----------------------------------------------- Simple C++ Hello World template based on cmake QStart Author: Anne-Marie Mahfouf Date: 2006-12-06 ----------------------------------------------- This README file explains you basic things for starting with this application template. ----------------------------------------------- * REQUIREMENTS * - Qt version might be 3.3.4 or 3.3.5 - tdelibs 3.5 and tdelibs headers 3.5 (devel package) in order to build this template. - cmake (http://www.cmake.org/) version 2.1 or 2.2 in your PATH ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- * Building and running * - cmake will run after the template is loaded provided cmake is in your PATH. If not, you will see an error message in the terminal and you will need to install cmake in your PATH. - In the Build menu in KDevelop, click on Build Project (or use the F8 shortcut) in order to build your project. - Run your project using the Build menu -> Execute Program. Note that default makes your program run in KDevelop integrated terminal. You can run your program in an external terminal by changing the project options (Project -> Project Options -> Run options and check at the bottom "Start in external terminal") ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- * Useful link * CMake Documentation: http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Documentation.html