/** \file Architecture.dox * \brief TDevelop architecture */ /** \page architecture TDevelop 3 Architecture TDevelop uses a plugin based architecture. This will be explained in more detail in the next sections. To add a new plugin check the \ref howToAddPlugins page. \section devteammodel Development Team cooperation model TDevelop is the result of the work of many people. To help syncronize the effords and to automate some tasks, the team uses many tools: - CVS servers - KDE Bugzilla - Web servers - Mailing Lists - IRC - Doxygen - docbook - LXR - E-mail :) - Cron Jobs - and of course TDevelop :) . They get interconnected like this: \image html Development.png \section overview Source Overview \subsection source-division Main Source Divisions The TDevelop 3 source is divided into several parts which correspond to subdirectories in the TDevelop project directory. There are several main parts to distinguish, mainly: - src = The core part of TDevelop - lib/interfaces = Plugin handler interface classes - parts = The various parts using the KParts framework ( KDevPlugin children ) - languages = \ref language-parts - buildtools = \ref buildtool-parts - vcs = \ref vcs-parts - editors = \ref editor-parts . \image html Architecture.png This image is not complete there are parts that are not displayed. See below for a more detailed description. \subsection core-part The Core Part of TDevelop \subsubsection mainwindows Main Window Objects There are two types of possible main window objects: - MainWindow implements standard MDI user interfaces: - Top level mode (see MainWindow::switchToToplevelMode() ) - Childframe mode (see MainWindow::switchToChildframeMode() ) - Tab page mode (see MainWindow::switchToTabPageMode() ) - IDEAl mode (see MainWindow::switchToIDEAlMode() ) . - MainWindowIDEAl implements an enhanced MDI main window providing a set of pre-arranged access tabs around user areas. . Both main window classes inherit from the KDevMainWindow class which provides access to common window features. \subsubsection toplevel The TopLevel Object There is only one toplevel object of class KDevMainWindow in TDevelop. It can be accessed through the static function TopLevel::getInstance() (see the TopLevel class). \subsection parts-overview TDevelop Parts Overview All parts reside in dedicated subdirectories acording to their function. They can be viewed according to their functionalities as follows. \subsubsection language-parts Programming Language Support Parts These parts implement a KDevLanguageSupport Class interface. To add support for a new programming language check the \ref howToAddProgrammingLanguages page (doc/api/HowToAddProgrammingLanguages.dox file). Take a look at \ref LangSupportStatus (doc/api/LangSupportStatus.dox file) to see the current status/features of the programming languages currently supported by TDevelop. - languages/ada = Support for Ada - (see AdaSupportPart) . - languages/bash = Support for bash - (see BashSupportPart) . - languages/cpp = Support for C/C++ - (see CppSupportPart) - languages/cpp/debugger = GNU Debugger frontend - (see GDBDebugger::DebuggerPart) . . . - languages/fortran = Support for Fortran - (see FortranSupportPart) . - languages/haskell = Support for Haskell - (see HaskellSupportPart) . - languages/java = Support for Java - (see JavaSupportPart) - languages/java/degugger = Java debugger frontend - (JAVADebugger::JavaDebuggerPart) . . . - languages/pascal = Support for Pascal - (see PascalSupportPart) . - languages/perl = Support for Perl - (see PerlSupportPart) . - languages/php = Support for PHP - (see PHPSupportPart) . - languages/python = Support for Python - (see PythonSupportPart) . - languages/ruby = Support for Ruby - (see RubySupportPart) . - languages/sql = Support for SQL - (see SQLSupportPart) . . \subsubsection buildtool-parts Build tools Parts These parts implement a KDevProject Class interface. - buildtools/ada = Ada build tool - (see AdaProjectPart) . - buildtools/ant = ANT build tool - (see AntProjectPart) . - buildtools/autotools = Autotools build tool - (see AutoProjectPart) . - buildtools/custommakefiles = Custom makefiles build tool - (see CustomProjectPart) . - buildtools/generic = Generic build tool - (see GenericProjectPart) . - buildtools/pascal = Pascal build tool - (see PascalProjectPart) . - buildtools/script = Script build tool - (see ScriptProjectPart) . - buildtools/qmake = QMake based build tool - (see TrollProjectPart) . . \subsubsection vcs-parts VCS (Version Control System) Parts These parts implement a KDevVersionControl Class interface. - vcs/cervisia = Cervisia Support - (see CervisiaPlugin) . - vcs/clearcase = IBM Rational ClearCase Support - (see ClearcasePart) . - vcs/cvs = CVS Support - (see CvsPart) . - vcs/cvsservice = cvsservice Support (Cervisia interface) - (see CvsServicePart) . - vcs/perforce = Version managment system perforce integration - (see PerforcePart) . - vcs/subversion = Subversion integration - (see subversionPart) . . \subsubsection editor-parts editor support Specific Parts These parts implement a KTextEditor Class interface. Take a look at \ref EditorsSupportStatus (doc/api/EditorsSupportStatus.dox file) to see the current status/features of the editors currently supported by TDevelop. - editors/editor-chooser = Chooses an internal text editor - (see EditorChooserPart) . - editors/nedit = KTextEditor interface for nedit - (see KNEditFactory, Document, View) . - editors/qeditor = QEditor integration - (see QEditorPart) . . \subsubsection global-parts Global Parts Some of the parts are considered global - that is, they effect the entire operation of TDevelop. These parts implement a KDevPlugin Class interface. - parts/appwizard = New Project Wizard - see AppWizardPart - see \ref howToAddApplicationTemplates (doc/api/HowToAddApplicationTemplates.dox file) . - parts/history = Project history - (see HistoryPart) . - parts/konsole = Embedded Konsole - (see KonsoleViewPart) . - parts/doctreeview = Documentation Viewer - (see DocTreeViewPart) . - parts/openwith = "Open with" menu addon - (see OpenWithPart) . - parts/fileselector = A file selection widget - (see FileSelectorPart) . - parts/uimode = Customize the UI mode - (see UIChooserPart) . - parts/texttools = Additional text tools - (see TextToolsPart) . - parts/tipofday = A tip of the day - (see TipOfDayPart) . - parts/grepview = A graphical grep utility - (see GrepViewPart) . - parts/tools = Toolbar management - (see ToolsPart) . - parts/regexptest = A regular expression tester - (see RegexpTestPart) . - parts/abbrev = Abbreviation Expansion - (see AbbrevPart) . - parts/filter = Shell Filtering and Insertion - (see FilterPart) . - parts/valgrind = A graphical valgrind frontend - (see ValgrindPart) . . \subsubsection project-specific-parts Project Specific Parts These parts implement a KDevPlugin Class interface. - parts/astyle = Source code formatter - (see AStylePart) . - parts/buglist = Bug tracking application - (see BugList) . - parts/classview = Classview Manager - (see ClassViewPart) . - parts/ctags = CTags frontend - (see CTagsPart) . - parts/diff = Difference viewer - (see DiffPart) . - parts/distpart = Aids in building and publishing the final project - (see DistpartPart) . - parts/doxygen = Doxygen integration - (see DoxygenPart) . - parts/filecreate = New file creation - see FileCreatePart - see \ref howToAddFileTemplates (doc/api/HowToAddFileTemplates.dox file) . - parts/fileview = File groups - (see FileViewPart, FileGroupsPart) . - parts/manager = Document manager - (see DocManager, ViewManager) . - parts/outputviews = Application output views - (see AppOutputViewPart, MakeViewPart) . - parts/scripting = Python scripting interface - (see ScriptingPart) . - parts/sourcenav = Source code navigation - (see SourceNavPart) . - parts/visualboyadvance = VisualBoy Advance integration - (see VisualBoyAdvance::VisualBoyAdvancePart) . . */