#!/bin/sh # generated 2004/4/12 11:58:47 EDT by amp8165@localhost.(none) # using glademm V2.0.0 if test ! -f install-sh ; then touch install-sh ; fi MAKE=`which gnumake` if test ! -x "$MAKE" ; then MAKE=`which gmake` ; fi if test ! -x "$MAKE" ; then MAKE=`which make` ; fi HAVE_GNU_MAKE=`$MAKE --version|grep -c "Free Software Foundation"` if test "$HAVE_GNU_MAKE" != "1"; then echo Using non GNU Make at $MAKE else echo Found GNU Make at $MAKE ... good. fi echo This script runs configure and make... echo You did remember necessary arguments for configure, right? if test ! -x `which aclocal` then echo you need autoconfig and automake to generate the Makefile fi if test ! -x `which automake` then echo you need automake to generate the Makefile fi libtoolize --force --copy autoheader aclocal automake --add-missing --copy --gnu autoconf #./configure $* && $MAKE