# KDE Config File [General] Name=SuperWaba Name[fr]=Une application SuperWaba Icon=superwaba.png Category=Java Comment=A simple template for building SuperWaba Java based apps on WinCE and PalmOS. More information can be found at http://www.superwaba.org Comment[fr]=Génère un simple modéle d'application JAVA en utilisant SuperWaba pour les environnements WinCE et PalmOS. Plus d'informations peuvent être trouvé à l'URL suivante : http://www.superwaba.org. FileTemplates=java ShowFilesAfterGeneration=APPNAME.java Archive=superwaba.tar.gz [JAVA] Type=value Value=JAVA Comment=Path to your java root Default=/usr/lib/java ValueType=QString [WABA] Type=value Value=WABA Comment=Path to your SuperWaba root Default=/usr/lib ValueType=QString [GNU] Type=install archive Source=%{tdevelop}/template-common/gnu.tar.gz Dest=%{dest} [PROJECT] Type=install Source=%{src}/sw.kdevelop Dest=%{dest}/%{APPNAMELC}.kdevelop [FILELIST] Type=install Source=%{src}/sw.filelist Dest=%{dest}/%{APPNAMELC}.filelist [MAKEFILE] Type=install Source=%{src}/src-Makefile Dest=%{dest}/Makefile [SOURCE] Type=install Source=%{src}/sw.java Dest=%{dest}/%{APPNAME}.java [MESSAGE] Type=Message Comment=Your application is setup to build. Edit the make targets to customize the file.