path: root/parts/documentation/interfaces/kdevdocumentationplugin.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'parts/documentation/interfaces/kdevdocumentationplugin.h')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parts/documentation/interfaces/kdevdocumentationplugin.h b/parts/documentation/interfaces/kdevdocumentationplugin.h
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index 00000000..a5dbe458
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+++ b/parts/documentation/interfaces/kdevdocumentationplugin.h
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+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2004 by Alexander Dymo <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <tqmap.h>
+#include <tqvaluelist.h>
+#include <tqpair.h>
+#include <tdelistbox.h>
+#include <tdelistview.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <tdefile.h>
+#define CACHE_VERSION "3"
+/**Documentation list item.
+Stores the type of a documentation it represents and an URL.*/
+class DocumentationItem: public TDEListViewItem
+ /**Type of documentation which is represented by this item.*/
+ enum Type {
+ Collection /**<Collection - a collection of catalogs, folder with catalogs.*/,
+ Catalog /**<Catalog - a term which defines a document or a group of documents.*/,
+ Book /**<Book - a document with nested documents.*/,
+ Document /**<Document.*/
+ };
+ DocumentationItem(Type type, TDEListView *parent, const TQString &name);
+ DocumentationItem(Type type, TDEListView *parent, TDEListViewItem *after, const TQString &name);
+ DocumentationItem(Type type, TDEListViewItem *parent, const TQString &name);
+ DocumentationItem(Type type, TDEListViewItem *parent, TDEListViewItem *after, const TQString &name);
+ virtual void setURL(const KURL &url) { m_url = url; }
+ virtual KURL url() const { return m_url; }
+ Type type() const { return m_type; }
+ void setType(Type t) {
+ if(t != m_type) {
+ m_type = t;
+ init();
+ }
+ }
+ void init();
+ KURL m_url;
+ Type m_type;
+class DocumentationPlugin;
+/**Documentation catalog list item.*/
+class DocumentationCatalogItem: public DocumentationItem
+ DocumentationCatalogItem(DocumentationPlugin* plugin, TDEListView *parent, const TQString &name);
+ DocumentationCatalogItem(DocumentationPlugin* plugin, DocumentationItem *parent, const TQString &name);
+ virtual ~DocumentationCatalogItem();
+ DocumentationPlugin* plugin() const { return m_plugin; }
+ virtual void setOpen(bool o);
+ void load();
+ virtual bool isProjectDocumentationItem() const { return m_isProjectDocumentationItem; }
+ virtual void setProjectDocumentationItem(bool b) { m_isProjectDocumentationItem = b; }
+ virtual TQString cacheVersion() const { return ""; } /// should return a short string that identifies the version of the catalog
+ virtual void activate();
+ DocumentationPlugin* m_plugin;
+ bool isLoaded;
+ bool isActivated;
+ bool m_isProjectDocumentationItem;
+class IndexBox;
+/**Prototype of index item.
+Prototypes represent an index are used to build index items after index generation.*/
+class IndexItemProto
+ IndexItemProto(DocumentationPlugin *plugin, DocumentationCatalogItem *catalog, IndexBox *listbox,
+ const TQString &text, const TQString &description);
+ ~IndexItemProto();
+ void addURL(const KURL &url) { m_url = url; }
+ KURL url() const { return m_url; }
+ TQString text() const { return m_text; }
+ TQString description() const { return m_description; }
+ KURL m_url;
+ IndexBox *m_listbox;
+ TQString m_text;
+ TQString m_description;
+/**Documentation index item.*/
+class IndexItem: public TQListBoxText {
+ typedef TQPair<TQString, KURL> URL;
+ typedef TQValueList<URL> List;
+ IndexItem(IndexBox *listbox, const TQString &text);
+ List urls() const;
+ IndexBox *m_listbox;
+/**Documentation index view.*/
+class IndexBox: public TDEListBox{
+ IndexBox(TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
+ virtual void addIndexItem(IndexItemProto *item);
+ virtual void removeIndexItem(IndexItemProto *item);
+ virtual void fill();
+ virtual void refill();
+ virtual void setDirty(bool dirty);
+// virtual void refill(TQValueList<IndexItemProto*> &items);
+ TQMap<TQString, TQValueList<IndexItemProto*> > items;
+ friend class IndexItem;
+ bool m_dirty;
+class TQPainter;
+class TQColorGroup;
+class TQFontMetrics;
+class DocumentationPlugin;
+/**Documentation configuration item.*/
+class ConfigurationItem: public TQCheckListItem
+ ConfigurationItem(TQListView *parent, DocumentationPlugin * plugin, const TQString &title, const TQString &url,
+ bool indexPossible, bool fullTextSearchPossible);
+ virtual TQString title() const { return m_title; }
+ virtual void setTitle(const TQString title) { setText(3, m_title = title); }
+ virtual TQString url() const { return m_url; }
+ virtual void setURL(const TQString url) { setText(4, m_url = url); }
+ virtual bool isChanged() const { return m_title == m_origTitle; }
+ virtual TQString origTitle() const {return m_origTitle; }
+ virtual void paintCell(TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int align);
+ virtual int width(const TQFontMetrics &fm, const TQListView *lv, int c) const;
+ bool contents() const { return m_contents; }
+ void setContents(bool contents) { m_contents = contents; }
+ bool index() const { return m_index; }
+ void setIndex(bool index) { m_index = index; }
+ bool fullTextSearch() const { return m_fullTextSearch; }
+ void setFullTextSearch(bool fullTextSearch) { m_fullTextSearch = fullTextSearch; }
+ bool indexPossible() const { return m_indexPossible; }
+ bool fullTextSearchPossible() const { return m_fullTextSearchPossible; }
+ DocumentationPlugin * docPlugin() { return m_docPlugin; }
+ TQString m_title;
+ TQString m_url;
+ TQString m_origTitle;
+ bool m_contents;
+ bool m_index;
+ bool m_fullTextSearch;
+ bool m_indexPossible;
+ bool m_fullTextSearchPossible;
+ DocumentationPlugin * m_docPlugin;
+class ProjectDocumentationPlugin;
+@short Documentation Plugin Interface
+All KDevelop documentation plugins must implement this interface.
+Documentation plugin handles certain documentation type. It provides
+methods to load documentation catalogs and indexes for a documentation
+of that type. It also has methods to configure catalogs and provides
+a list of URL's for the full text search tool.
+class DocumentationPlugin: public TQObject
+ /**Capability of documentation plugin.*/
+ enum Capability { Index=1 /**<index can be built for catalogs*/,
+ FullTextSearch=2 /**<full text search is possible in catalog locations*/,
+ CustomDocumentationTitles=4 /**<user can specify titles for documentation catalogs*/,
+ ProjectDocumentation=8 /**<plugin can handle project API documentation*/,
+ ProjectUserManual=16 /**<plugin can handle project user manual*/ };
+ /**Possible project documentation types.*/
+ enum ProjectDocType { APIDocs, UserManual };
+ /**Constructor. Should initialize capabilities of the plugin by using setCapabilities
+ protected method. For example,
+ @code
+ setCapabilities(Index | FullTextSearch);
+ @endcode
+ */
+ DocumentationPlugin(TDEConfig *pluginConfig, TQObject *parent =0, const char *name =0);
+ virtual ~DocumentationPlugin();
+ /**Returns the i18n name of the plugin.*/
+ virtual TQString pluginName() const = 0;
+ /**Creates documentation catalog with given title and url.*/
+ virtual DocumentationCatalogItem *createCatalog(TDEListView *contents, const TQString &title, const TQString &url) = 0;
+ /**Initialize a list of catalogs.
+ @param contents the listview to fill with catalogs
+ */
+ virtual void init(TDEListView *contents);
+ /**Reloads a list of catalogs. This method should add missing catalogs to the view,
+ update index for added catalogs and also delete restricted catalogs.
+ @param contents the listview to fill with catalogs
+ @param index the listbox with index to update
+ @param restrictions the list of catalogs names to remove
+ */
+ virtual void reinit(TDEListView *contents, IndexBox *index, TQStringList restrictions);
+ /**Initializes plugin configuration. Documentation plugins should be able to
+ initialize the default configuration on startup without any user interaction.
+ Call this in the constructor of your plugin.*/
+ virtual void autoSetup();
+ /**Plugin specific automatic setup code. This method is called by @ref autoSetup.*/
+ virtual void autoSetupPlugin() = 0;
+ /**Indicates if a catalog with specified name is enabled. Documentation plugin
+ should check this and do not load catalogs disabled in configuration.
+ All catalogs are enabled by default.*/
+ virtual bool catalogEnabled(const TQString &name) const;
+ /**Enables or disables documentation catalog.*/
+ virtual void setCatalogEnabled(const TQString &name, bool e);
+ /**Indicates if an index of given catalog should be rebuilt. This method
+ is used by index caching algorythm to make a descision to rebuild index
+ or to load it from cache.*/
+ virtual bool needRefreshIndex(DocumentationCatalogItem *item) = 0;
+ /**Indicates if an index is enabled for given catalog. If documentation plugin
+ has Index capability, indices for it's catalogs can be enabled/disabled
+ in configuration dialog.*/
+ virtual bool indexEnabled(DocumentationCatalogItem *item) const;
+ /**Enables or disables index for documentation catalog.*/
+ virtual void setIndexEnabled(DocumentationCatalogItem *item, bool e);
+ /**Builds index for given catalog. This method should fill index with
+ IndexItem objects.
+ @param index the listbox which contains index items
+ @param item the catalog item that holds an index being built
+ */
+ virtual void createIndex(IndexBox *index, DocumentationCatalogItem *item) = 0;
+ /**Creates a table of contents for given catalog. Documentation part uses
+ lazy loading of toc's to reduce startup time. This means that createTOC
+ will be called on expand event of catalog item.*/
+ virtual void createTOC(DocumentationCatalogItem *item) = 0;
+ /**Sets the URL to the catalog. This method will be called each time user
+ clicks the documentation item. If it is too much overhead to determine the
+ documentation catalog url in @ref createCatalog method then you can set it here.*/
+ virtual void setCatalogURL(DocumentationCatalogItem *item) = 0;
+ virtual TQStringList fullTextSearchLocations() = 0;
+ /**Loads catalog configuration and fills configurationView with ConfigurationItem objects.*/
+ virtual void loadCatalogConfiguration(TDEListView *configurationView);
+ /**Saves catalog configuration basing on configurationView and
+ deletedConfigurationItems contents. If you use TDEConfig to store configuration,
+ it is important that you call TDEConfig::sync() method after saving.*/
+ virtual void saveCatalogConfiguration(TDEListView *configurationView);
+ /**Adds new catalog to a configuration.*/
+ virtual void addCatalogConfiguration(TDEListView *configurationView,
+ const TQString &title, const TQString &url);
+ /**Edits catalog configuration.*/
+ virtual void editCatalogConfiguration(ConfigurationItem *configurationItem,
+ const TQString &title, const TQString &url);
+ /**Removes catalog from configuration. configurationItem should not be removed here.*/
+ virtual void deleteCatalogConfiguration(const ConfigurationItem *const configurationItem);
+ /**Returns a mode and a filter for catalog locator dialogs.*/
+ virtual TQPair<KFile::Mode, TQString> catalogLocatorProps() = 0;
+ /**Returns a title of catalog defined by an url parameter.*/
+ virtual TQString catalogTitle(const TQString &url) = 0;
+ /**Reloads documentation catalogs and indices.*/
+ virtual void reload();
+ /**Clears documentation catalogs and indices.*/
+ virtual void clear();
+ /**Checks if documentation plugin has given capability.*/
+ bool hasCapability(Capability cap) const { return m_capabilities & cap; }
+ /**Sets dirty flag for all indices. Index caching algorythm will update
+ the cache next time @ref createIndex is called.*/
+ void setDirtyIndex(bool dirty) { m_indexCreated = dirty; }
+ /**Caches index for documentation catalog. Reimplement this only if custom
+ caching algorythm is used (do not forget to reimplement also @ref loadCachedIndex
+ and @ref createIndex).*/
+ virtual void cacheIndex(DocumentationCatalogItem *item);
+ /**Loads index from the cache. Reimplement this only if custom
+ caching algorythm is used (do not forget to reimplement also @ref cacheIndex
+ and @ref createIndex).*/
+ virtual bool loadCachedIndex(IndexBox *index, DocumentationCatalogItem *item);
+ /**Returns associated project documentation plugin. Default implementation returns zero.
+ Reimplement this if the documentation plugin can also handle project documentation.*/
+ virtual ProjectDocumentationPlugin *projectDocumentationPlugin(ProjectDocType /* type */) { return 0; }
+public slots:
+ /**Creates index and fills index listbox. Reimplement this only if custom
+ caching algorythm is used (do not forget to reimplement also @ref cacheIndex
+ and @ref loadCachedIndex).*/
+ virtual void createIndex(IndexBox *index);
+ /**A list of loaded documentation catalogs.*/
+ TQValueList<DocumentationCatalogItem*> catalogs;
+ /**A map of names of loaded documentation catalogs.*/
+ TQMap<TQString, DocumentationCatalogItem*> namedCatalogs;
+ /**A map of indices of loaded documentation catalogs.*/
+ TQMap<DocumentationCatalogItem*, TQValueList<IndexItemProto*> > indexes;
+ /**Sets capabilities of documentation plugin.*/
+ void setCapabilities(int caps) { m_capabilities = caps; }
+ /**Clears index of given catalog.*/
+ virtual void clearCatalogIndex(DocumentationCatalogItem *item);
+ /**Loads index from cache or creates and caches it if does not exist.*/
+ void loadIndex(IndexBox *index, DocumentationCatalogItem *item);
+ /**Stores items deleted from configuration. @ref saveCatalogConfiguration
+ uses this to remove entries from configuration file.*/
+ TQStringList deletedConfigurationItems;
+ /**Configuration object used by a plugin.*/
+ TDEConfig *config;
+ /**Adds catalog item to catalogs, namedCatalogs and indexes lists and maps.*/
+ virtual void addCatalog(DocumentationCatalogItem *item);
+ /**Removes catalog item from catalogs, namedCatalogs and indexes lists and maps.*/
+ virtual void clearCatalog(DocumentationCatalogItem *item);
+ int m_capabilities;
+ bool m_indexCreated;
+friend class IndexItemProto;
+friend class DocumentationCatalogItem;
+@short Project documentation plugin
+Represents functionality to display project documentation catalog and index in documentation browser.
+class ProjectDocumentationPlugin: public TQObject {
+ ProjectDocumentationPlugin(DocumentationPlugin *docPlugin, DocumentationPlugin::ProjectDocType type);
+ virtual ~ProjectDocumentationPlugin();
+ /**Initializes project documentation plugin - creates documentation catalog.*/
+ virtual void init(TDEListView *contents, IndexBox *index, const TQString &url);
+ /**Deinitializes project documentation plugin - removes documentation catalog.*/
+ virtual void deinit();
+ TQString pluginName() const;
+ TQString catalogURL() const;
+public slots:
+ /**Performs reinitialization if project documentation has changed (after building api documentation).*/
+ virtual void reinit();
+ DocumentationPlugin *m_docPlugin;
+ DocumentationCatalogItem *m_catalog;
+ DocumentationPlugin::ProjectDocType m_type;
+ class KDirWatch *m_watch;
+ class TDEListView *m_contents;
+ class IndexBox *m_index;
+ TQString m_url;