin only uses the URL. You may use whatever data you
+ // need.
+ KURL url( part->url() );
+ // This is a standard check to make sure we are dealing with a
+ // valid URL
+ if ( !url.isValid() )
+ {
+ QString title( i18n( "Malformed URL" ) );
+ QString text( i18n( "The URL you entered is not valid, please "
+ "correct it and try again" ) );
+ KMessageBox::sorry( 0, text, title );
+ return;
+ }
+// The following block is very plugin specific. In this example, we
+// translate the current page with AltaVista's BabelFish. You will
+// definitely want to change this.
+ KURL work( "" );
+ QString query( "urltext=" );
+ query += KURL::encode_string( url.url() );
+ work.setQuery( query );
+// END
+ // Finally, execute the request
+ part->openURL( work );
+ : KLibFactory()
+ delete s_instance;
+ s_instance = 0;
+QObject* %{APPNAME}Factory::createObject( QObject* parent, const char* name, const char*, const QStringList & )
+ return new Plugin%{APPNAME}( parent, name );
+KInstance *%{APPNAME}Factory::instance()
+ if ( !s_instance )
+ s_instance = new KInstance( "%{APPNAMELC}" );
+ return s_instance;
+extern "C"
+ void* init_lib%{APPNAMELC}plugin()
+ {
+ KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("%{APPNAMELC}");
+ return new %{APPNAME}Factory;
+ }
+KInstance* %{APPNAME}Factory::s_instance = 0L;
+#include "plugin_%{APPNAMELC}.moc"