CTags2WidgetBase CTags2WidgetBase 0 0 780 397 unnamed 2 Tag true true Type true true File true true output_view true AllColumns Result view for a tag lookup. Click a line to go to the corresponding place in the code. layout3 unnamed textLabel1 Lookup: input_edit Type the identifier you want to lookup. <p> The identifier will populate and display a reducing list as you type. hitcount_label Hits: spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 80 20 datetime_label Date: generate_button NoFocus Regenerate Press to regenerate CTags database.<p>This will take some time on a large project. input_edit returnPressed() CTags2WidgetBase line_edit_changed() input_edit textChanged(const QString&) CTags2WidgetBase line_edit_changed_delayed() generate_button clicked() CTags2WidgetBase regeneratebutton_clicked() input_edit output_view line_edit_changed_delayed() line_edit_changed() regeneratebutton_clicked() klistview.h klineedit.h