CvsFormBase Yann Hodique CvsFormBase 0 0 603 625 This form allows you to create a CVS repository for your new project unnamed TextLabel5 NoFrame Plain Release &tag: release_edit module_edit Enter the name of the repository CVS Repository name goes here. Most of the thime you'll just reuse the project name vendor_edit vendor Enter the vendor name TextLabel3 &Message: message_edit TextLabel2 &Module: module_edit TextLabel4 &Vendor tag: vendor_edit message_edit new project Repository creation message release_edit start Tag that will be associated with initial state TextLabel1 NoFrame Plain &Server path: serverPathEdit serverPathEdit Enter your CVS Root location CVS Root location goes here, for example:<ul> <li>/home/cvsroot or</li><li>:pserver:me@localhost:/home/cvs</li></ul> TextLabel1_2 NoFrame Plain CVS_&RSH: cvsRshComboBox ssh cvsRshComboBox init_check Init &root Check if you defined a new CVS Root spacer1 Horizontal Preferred 51 20 serverPathEdit cvsRshComboBox init_check module_edit vendor_edit message_edit release_edit kdialog.h klineedit.h