path: root/lib/antlr/src/ASTFactory.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/antlr/src/ASTFactory.cpp')
1 files changed, 504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/antlr/src/ASTFactory.cpp b/lib/antlr/src/ASTFactory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98ce6b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/antlr/src/ASTFactory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+/* ANTLR Translator Generator
+ * Project led by Terence Parr at
+ * Software rights:
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ */
+#include "antlr/CommonAST.hpp"
+#include "antlr/ANTLRException.hpp"
+#include "antlr/IOException.hpp"
+#include "antlr/ASTFactory.hpp"
+#include "antlr/ANTLRUtil.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <istream>
+using namespace std;
+namespace antlr {
+/** AST Support code shared by TreeParser and Parser.
+ * We use delegation to share code (and have only one
+ * bit of code to maintain) rather than subclassing
+ * or superclassing (forces AST support code to be
+ * loaded even when you don't want to do AST stuff).
+ *
+ * This class collects all factories of AST types used inside the code.
+ * New AST node types are registered with the registerFactory method.
+ * On creation of an ASTFactory object a default AST node factory may be
+ * specified.
+ *
+ * When registering types gaps between different types are filled with entries
+ * for the default factory.
+ */
+/// Initialize factory
+: default_factory_descriptor(ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)make_pair(CommonAST::TYPE_NAME,&CommonAST::factory))
+ nodeFactories.resize( Token::MIN_USER_TYPE, &default_factory_descriptor );
+/** Initialize factory with a non default node type.
+ * factory_node_name should be the name of the AST node type the factory
+ * generates. (should exist during the existance of this ASTFactory instance)
+ */
+ASTFactory::ASTFactory( const char* factory_node_name, factory_type fact )
+: default_factory_descriptor(ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)make_pair(factory_node_name, fact))
+ nodeFactories.resize( Token::MIN_USER_TYPE, &default_factory_descriptor );
+/// Delete ASTFactory
+ factory_descriptor_list::iterator i = nodeFactories.begin();
+ while( i != nodeFactories.end() )
+ {
+ if( *i != &default_factory_descriptor )
+ delete *i;
+ i++;
+ }
+/// Register a factory for a given AST type
+void ASTFactory::registerFactory( int type, const char* ast_name, factory_type factory )
+ // check validity of arguments...
+ if( type < Token::MIN_USER_TYPE )
+ throw ANTLRException("Internal parser error invalid type passed to RegisterFactory");
+ if( factory == 0 )
+ throw ANTLRException("Internal parser error 0 factory passed to RegisterFactory");
+ // resize up to and including 'type' and initalize any gaps to default
+ // factory.
+ if( nodeFactories.size() < (static_cast<unsigned int>(type)+1) )
+ nodeFactories.resize( type+1, &default_factory_descriptor );
+ // And add new thing..
+ nodeFactories[type] = new ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)pair<const char*, factory_type>( ast_name, factory );
+void ASTFactory::setMaxNodeType( int type )
+ if( nodeFactories.size() < (static_cast<unsigned int>(type)+1) )
+ nodeFactories.resize( type+1, &default_factory_descriptor );
+/** Create a new empty AST node; if the user did not specify
+ * an AST node type, then create a default one: CommonAST.
+ */
+RefAST ASTFactory::create()
+ RefAST node = nodeFactories[0]->second();
+ node->setType(Token::INVALID_TYPE);
+ return node;
+RefAST ASTFactory::create(int type)
+ RefAST t = nodeFactories[type]->second();
+ t->initialize(type,"");
+ return t;
+RefAST ASTFactory::create(int type, const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& txt)
+ RefAST t = nodeFactories[type]->second();
+ t->initialize(type,txt);
+ return t;
+RefAST ASTFactory::create(const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& type_name, ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)istream& infile )
+ factory_descriptor_list::iterator fact = nodeFactories.begin();
+ while( fact != nodeFactories.end() )
+ {
+ if( type_name == (*fact)->first )
+ {
+ RefAST t = (*fact)->second();
+ t->initialize(infile);
+ return t;
+ }
+ fact++;
+ }
+ string error = "ASTFactory::create: Unknown AST type '" + type_name + "'";
+ throw ANTLRException(error);
+/** Create a new empty AST node; if the user did not specify
+ * an AST node type, then create a default one: CommonAST.
+ */
+RefAST ASTFactory::create(RefAST tr)
+ if (!tr)
+ return nullAST;
+// cout << "create(tr)" << endl;
+ RefAST t = nodeFactories[tr->getType()]->second();
+ t->initialize(tr);
+ return t;
+RefAST ASTFactory::create(RefToken tok)
+// cout << "create( tok="<< tok->getType() << ", " << tok->getText() << ")" << nodeFactories.size() << endl;
+ RefAST t = nodeFactories[tok->getType()]->second();
+ t->initialize(tok);
+ return t;
+/** Add a child to the current AST */
+void ASTFactory::addASTChild(ASTPair& currentAST, RefAST child)
+ if (child)
+ {
+ if (!currentAST.root)
+ {
+ // Make new child the current root
+ currentAST.root = child;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!currentAST.child)
+ {
+ // Add new child to current root
+ currentAST.root->setFirstChild(child);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentAST.child->setNextSibling(child);
+ }
+ }
+ // Make new child the current child
+ currentAST.child = child;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ }
+/** Deep copy a single node. This function the new clone() methods in the AST
+ * interface. Returns nullAST if t is null.
+ */
+RefAST ASTFactory::dup(RefAST t)
+ if( t )
+ return t->clone();
+ else
+ return RefAST(nullASTptr);
+/** Duplicate tree including siblings of root. */
+RefAST ASTFactory::dupList(RefAST t)
+ RefAST result = dupTree(t); // if t == null, then result==null
+ RefAST nt = result;
+ while( t )
+ { // for each sibling of the root
+ t = t->getNextSibling();
+ nt->setNextSibling(dupTree(t)); // dup each subtree, building new tree
+ nt = nt->getNextSibling();
+ }
+ return result;
+/** Duplicate a tree, assuming this is a root node of a tree
+ * duplicate that node and what's below; ignore siblings of root node.
+ */
+RefAST ASTFactory::dupTree(RefAST t)
+ RefAST result = dup(t); // make copy of root
+ // copy all children of root.
+ if( t )
+ result->setFirstChild( dupList(t->getFirstChild()) );
+ return result;
+/** Make a tree from a list of nodes. The first element in the
+ * array is the root. If the root is null, then the tree is
+ * a simple list not a tree. Handles null children nodes correctly.
+ * For example, make(a, b, null, c) yields tree (a b c). make(null,a,b)
+ * yields tree (nil a b).
+ */
+RefAST ASTFactory::make(ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)vector<RefAST>& nodes)
+ if ( nodes.size() == 0 )
+ return RefAST(nullASTptr);
+ RefAST root = nodes[0];
+ RefAST tail = RefAST(nullASTptr);
+ if( root )
+ root->setFirstChild(RefAST(nullASTptr)); // don't leave any old pointers set
+ // link in children;
+ for( unsigned int i = 1; i < nodes.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ if ( nodes[i] == 0 ) // ignore null nodes
+ continue;
+ if ( root == 0 ) // Set the root and set it up for a flat list
+ root = tail = nodes[i];
+ else if ( tail == 0 )
+ {
+ root->setFirstChild(nodes[i]);
+ tail = root->getFirstChild();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tail->setNextSibling(nodes[i]);
+ tail = tail->getNextSibling();
+ }
+ if( tail ) // RK: I cannot fathom why this missing check didn't bite anyone else...
+ {
+ // Chase tail to last sibling
+ while (tail->getNextSibling())
+ tail = tail->getNextSibling();
+ }
+ }
+ return root;
+/** Make a tree from a list of nodes, where the nodes are contained
+ * in an ASTArray object
+ */
+RefAST ASTFactory::make(ASTArray* nodes)
+ RefAST ret = make(nodes->array);
+ delete nodes;
+ return ret;
+/// Make an AST the root of current AST
+void ASTFactory::makeASTRoot( ASTPair& currentAST, RefAST root )
+ if (root)
+ {
+ // Add the current root as a child of new root
+ root->addChild(currentAST.root);
+ // The new current child is the last sibling of the old root
+ currentAST.child = currentAST.root;
+ currentAST.advanceChildToEnd();
+ // Set the new root
+ currentAST.root = root;
+ }
+void ASTFactory::setASTNodeFactory( const char* factory_node_name,
+ factory_type factory )
+ default_factory_descriptor.first = factory_node_name;
+ default_factory_descriptor.second = factory;
+bool ASTFactory::checkCloseTag( ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)istream& in )
+ char ch;
+ if( in.get(ch) )
+ {
+ if( ch == '<' )
+ {
+ char ch2;
+ if( in.get(ch2) )
+ {
+ if( ch2 == '/' )
+ {
+ in.putback(ch2);
+ in.putback(ch);
+ return true;
+ }
+ in.putback(ch2);
+ in.putback(ch);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ in.putback(ch);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+void ASTFactory::loadChildren( ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)istream& infile,
+ RefAST current )
+ char ch;
+ for(;;) // for all children of this node....
+ {
+ eatwhite(infile);
+ infile.get(ch); // '<'
+ if( ch != '<' )
+ {
+ string error = "Invalid XML file... no '<' found (";
+ error += ch + ")";
+ throw IOException(error);
+ }
+ infile.get(ch); // / or text....
+ if( ch == '/' ) // check for close tag...
+ {
+ string temp;
+ // read until '>' and see if it matches the open tag... if not trouble
+ temp = read_identifier( infile );
+ if( strcmp(temp.c_str(), current->typeName() ) != 0 )
+ {
+ string error = "Invalid XML file... close tag does not match start tag: ";
+ error += current->typeName();
+ error += " closed by " + temp;
+ throw IOException(error);
+ }
+ infile.get(ch); // must be a '>'
+ if( ch != '>' )
+ {
+ string error = "Invalid XML file... no '>' found (";
+ error += ch + ")";
+ throw IOException(error);
+ }
+ // close tag => exit loop
+ break;
+ }
+ // put our 'look ahead' back where it came from
+ infile.putback(ch);
+ infile.putback('<');
+ // and recurse into the tree...
+ RefAST child = LoadAST(infile);
+ current->addChild( child );
+ }
+void ASTFactory::loadSiblings(ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)istream& infile,
+ RefAST current )
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ eatwhite(infile);
+ if( infile.eof() )
+ break;
+ if( checkCloseTag(infile) )
+ break;
+ RefAST sibling = LoadAST(infile);
+ current->setNextSibling(sibling);
+ }
+RefAST ASTFactory::LoadAST( ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)istream& infile )
+ RefAST current = nullAST;
+ char ch;
+ eatwhite(infile);
+ if( !infile.get(ch) )
+ return nullAST;
+ if( ch != '<' )
+ {
+ string error = "Invalid XML file... no '<' found (";
+ error += ch + ")";
+ throw IOException(error);
+ }
+ string ast_type = read_identifier(infile);
+ // create the ast of type 'ast_type'
+ current = create( ast_type, infile );
+ if( current == nullAST )
+ {
+ string error = "Unsuported AST type: " + ast_type;
+ throw IOException(error);
+ }
+ eatwhite(infile);
+ infile.get(ch);
+ // now if we have a '/' here it's a single node. If it's a '>' we get
+ // a tree with children
+ if( ch == '/' )
+ {
+ infile.get(ch); // get the closing '>'
+ if( ch != '>' )
+ {
+ string error = "Invalid XML file... no '>' found after '/' (";
+ error += ch + ")";
+ throw IOException(error);
+ }
+ // get the rest on this level
+ loadSiblings( infile, current );
+ return current;
+ }
+ // and finaly see if we got the close tag...
+ if( ch != '>' )
+ {
+ string error = "Invalid XML file... no '>' found (";
+ error += ch + ")";
+ throw IOException(error);
+ }
+ // handle the ones below this level..
+ loadChildren( infile, current );
+ // load the rest on this level...
+ loadSiblings( infile, current );
+ return current;
+/* Heterogeneous AST/XML-I/O ramblings...
+ *
+ * So there is some heterogeneous AST support....
+ * basically in the code generators a new custom ast is generated without
+ * going throug the factory. It also expects the RefXAST to be defined.
+ *
+ * Is it maybe better to register all AST types with the ASTFactory class
+ * together with the respective factory methods.
+ *
+ * More and more I get the impression that hetero ast was a kindoff hack
+ * on top of ANTLR's normal AST system.
+ *
+ * The heteroast stuff will generate trouble for all astFactory.create( ... )
+ * invocations. Most of this is handled via getASTCreateString methods in the
+ * codegenerator. At the moment getASTCreateString(GrammarAtom, String) has
+ * slightly to little info to do it's job (ok the hack that is in now
+ * works, but it's an ugly hack)
+ *
+ * An extra caveat is the 'nice' action.g thing. Which also judiciously calls
+ * getASTCreateString methods because it handles the #( ... ) syntax.
+ * And converts that to ASTFactory calls.
+ *
+ *
+ */