ListViewEditorBase ********************************************************************* ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See for GPL licensing information. ** See or email for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** ********************************************************************* ListViewEditorBase 0 0 567 398 Edit Listview true <b>Edit Listview</b><p>Use the controls on the <b>Items</b>-tab to add, edit or delete items in the listview. Change the column configuration of the listview using the controls on the <b>Columns</b>-tab.</p>Click the <b>New Item</b>-button to create a new item, then enter text and add a pixmap.</p><p>Select an item from the list and click the <b>Delete Item</b>-button to remove the item from the list.</p> unnamed 11 6 tabWidget Widget10 &Items unnamed 11 6 itemDelete &Delete Item Delete item <b>Deletes the selected item.</b><p>Any sub-items are also deleted.</p> GroupBox1 0 5 0 0 Item Properties unnamed 11 6 Label2 Pi&xmap: itemChoosePixmap Label1 &Text: itemText itemText 0 0 Change text <b>Change the text of the item.</b><p>The text will be changed in the current column of the selected item.</p> itemColumn Change column <b>Select the current column.</b><p>The item's text and pixmap will be changed for the current column</p> Label4 Colu&mn: itemColumn Layout2 unnamed 0 6 itemPixmap Label4 itemDeletePixmap 30 22 "designer_s_editcut.png" Delete Pixmap <b>Delete the selected item's pixmap.</b><p>The pixmap in the current column of the selected item will be deleted.</p> itemChoosePixmap 30 22 ... Select a Pixmap <b>Select a pixmap file for the item.</b><p>The pixmap will be changed in the current column of the selected item.</p> itemNew &New Item Add an item <b>Adds a new item to the list.</b><p>The item will be inserted at the top of the list and can be moved using the up- and down-buttons.</p> itemsPreview The list of items. itemNewSub New &Subitem Add a subitem <b>Create a new sub-item for the selected item.</b><p>New sub-items are inserted at the top of the list of sub-items, and new levels are created automatically.</p> Vertical Spacing1 Vertical Expanding 20 20 itemUp "designer_s_up.png" Move up <b>Move the selected item up.</b><p>The item will be moved within its level in the hierarchy.</p> itemDown "designer_s_down.png" Move down <b>Move the selected item down.</b><p>The item will be moved within its level in the hierarchy.</p> itemLeft "designer_s_left.png" Move left <b>Move the selected item one level up.</b><p>This will also change the level of the item's sub-items.</p> itemRight "designer_s_right.png" Move right <b>Move the selected item one level down.</b><p>This will also change the level of the item's sub-items.</p> Widget11 Co&lumns unnamed 11 6 GroupBox1 Column Properties unnamed 11 6 Label2 &Pixmap: colChoosePixmap colPixmap Label4 colDeletePixmap 30 22 "designer_s_editcut.png" Delete Pixmap Delete the pixmap of the selected column. colChoosePixmap 30 22 ... Select a Pixmap <b>Select a pixmap file for the selected column.</b><p>The pixmap will be displayed in the header of the listview.</p> Label1 &Text: colText colText 0 0 Enter column text <b>Enter the text for the selected column.</b><p>The text will be displayed in the header of the listview.</p> colClickable Clicka&ble If this option is checked, the selected column will react to mouse clicks on the header. colResizable Re&sizable The column's width will be resizable if this option is checked. colDelete &Delete Column Delete column Deletes the selected Column. colDown "designer_s_down.png" Move down <b>Move the selected item down.</b><p>The top-most column will be the first column in the list.</p> colNew &New Column Add a Column <b>Create a new column.</b><p>New columns are appended at the end of (right of) the list and may be moved using the up- and down-buttons.</p> colUp "designer_s_up.png" Move up <b>Move the selected item up.</b><p>The top-most column will be the first column in the list.</p> colPreview The list of columns. Vertical Spacing2 Vertical Expanding 20 20 Layout1 unnamed 0 6 helpButton &Help true Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 okButton &OK true true Close the dialog and apply all the changes. applyButton &Apply true Apply all changes. cancelButton &Cancel true Close the dialog and discard any changes. cancelButton clicked() ListViewEditorBase reject() itemNew clicked() ListViewEditorBase itemNewClicked() itemDelete clicked() ListViewEditorBase itemDeleteClicked() itemUp clicked() ListViewEditorBase itemUpClicked() itemDown clicked() ListViewEditorBase itemDownClicked() itemColumn valueChanged(int) ListViewEditorBase itemColChanged(int) itemText textChanged(const TQString&) ListViewEditorBase itemTextChanged(const TQString&) itemDeletePixmap clicked() ListViewEditorBase itemPixmapDeleted() itemChoosePixmap clicked() ListViewEditorBase itemPixmapChoosen() colNew clicked() ListViewEditorBase newColumnClicked() colDelete clicked() ListViewEditorBase deleteColumnClicked() colUp clicked() ListViewEditorBase columnUpClicked() colDown clicked() ListViewEditorBase columnDownClicked() colText textChanged(const TQString&) ListViewEditorBase columnTextChanged(const TQString&) colDeletePixmap clicked() ListViewEditorBase columnPixmapDeleted() colChoosePixmap clicked() ListViewEditorBase columnPixmapChosen() colResizable toggled(bool) ListViewEditorBase columnResizable(bool) colClickable toggled(bool) ListViewEditorBase columnClickable(bool) tabWidget selected(const TQString&) ListViewEditorBase initTabPage(const TQString&) okButton clicked() ListViewEditorBase okClicked() applyButton clicked() ListViewEditorBase applyClicked() colPreview currentChanged(TQListBoxItem*) ListViewEditorBase currentColumnChanged(TQListBoxItem*) colPreview selectionChanged(TQListBoxItem*) ListViewEditorBase currentColumnChanged(TQListBoxItem*) itemsPreview currentChanged(TQListViewItem*) ListViewEditorBase currentItemChanged(TQListViewItem*) itemsPreview selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*) ListViewEditorBase currentItemChanged(TQListViewItem*) itemNewSub clicked() ListViewEditorBase itemNewSubClicked() itemLeft clicked() ListViewEditorBase itemLeftClicked() itemRight clicked() ListViewEditorBase itemRightClicked() okButton cancelButton tabWidget itemsPreview itemNew itemNewSub itemDelete itemUp itemDown itemLeft itemRight itemColumn itemText itemDeletePixmap itemChoosePixmap helpButton applyButton colPreview colNew colDelete colUp colDown colText colDeletePixmap colChoosePixmap colClickable colResizable init() destroy() applyClicked() columnClickable(bool) columnDownClicked() columnPixmapChosen() columnPixmapDeleted() columnResizable(bool) columnTextChanged(const TQString &) columnUpClicked() currentColumnChanged(TQListBoxItem*) currentItemChanged(TQListViewItem*) deleteColumnClicked() initTabPage(const TQString &) itemColChanged(int) itemDeleteClicked() itemDownClicked() itemLeftClicked() itemNewClicked() itemNewSubClicked() itemPixmapChoosen() itemPixmapDeleted() itemTextChanged(const TQString &) itemUpClicked() newColumnClicked() itemRightClicked() okClicked() myiconloader.h BarIcon2