TableEditorBase ********************************************************************* ** Copyright (C) 2001 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See for GPL licensing information. ** See or email for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** ********************************************************************* TableEditorBase 0 0 484 406 Edit Table true unnamed 11 6 table 1 1 true Layout11 unnamed 0 6 buttonHelp &Help true Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 buttonOk &OK true true Close the dialog and apply all the changes. buttonApply &Apply true Apply all changes. buttonCancel &Cancel true Close the dialog and discard any changes. TabWidget columns_tab Co&lumns unnamed 11 6 Spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 listColumns Spacer2 Vertical Expanding 20 20 buttonColumnUp "designer_s_up.png" Move up <b>Move the selected item up.</b><p>The top-most column will be the first column of the list.</p> buttonColumnDown "designer_s_down.png" Move down <b>Move the selected item down.</b><p>The top-most column will be the first column of the list.</p> buttonDeleteColumn &Delete Column buttonNewColumn &New Column Layout6 unnamed 0 6 labelTable Table: Layout2 unnamed 0 6 labelColumnPixmap Label4 buttonDeleteColPixmap 30 22 "designer_s_editcut.png" Delete Pixmap <b>Delete the selected item's pixmap.</b><p>The pixmap in the current column of the selected item will be deleted.</p> buttonChooseColPixmap 30 22 ... Select a Pixmap <b>Select a pixmap file for the item.</b><p>The pixmap will be changed in the current column of the selected item.</p> TextLabel2 &Label: editColumnText Label2 Pixmap: itemChoosePixmap labelFields &Field: comboFields editColumnText comboFields true labelTableValue <no table> rows_tab &Rows unnamed 11 6 Spacer3_2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 buttonRowUp "designer_s_up.png" Move up <b>Move the selected item up.</b><p>The top-most column will be the first column of the list.</p> listRows buttonRowDown "designer_s_down.png" Move down <b>Move the selected item down.</b><p>The top-most column will be the first column of the list.</p> Spacer2_2 Vertical Expanding 20 20 buttonNewRow &New Row buttonDeleteRow &Delete Row Layout7_2 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel2_3 &Label: editRowText Label2_2 Pixmap: itemChoosePixmap Layout2_2 unnamed 0 6 labelRowPixmap Label4 buttonDeleteRowPixmap 30 22 "designer_s_editcut.png" Delete Pixmap <b>Delete the selected item's pixmap.</b><p>The pixmap in the current column of the selected item will be deleted.</p> buttonChooseRowPixmap 30 22 ... Select a Pixmap <b>Select a pixmap file for the item.</b><p>The pixmap will be changed in the current column of the selected item.</p> editRowText buttonApply clicked() TableEditorBase applyClicked() buttonOk clicked() TableEditorBase okClicked() listColumns currentChanged(TQListBoxItem*) TableEditorBase currentColumnChanged(TQListBoxItem*) listColumns selectionChanged(TQListBoxItem*) TableEditorBase currentColumnChanged(TQListBoxItem*) editColumnText textChanged(const TQString&) TableEditorBase columnTextChanged(const TQString&) buttonNewColumn clicked() TableEditorBase newColumnClicked() buttonDeleteColumn clicked() TableEditorBase deleteColumnClicked() buttonColumnUp clicked() TableEditorBase columnUpClicked() buttonColumnDown clicked() TableEditorBase columnDownClicked() comboFields activated(const TQString&) TableEditorBase currentFieldChanged(const TQString&) listRows selectionChanged(TQListBoxItem*) TableEditorBase currentRowChanged(TQListBoxItem*) listRows currentChanged(TQListBoxItem*) TableEditorBase currentRowChanged(TQListBoxItem*) buttonNewRow clicked() TableEditorBase newRowClicked() buttonDeleteRow clicked() TableEditorBase deleteRowClicked() buttonRowUp clicked() TableEditorBase rowUpClicked() buttonRowDown clicked() TableEditorBase rowDownClicked() buttonChooseRowPixmap clicked() TableEditorBase chooseRowPixmapClicked() buttonDeleteColPixmap clicked() TableEditorBase deleteColPixmapClicked() editRowText textChanged(const TQString&) TableEditorBase rowTextChanged(const TQString&) buttonCancel clicked() TableEditorBase reject() buttonChooseColPixmap clicked() TableEditorBase chooseColPixmapClicked() buttonDeleteRowPixmap clicked() TableEditorBase deleteRowPixmapClicked() buttonOk buttonCancel table TabWidget listColumns buttonNewColumn buttonDeleteColumn comboFields editColumnText buttonDeleteColPixmap buttonChooseColPixmap buttonColumnUp buttonColumnDown buttonApply listRows buttonNewRow buttonDeleteRow editRowText buttonDeleteRowPixmap buttonChooseRowPixmap buttonRowUp buttonRowDown buttonHelp tqtable.h init() destroy() applyClicked() chooseRowPixmapClicked() columnTextChanged( const TQString & ) columnUpClicked() currentColumnChanged( TQListBoxItem * ) currentFieldChanged( const TQString & ) currentRowChanged( TQListBoxItem * ) deleteColPixmapClicked() deleteColumnClicked() deleteRowClicked() deleteRowPixmapClicked() newColumnClicked() newRowClicked() chooseColPixmapClicked() okClicked() rowDownClicked() rowTextChanged( const TQString & ) rowUpClicked() columnDownClicked() myiconloader.h BarIcon2