/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004 Alexander Dymo This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef TDEVPLUGININFO_H #define TDEVPLUGININFO_H #include #include /** @file tdevplugininfo.h TDevelop plugin information container class. */ /** Information about TDevelop plugin. It uses plugin name to query plugin .desktop files and retrieve most information. Names of authors and credits to other people must be added manually using TDevPluginInfo::addAuthor and TDevPluginInfo::addCredit methods. @sa TDevPlugin class documentation for more information about .desktop files. */ class TDevPluginInfo { public: /**Constructor. @param pluginName A name of a plugin. Must be the same as the name of a .desktop file and the same as the location of plugin resource files.*/ TDevPluginInfo(const TQString &pluginName); /**Casts TDevPluginInfo to TDEAboutData. Uses TDevPluginInfo::pluginName as TDEAboutData::appName, TDevPluginInfo::rawGenericName as TDEAboutData::programName TDevPluginInfo::licenseType as TDEAboutData::licenseType. Other parameters are ignored.*/ operator TDEAboutData*() const; /**@return A name of a plugin (always untranslated).*/ TQString pluginName() const; /**@return A generic name of a plugin (translated). Use this in GUI. Information is taken from .desktop file.*/ TQString genericName() const; /**@return An icon name of a plugin. Information is taken from .desktop file.*/ TQString icon() const; /**@return A description of a plugin. Information is taken from .desktop file.*/ TQString description() const; /**@return A version of a plugin. Information is taken from .desktop file.*/ TQString version() const; /**@return A license type of a plugin. Information is taken from .desktop file.*/ int licenseType() const; /**@return A license text for known license types (GPL, LGPL, BSD, Artistic, TQPL).*/ TQString license() const; /**@return A copyright statement of a plugin. Information is taken from .desktop file.*/ TQString copyrightStatement() const; /**@return A home page of a plugin. Information is taken from .desktop file.*/ TQString homePageAddress() const; /**@return A email address for bugs of a plugin. Information is taken from .desktop file.*/ TQString bugsEmailAddress() const; /**@param name The name of a property. @return Any property value which exists in .desktop file.*/ TQVariant property(const TQString &name) const; /**@param name The name of a property. @return Any property value which exists in .desktop file.*/ TQVariant operator [] (const TQString &name) const; /**@return A list of property names set in .desktop file.*/ TQStringList propertyNames() const; /**@return A list of plugin authors.*/ const TQValueList authors() const; /**@return A list of other plugin contributors.*/ const TQValueList credits() const; /**Adds an author to the list of authors. You can call this function as many times you need. Each entry is appended to a list. @param name The developer's name in UTF-8 encoding. @param task What the person is responsible for. This text can contain newlines. It should be marked for translation like this: I18N_NOOP("Task description..."). Can be 0. @param emailAddress An Email address where the person can be reached. Can be 0. @param webAddress The person's homepage or a relevant link. Start the address with "http://". "http://some.domain" is correct, "some.domain" is not. Can be 0.*/ void addAuthor(const char *name, const char *task, const char *emailAddress = 0, const char *webAddress = 0); /**Adds a contributor to the list of contributors. You can call this function as many times you need. Each entry is appended to a list. @param name The developer's name in UTF-8 encoding. @param task What the person is responsible for. This text can contain newlines. It should be marked for translation like this: I18N_NOOP("Task description..."). Can be 0. @param emailAddress An Email address where the person can be reached. Can be 0. @param webAddress The person's homepage or a relevant link. Start the address with "http://". "http://some.domain" is correct, "some.domain" is not. Can be 0.*/ void addCredit(const char *name, const char *task = 0, const char *emailAddress = 0, const char *webAddress = 0); private: /**Returns the untranslated generic name of a plugin as set in .desktop file.*/ const char *rawGenericName() const; class Private; Private *d; }; #endif