RegexpTestDialogBase regexp_test_dialog 0 0 541 367 Test Regular Expression false unnamed pattern_label &Regular expression: pattern_edit teststring_label &Test string: teststring_edit teststring_edit Enter a string which will be matched against the regular expression success_label 1 0 0 0 Layout4 unnamed 0 insertbutton &Insert Quoted true Inserts the regular expression into the currently opened source code file. Escapes any special characters like backslash. Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 cancelbutton &Close true Closes the dialog pattern_edit enter a regular expression, for example <tt>KD.*</tt>, which matches all strings beginning with "KD" flavor_group 5 4 0 0 Regular Expression T&ype unnamed basicposix_button &Basic POSIX syntax (used by grep) true A description of this syntax can be found in the grep manpage extendedposix_button E&xtended POSIX syntax (used by egrep) A description of this syntax can be found in the grep manpage qregexp_button &QRegExp syntax A description of this syntax can be found in the documentation of the QRegExp class qregexp_min_button QRegExp syntax (&minimal) Matches a QRegExp non-greedy. Please read the QRegExp::setMinimal documentation for more details. kregexp_button &KRegExp syntax A description of this syntax can be found in the KDE API documentation. rxedit_button &Edit... true layout2 unnamed subgroups_label Matched subgroups: Group true true Value true true subgroups_listview 7 5 0 0 true AllColumns Shows which groups were matched. See the corresponding documentation for how groups are matched. cancelbutton clicked() regexp_test_dialog reject() flavor_group clicked(int) regexp_test_dialog somethingChanged() pattern_edit textChanged(const TQString&) regexp_test_dialog somethingChanged() teststring_edit textChanged(const TQString&) regexp_test_dialog somethingChanged() insertbutton clicked() regexp_test_dialog insertQuoted() rxedit_button clicked() regexp_test_dialog showRegExpEditor() pattern_edit rxedit_button basicposix_button teststring_edit subgroups_listview insertbutton cancelbutton extendedposix_button kdialog.h insertQuoted() somethingChanged() showRegExpEditor() klineedit.h