/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 by Mario Scalas * * mario.scalas@libero.it * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "checkoutdialogbase.h" #include "checkoutdialog.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const TQString SSS( ":" ); // Server String Separator :) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class ModuleListViewItem /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ModuleListViewItem : public TDEListViewItem { public: ModuleListViewItem( TDEListView *listview, const TQString &moduleAlias, const TQString &moduleRealPath ) : TDEListViewItem( listview ) { setAlias( moduleAlias ); setRealPath( moduleRealPath ); } void setAlias( const TQString &aName ) { setText( 0, aName); } TQString alias() const { return text(0); } void setRealPath( const TQString &aRealPath ) { setText(1, aRealPath); } TQString realPath() const { return text(1); } // virtual TQString text() const { return name(); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class CheckoutDialog /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CheckoutDialog::CheckoutDialog( CvsService_stub *cvsService, TQWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags ) : DCOPObject( "CheckoutDialogDCOPIface" ), KDialogBase( parent, name? name : "checkoutdialog", true, i18n("CVS Checkout"), Ok | Cancel, Ok, true ), m_service( cvsService ), m_job( 0 ) { m_base = new CheckoutDialogBase( this, "checkoutdialogbase" ); setMainWidget( m_base ); connect( m_base->fetchModulesButton, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotFetchModulesList()) ); connect( m_base->modulesListView, TQ_SIGNAL(executed(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotModuleSelected(TQListViewItem*)) ); // Avoid displaying 'file:/' when displaying the file m_base->workURLRequester->setShowLocalProtocol( false ); m_base->workURLRequester->setMode( KFile::Directory ); // Grab the entries from $HOME/.cvspass fetchUserCvsRepositories(); // And suggest to use the default projects dir set in KDevelop's preferences TDEConfig *config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup("General Options"); TQString defaultProjectsDir = config->readPathEntry("DefaultProjectsDir", TQDir::homeDirPath()+"/"); setWorkDir( defaultProjectsDir ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CheckoutDialog::~CheckoutDialog() { delete m_job; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQString CheckoutDialog::serverPath() const { return m_base->serverPaths->currentText(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CheckoutDialog::fillServerPaths( const TQStringList &serverPaths ) { m_base->serverPaths->insertStringList( serverPaths ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQString CheckoutDialog::workDir() const { return m_base->workURLRequester->url(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CheckoutDialog::setWorkDir( const TQString &aDir ) { m_base->workURLRequester->setURL( aDir ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CheckoutDialog::pruneDirs() const { return m_base->pruneDirsCheck->isChecked(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQString CheckoutDialog::tag() const { return m_base->tagEdit->text(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQString CheckoutDialog::module() const { return m_base->moduleEdit->text(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CheckoutDialog::slotFetchModulesList() { setCursor( KCursor::waitCursor() ); if (serverPath().isEmpty() || workDir().isEmpty()) return; DCOPRef job = m_service->moduleList( serverPath() ); if (!m_service->ok()) return; m_job = new CvsJob_stub( job.app(), job.obj() ); // We only need to know when it finishes and then will grab the output // by using m_job->output() :-) connectDCOPSignal( job.app(), job.obj(), "jobFinished(bool,int)", "slotJobExited(bool,int)", true ); connectDCOPSignal( job.app(), job.obj(), "receivedStdout(TQString)", "receivedOutput(TQString)", true ); kdDebug() << "Running: " << m_job->cvsCommand() << endl; m_job->execute(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CheckoutDialog::slotJobExited( bool /*normalExit*/, int /*exitStatus*/ ) { kdDebug(9006) << "CheckoutDialog::slotModulesListFetched() here!" << endl; kdDebug(9006) << "Received: " << m_job->output().join( "\n" ) << endl; // m_base->modulesListView->insertStringList( m_job->output() ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CheckoutDialog::slotReceivedOutput( TQString someOutput ) { kdDebug( 9006 ) << " Received output: " << someOutput << endl; setCursor( KCursor::arrowCursor() ); // Fill the modules TDEListView if the list obtained is not empty // TQStringList modules = m_job->output(); TQStringList modules = TQStringList::split( "\n", someOutput ); if (modules.count() <= 0) return; TQStringList::iterator it = modules.begin(); for ( ; it != modules.end(); ++it ) { TQStringList l = TQStringList::split( " ", (*it) ); // Now, l[0] is the module name, l[1] is ... another string ;-) new ModuleListViewItem( m_base->modulesListView, l[0], l[1] ); } } void CheckoutDialog::slotReceivedErrors( TQString someErrors ) { kdDebug( 9006 ) << " Received errors: " << someErrors << endl; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CheckoutDialog::slotModuleSelected( TQListViewItem * ) { ModuleListViewItem *aModuleItem = static_cast( m_base->modulesListView->selectedItem() ); if (!aModuleItem) return; m_base->moduleEdit->setText( aModuleItem->alias() ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CheckoutDialog::fetchUserCvsRepositories() { TQStringList repositories; TQFile cvspass( TQDir::homeDirPath() + TQDir::separator() + ".cvspass" ); if (!cvspass.open( IO_ReadOnly )) return; TQByteArray data = cvspass.readAll(); cvspass.close(); TQTextIStream istream( data ); // Entries are like: // /1 :pserver:marios@cvs.kde.org:2401/home/kde Ahz:UIK?=d ? // /1 :pserver:mario@xamel:2401/home/cvsroot aJT_d'K?=d ? while (!istream.eof()) { TQString line = istream.readLine(); TQStringList lineElements = TQStringList::split( " ", line ); if (lineElements.count() > 1) { repositories << lineElements[ 1 ]; } } fillServerPaths( repositories ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CheckoutDialog::slotOk() { TQString errorMessage = TQString(); if (!(workDir().length() > 0) && TQFile::exists( workDir() )) errorMessage = i18n( "Please, choose a valid working directory" ); else if (!(serverPath().length() > 0)) errorMessage = i18n( "Please, choose a CVS server." ); else if (!(module().length() > 0)) errorMessage = i18n( "Please, fill the CVS module field." ); if (errorMessage.isNull()) KDialogBase::slotOk(); else KMessageBox::error( this, errorMessage ); } #include "checkoutdialog.moc"